4,618 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of glass transition in lattice molecule models

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    Lattice molecule models are proposed in order to study statistical mechanics of glass transition in finite dimensions. Molecules in the models are represented by hard Wang tiles and their density is controlled by a chemical potential. An infinite series of irregular ground states are constructed theoretically. By defining a glass order parameter as a collection of the overlap with each ground state, a thermodynamic transition to a glass phase is found in a stratified Wang tiles model on a cubic lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Quasiperiodic Heisenberg antiferromagnets in two dimensions

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    This is a review of the properties of 2d quantum quasiperiodic antiferromagnets as reported in studies that have been carried out in the last decade. Many results have been obtained for perfectly ordered as well as for disordered two dimensional bipartite quasiperiodic tilings. The theoretical methods used include spin wave theory, and renormalization group along with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. These methods all show that the ground state of these unfrustrated antiferromagnets have N\'eel type order but with a highly complex spatial distribution of local staggered magnetization. The ground state properties, excitation energies and spatial dependence, structure factor, and local susceptibilities are presented. The effects of introducing geometrical disorder on the magnetic properties are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 29 figure

    Modelling quasicrystals at positive temperature

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    We consider a two-dimensional lattice model of equilibrium statistical mechanics, using nearest neighbor interactions based on the matching conditions for an aperiodic set of 16 Wang tiles. This model has uncountably many ground state configurations, all of which are nonperiodic. The question addressed in this paper is whether nonperiodicity persists at low but positive temperature. We present arguments, mostly numerical, that this is indeed the case. In particular, we define an appropriate order parameter, prove that it is identically zero at high temperatures, and show by Monte Carlo simulation that it is nonzero at low temperatures

    Repetitive Delone Sets and Quasicrystals

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    This paper considers the problem of characterizing the simplest discrete point sets that are aperiodic, using invariants based on topological dynamics. A Delone set whose patch-counting function N(T), for radius T, is finite for all T is called repetitive if there is a function M(T) such that every ball of radius M(T)+T contains a copy of each kind of patch of radius T that occurs in the set. This is equivalent to the minimality of an associated topological dynamical system with R^n-action. There is a lower bound for M(T) in terms of N(T), namely N(T) = O(M(T)^n), but no general upper bound. The complexity of a repetitive Delone set can be measured by the growth rate of its repetitivity function M(T). For example, M(T) is bounded if and only if the set is a crystal. A set is called is linearly repetitive if M(T) = O(T) and densely repetitive if M(T) = O(N(T))^{1/n}). We show that linearly repetitive sets and densely repetitive sets have strict uniform patch frequencies, i.e. the associated topological dynamical system is strictly ergodic. It follows that such sets are diffractive. In the reverse direction, we construct a repetitive Delone set in R^n which has M(T) = O(T(log T)^{2/n}(log log log T)^{4/n}), but does not have uniform patch frequencies. Aperiodic linearly repetitive sets have many claims to be the simplest class of aperiodic sets, and we propose considering them as a notion of "perfectly ordered quasicrystal".Comment: To appear in "Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" vol.23 (2003). 37 pages. Uses packages latexsym, ifthen, cite and files amssym.def, amssym.te

    Pure point diffraction implies zero entropy for Delone sets with uniform cluster frequencies

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    Delone sets of finite local complexity in Euclidean space are investigated. We show that such a set has patch counting and topological entropy 0 if it has uniform cluster frequencies and is pure point diffractive. We also note that the patch counting entropy is 0 whenever the repetitivity function satisfies a certain growth restriction.Comment: 16 pages; revised and slightly expanded versio
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