7 research outputs found

    A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration

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    The recently introduced notions of guarded traced (monoidal) category and guarded (pre-)iterative monad aim at unifying different instances of partial iteration whilst keeping in touch with the established theory of total iteration and preserving its merits. In this paper we use these notions and the corresponding stock of results to examine different types of iteration for hybrid computations. As a starting point we use an available notion of hybrid monad restricted to the category of sets, and modify it in order to obtain a suitable notion of guarded iteration with guardedness interpreted as progressiveness in time - we motivate this modification by our intention to capture Zeno behaviour in an arguably general and feasible way. We illustrate our results with a simple programming language for hybrid computations and interpret it over the developed semantic foundations

    Fixing Zeno gaps

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    In computer science fixpoints play a crucial role. Most often least and greatest fixpoints are sufficient. However there are situations where other ones are needed. In this paper we study, on an algebraic base, a special fixpoint of the function f(x) = a · x that describes infinite iteration of an element a. We show that the greatest fixpoint is too imprecise. Special problems arise if the iterated element contains the possibility of stepping on the spot (e.g. skip in a programming language) or if it allows Zeno behaviour. We present a construction for a fixpoint that captures these phenomena in a precise way. The theory is presented and motivated using an example from hybrid system analysis

    Fixing zeno gaps

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    In computer science fixpoints play a crucial role. Most often least and greatest fixpoints are sufficient. However there are situations where other ones are needed. In this paper we study, on an algebraic base, a special fixpoint of the function f(x) = a · x that describes infinite iteration of an element a. We show that the greatest fixpoint is too imprecise. Special problems arise if the iterated element contains the possibility of stepping on the spot (e.g. skip in a programming language) or if it allows Zeno behaviour. We present a construction for a fixpoint that captures these phenomena in a precise way. The theory is presented and motivated using an example from hybrid system analysis

    Fixing Zeno gaps

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    AbstractIn computer science, fixpoints play a crucial role. Most often least and greatest fixpoints are sufficient. However, there are situations where other ones are needed. In this paper, we study, on an algebraic base, a special fixpoint of the function f(x)=a⋅x that describes infinite iteration of an element a. We show that the greatest fixpoint is too imprecise. Special problems arise if the iterated element contains the possibility of stepping on the spot (e.g. skip in a programming language) or if it allows Zeno behaviour. We present a construction for a fixpoint that captures these phenomena in a precise way. The theory is presented and motivated using an example from hybrid system analysis

    Fixing Zeno Gaps

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    It is our pleasure to dedicate this paper to Jan Bergstra at the occasion of his 60th birthday. Jan’s productivity and diligence have always been inspiring to us; moreover, we gratefully acknowledge his always speedy and effective help in many editorial issues. It is also admirable what wide range his scientific interests span, making him a Janof-all-trades in the very best sense. In computer science fixpoints play a crucial role. Most often least and greatest fixpoints are sufficient. However there are situations where other ones are needed. In this paper we study, on an algebraic base, a special fixpoint of the function f (x) = a · x that describes infinite iteration of an element a. We show that the greatest fixpoint is too imprecise. Special problems arise if the iterated element contains the possibility of stepping on the spot (e.g. skip in a programming language) or if it allows Zeno behaviour. We present a construction for a fixpoint that captures these phenomena in a precise way. The theory is presented and motivated using an example from hybrid system analysis