25 research outputs found

    Logarithmic Weisfeiler--Leman and Treewidth

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    In this paper, we show that the (3k+4)(3k+4)-dimensional Weisfeiler--Leman algorithm can identify graphs of treewidth kk in O(logn)O(\log n) rounds. This improves the result of Grohe & Verbitsky (ICALP 2006), who previously established the analogous result for (4k+3)(4k+3)-dimensional Weisfeiler--Leman. In light of the equivalence between Weisfeiler--Leman and the logic FO+C\textsf{FO} + \textsf{C} (Cai, F\"urer, & Immerman, Combinatorica 1992), we obtain an improvement in the descriptive complexity for graphs of treewidth kk. Precisely, if GG is a graph of treewidth kk, then there exists a (3k+5)(3k+5)-variable formula φ\varphi in FO+C\textsf{FO} + \textsf{C} with quantifier depth O(logn)O(\log n) that identifies GG up to isomorphism

    Reduction Techniques for Graph Isomorphism in the Context of Width Parameters

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    We study the parameterized complexity of the graph isomorphism problem when parameterized by width parameters related to tree decompositions. We apply the following technique to obtain fixed-parameter tractability for such parameters. We first compute an isomorphism invariant set of potential bags for a decomposition and then apply a restricted version of the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm to solve isomorphism. With this we show fixed-parameter tractability for several parameters and provide a unified explanation for various isomorphism results concerned with parameters related to tree decompositions. As a possibly first step towards intractability results for parameterized graph isomorphism we develop an fpt Turing-reduction from strong tree width to the a priori unrelated parameter maximum degree.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Weisfeiler--Leman and Graph Spectra

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    We devise a hierarchy of spectral graph invariants, generalising the adjacency spectra and Laplacian spectra, which are commensurate in power with the hierarchy of combinatorial graph invariants generated by the Weisfeiler--Leman (WL) algorithm. More precisely, we provide a spectral characterisation of kk-WL indistinguishability after dd iterations, for k,dNk,d \in \mathbb{N}. Most of the well-known spectral graph invariants such as adjacency or Laplacian spectra lie in the regime between 1-WL and 2-WL. We show that individualising one vertex plus running 1-WL is already more powerful than all such spectral invariants in terms of their ability to distinguish non-isomorphic graphs. Building on this result, we resolve an open problem of F\"urer (2010) about spectral invariants and strengthen a result due to Godsil (1981) about commute distances

    Canonizing Graphs of Bounded Tree Width in Logspace

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    Graph canonization is the problem of computing a unique representative, a canon, from the isomorphism class of a given graph. This implies that two graphs are isomorphic exactly if their canons are equal. We show that graphs of bounded tree width can be canonized by logarithmic-space (logspace) algorithms. This implies that the isomorphism problem for graphs of bounded tree width can be decided in logspace. In the light of isomorphism for trees being hard for the complexity class logspace, this makes the ubiquitous class of graphs of bounded tree width one of the few classes of graphs for which the complexity of the isomorphism problem has been exactly determined.Comment: 26 page

    Hardness of robust graph isomorphism, Lasserre gaps, and asymmetry of random graphs

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    Building on work of Cai, F\"urer, and Immerman \cite{CFI92}, we show two hardness results for the Graph Isomorphism problem. First, we show that there are pairs of nonisomorphic nn-vertex graphs GG and HH such that any sum-of-squares (SOS) proof of nonisomorphism requires degree Ω(n)\Omega(n). In other words, we show an Ω(n)\Omega(n)-round integrality gap for the Lasserre SDP relaxation. In fact, we show this for pairs GG and HH which are not even (11014)(1-10^{-14})-isomorphic. (Here we say that two nn-vertex, mm-edge graphs GG and HH are α\alpha-isomorphic if there is a bijection between their vertices which preserves at least αm\alpha m edges.) Our second result is that under the {\sc R3XOR} Hypothesis \cite{Fei02} (and also any of a class of hypotheses which generalize the {\sc R3XOR} Hypothesis), the \emph{robust} Graph Isomorphism problem is hard. I.e.\ for every ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there is no efficient algorithm which can distinguish graph pairs which are (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-isomorphic from pairs which are not even (1ϵ0)(1-\epsilon_0)-isomorphic for some universal constant ϵ0\epsilon_0. Along the way we prove a robust asymmetry result for random graphs and hypergraphs which may be of independent interest

    The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Planar Graphs is at most 3

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    We prove that the Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) dimension of the class of all finite planar graphs is at most 3. In particular, every finite planar graph is definable in first-order logic with counting using at most 4 variables. The previously best known upper bounds for the dimension and number of variables were 14 and 15, respectively. First we show that, for dimension 3 and higher, the WL-algorithm correctly tests isomorphism of graphs in a minor-closed class whenever it determines the orbits of the automorphism group of any arc-colored 3-connected graph belonging to this class. Then we prove that, apart from several exceptional graphs (which have WL-dimension at most 2), the individualization of two correctly chosen vertices of a colored 3-connected planar graph followed by the 1-dimensional WL-algorithm produces the discrete vertex partition. This implies that the 3-dimensional WL-algorithm determines the orbits of a colored 3-connected planar graph. As a byproduct of the proof, we get a classification of the 3-connected planar graphs with fixing number 3.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, extended version of LICS 2017 pape

    Monadic second-order definable graph orderings

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    We study the question of whether, for a given class of finite graphs, one can define, for each graph of the class, a linear ordering in monadic second-order logic, possibly with the help of monadic parameters. We consider two variants of monadic second-order logic: one where we can only quantify over sets of vertices and one where we can also quantify over sets of edges. For several special cases, we present combinatorial characterisations of when such a linear ordering is definable. In some cases, for instance for graph classes that omit a fixed graph as a minor, the presented conditions are necessary and sufficient; in other cases, they are only necessary. Other graph classes we consider include complete bipartite graphs, split graphs, chordal graphs, and cographs. We prove that orderability is decidable for the so called HR-equational classes of graphs, which are described by equation systems and generalize the context-free languages