290,841 research outputs found

    Computer Self-Efficacy, Digital Learners, and Completion Rates in the California Community College System

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    The importance of online learning in higher education has increased considerably over the last two decades. As a result, online learning has become an important area of research. The purpose of the study was to examine if higher levels of computer self-efficacy (CSE) contributed to online course completion among online California community college students. Guided by Bandura’s (1977) work on self-efficacy and the work of Compeau and Higgins (1995) and Howard (2014) on computer self-efficacy, this study revealed that there is no relationship between high levels of CSE and successful completion of the course. A judgement sample was used to select five online sections from a northern California community college in which 122 students participated. These students completed a Computer User Self-efficacy questionnaire which consisted of 12 questions on a six-point Likert scale as well as three questions regarding their perceived use of computers. Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient was conducted to see if a relationship existed between high levels of computer self-efficacy and course grades. The results showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between high levels of computer self-efficacy and course grades. The implication of this study suggests that computer self-efficacy may not be an important factor for today’s digital learner

    Computer Self-Efficacy, Digital Learners, and Completion Rates in the California Community College System

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    The importance of online learning in higher education has increased considerably over the last two decades. As a result, online learning has become an important area of research. The purpose of the study was to examine if higher levels of computer self-efficacy (CSE) contributed to online course completion among online California community college students. Guided by Bandura’s (1977) work on self-efficacy and the work of Compeau and Higgins (1995) and Howard (2014) on computer self-efficacy, this study revealed that there is no relationship between high levels of CSE and successful completion of the course. A judgement sample was used to select five online sections from a northern California community college in which 122 students participated. These students completed a Computer User Self-efficacy questionnaire which consisted of 12 questions on a six-point Likert scale as well as three questions regarding their perceived use of computers. Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient was conducted to see if a relationship existed between high levels of computer self-efficacy and course grades. The results showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between high levels of computer self-efficacy and course grades. The implication of this study suggests that computer self-efficacy may not be an important factor for today’s digital learner

    Computer Anxiety, Computer Self-efficacy and Attitudes towards the Internet of First Year Students at a South African University of Technology

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    Published ArticleNotwithstanding the benefits that information and communications technology (ICT) offers to learning processes, the majority of learners in rural and township areas in South Africa either do not have access to computers and the internet, or they lack sufficient skills to exploit the benefits of ICT. This lack of skills and access to computers may lead to computer anxiety and low computer self-efficacy among undergraduates entering higher education. Low computer anxiety and high computer self-efficacy levels are important factors in assisting students to be academically successful in the present technological era. This article reports on a study that assessed the computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy and attitude towards the internet among first year students at a South African university of technology. Data collection was done through a five section survey. The research revealed that students suffer from moderate computer anxiety; they have a moderate compute self-efficacy; and their attitude towards the internet is positive. The results, research contributions, and limitations are discussed, and implications for future studies are suggested

    University students’ levels of anxiety, readiness, and acceptance for e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This article determined the levels of readiness and acceptance for e-learning of university students during the COVID-19. Participants were 2,035 university students who completed a restricted online survey. Data show that the students are generally ready for e-learning as they exhibit readiness in three of five areas of e-learning readiness (computer self-efficacy, self-directed learning, and learning motivations). However, the students have low mean score ratings for learner control and online communication self-efficacy. As regards their acceptance for e-learning, the data show that the students do not accept all constructs of acceptability such as performance expectancy, attitude, image, social influence, and compatibility. Moreover, results show that the level of online readiness of the students has a strong association with their level of engagement. Hence, the students' motivations for learning, computer/internet self-efficacy, learner control, self-directed learning, and online communication self-efficacy matter for the enhancement of their level of engagement. Further, the researchers learned that anxiety toward COVID-19 does not influence students' levels of e-learning readiness and acceptance; while, their level of readiness is strongly associated with their level of acceptanc

    Collaborative Training With a More Experienced Partner: Remediating Low Pretraining Self-Efficacy in Complex Skill Acquisition

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    Objective: This study examined the effectiveness of collaborative training for individuals with low pretraining self-efficacy versus individuals with high pretraining selfefficacy regarding the acquisition of a complex skill that involved strong cognitive and psychomotor demands. Background: Despite support for collaborative learning from the educational literature and the similarities between collaborative learning and interventions designed to remediate low self-efficacy, no research has addressed how selfefficacy and collaborative learning interact in contexts concerning complex skills and human-machine interactions. Method: One hundred fifty-five young male adults trained either individually or collaboratively with a more experienced partner on a complex computer task that simulated the demands of a dynamic aviation environment. Participants also completed a task-specific measure of self-efficacy before, during, and after training. Results: Collaborative training enhanced skill acquisition significantly more for individuals with low pretraining self-efficacy than for individuals with high pretraining self-efficacy. However, collaborative training did not bring the skill acquisition levels of those persons with low pretraining self-efficacy to the levels found for persons with high pretraining self-efficacy. Moreover, tests of mediation suggested that collaborative training may have enhanced appropriate skill development strategies without actually raising self-efficacy. Conclusion: Although collaborative training can facilitate the skill acquisition process for trainees with low self-efficacy, future research is needed that examines how the negative effects of low pretraining self-efficacy on complex skill acquisition can be more fully remediated. Application: The differential effects of collaborative training as a function of self-efficacy highlight the importance of person analysis and tailoring training to meet differing trainee needs.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Disaster Education for Nurses: A Comparison of Two Instructional Methods for Teaching Basic Disaster Life Support in the Light of Self-Efficacy Theory

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    Abstract Nurses constitute the largest group in the healthcare workforce and are called on to assist in emergencies such as disasters. Research has shown that professionals with higher levels of knowledge are more likely to respond to actual emergencies. Yet most hospital based nurses do not possess the skills needed for disaster response. The Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS) course, with its comprehensive content, represents the gold standard for disaster education. Since confidence also plays a role in response, a tool to measure this variable could be useful. There were five purposes of this study: determine whether one teaching method (computer or classroom instructor-led) is superior over another for disaster education; evaluate how knowledge retention varies between instructional models; examine whether a correlation exists between self-efficacy and disaster knowledge; pilot a new instrument, Disaster Self-Efficacy Scale (DSES); complete psychometrics on the Basic Disaster Life Support exam. The study was an experimental pretest/posttest/follow-up with a single between-group factor (type of training with three levels) and three within-group factors measured at three intervals. The sample included 82 hospital-based nurses randomly assigned to a computer-based, instructor-led, or control group. A MANOVA and MANCOVA were conducted to evaluate group differences at three time intervals. Psychometric evaluation was conducted on both the BDLS and the piloted Disaster Self-Efficacy measures. The BDLS test was shown to be in need of revisions and updating. The DSES measure shows promise for determining disaster self-efficacy and may be useful to target training though it needs further validation. Learning results showed that when controlling for pretest differences, experimental groups had higher posttest BDLS and DSES scores than the control group but there was no difference between experimental groups. There was no difference between experimental groups for BDLS scores at follow-up. Conclusions were that training, regardless of how it was delivered, led to a dramatic increase in disaster knowledge and disaster self-efficacy; computer-based education is a feasible alternative to teaching BDLS; retention still poses a challenge for disaster education. Implications for nursing education and practice were identified. Future research should focus on further development and validation of the DSES and BDLS instruments

    Perceived Threat, Risk Perception, and Efficacy Beliefs Related to SARS and Other (Emerging) Infectious Diseases: Results of an International Survey

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    PURPOSE: To study the levels of perceived threat, perceived severity, perceived vulnerability, response efficacy, and self-efficacy for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and eight other diseases in five European and three Asian countries. METHOD: A computer-assisted phone survey was conducted among 3,436 respondents. The questionnaire focused on perceived threat, vulnerability, severity, response efficacy, and self-efficacy related to SARS and eight other diseases. RESULTS: Perceived threat of SARS in case of an outbreak in the country was higher than that of other diseases. Perceived vulnerability of SARS was at an intermediate level and perceived severity was high compared to other diseases. Perceived threat for SARS varied between countries in Europe and Asia with a higher perceived severity of SARS in Europe and a higher perceived vulnerability in Asia. Response efficacy and self-efficacy for SARS were higher in Asia compared to Europe. In multiple linear regression analyses, country was strongly associated with perceived threat. CONCLUSIONS: The relatively high perceived threat for SARS indicates that it is seen as a public health risk and offers a basis for communication in case of an outbreak. The strong association between perceived threat and country and different regional patterns require further researc

    Using Microsoft HoloLens to improve memory recall in anatomy and physiology: A pilot study to examine the efficacy of using augmented reality in education

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    This paper explores the use of augmented reality (AR) to improve memory recall and learning experiences in human anatomy and physiology. In particular, the opportunity to assess new computer technologies to improve learning environments may allow for an improvement in self-efficacy and a reduction in test anxiety. Twenty-two undergraduates participated in one of two study groups, the Microsoft HoloLens group (HLNS) or the traditional projector-based Microsoft Power Point group (PPT). Each group completed a five-minute, three-subject anatomy identification and brain physiology memory test. After a three-minute time delay, participants completed a fill-in-the-blank anatomy identification test and brain physiology question test, followed by questionnaires for systems self-efficacy and test anxiety. Results indicated the PPT group significantly outperformed the HLNS group in the brain lobe identification portion of the exam and had reported higher mean test anxiety scores (though not high enough to be considered unhealthy levels). However, the HLNS group showed a significantly higher preference to the learning experience compared to the PPT group based on the systems self-efficacy questionnaire. This pilot study demonstrates an opportunity for the HLNS to use used in learning environments to improve the psychological aspects of studying and test taking

    A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Regarding Teachers\u27 Attitudes and Efficacy toward Students with Disabilities in an Inclusion Classroom Environment

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    The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study was to understand elementary-level general education teachers’ attitudes and efficacy regarding teaching students with disabilities in an inclusion classroom environment. Bandura’s self-efficacy theory guided this study of teachers’ relationships with their attitudes and efficacy levels with educating students with disabilities in the inclusion classroom environment. The research questions addressed the teachers’ attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the inclusion classroom environment. Ten teachers from local elementary public schools participated in individual interviews, and 4 engaged in a focus group interview. The individual and focus interviews were recorded, digitally transcribed with a qualitative computer software program, and examined to determine rich codes and themes. Five themes emerged from data analysis—addressing challenges of teaching students in the inclusion environment, addressing benefits of teaching students in the inclusion environment, effectiveness of professional development or training opportunities, general education teachers’ perceptions of their self-efficacy, and administrators’ support in the inclusion environment—showing the benefits, challenges, and participants’ thoughts of teaching in the inclusion classroom environment. The participants outlined the importance of professional development and administration support to teach students with disabilities in the inclusion classroom setting. Overall, the themes provided a rich and nuanced understanding of the attitudes, experiences, and efficacy of general education teachers in teaching students with disabilities in the inclusion classroom environment

    Predicting College of Agriculture professors\u27 adoption of computers and distance education technologies for self-education and teaching at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico

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    This descriptive and associational study investigated whether personal and institutional characteristics of professors in the College of Agriculture in Guadalajara, Mexico, were related to the use of computers for traditional teaching, and for distance learning and teaching. These characteristics included: interest, attitudes, self-efficacy levels, uses, need for support for faculty development opportunities, and availability of equipment and communications. By using multiple regression and discriminant analysis a series of predictors were identified;Among the findings it was identified that, in general, professors were highly interested in the use of technology in teaching, and held a positive attitude toward the use of technology for teaching and learning. The professors were already familiar with distance education via satellite, but computer-based education at a distance was not as popular. A need for training was identified in: teaching college courses, taking courses at a distance, and teaching at a distance;Professors felt confident using electronic mail and the Internet but not in performing more active roles involving the Internet. Also, computers were commonly used for managing instruction, but were seldom used for actual teaching. A significant proportion of the variability in professors\u27 adoption of computer technology in the classroom was explained by four variables: computer self-efficacy, socializing knowledge about computers, frequent use of the Internet, and planning for more use of computers in the classroom;Five professor characteristics were found to be predictors of potential adoption of distance education for learning. Professors who were not computer self-learners; professors who were in the veterinary discipline, professors who held a bachelor\u27s degree as the maximum level of education, professors having more years teaching at CUCBA, and professors who would choose distance education via the Internet were more likely to adopt distance education for learning;Half of the professors were interested in delivering courses at a distance. They were more likely not to be members of a social science discipline, and were not computer self-learners; they more likely socialized knowledge about computers, planned to restructure courses for more use of computers in the classroom, tended to consider distance education an option for learning, and would choose distance education for learning via the Internet, and satellite