46,539 research outputs found

    Analytical calculation of pressure for confined atomic and molecular systems using the eXtreme-Pressure Polarizable Continuum Model

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    We show that the pressure acting on atoms and molecular systems within the compression cavity of the eXtreme-Pressure Polarizable Continuum method can be expressed in terms of the electron density of the systems and of the Pauli-repulsion confining potential. The analytical expression holds for spherical cavities as well as for cavities constructed from van der Waals spheres of the constituting atoms of the molecular systems

    Theory of percolation and tunneling regimes in nanogranular metal films

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    Nanogranular metal composites, consisting of immiscible metallic and insulating phases deposited on a substrate, are characterized by two distinct electronic transport regimes depending on the relative amount of the metallic phase. At sufficiently large metallic loadings, granular metals behave as percolating systems with a well-defined critical concentration above which macroscopic clusters of physically connected conductive particles span the entire sample. Below the critical loading, granular metal films are in the dielectric regime, where current can flow throughout the composite only via hopping or tunneling processes between isolated nanosized particles or clusters. In this case transport is intrinsically non-percolative in the sense that no critical concentration can be identified for the onset of transport. It is shown here that, although being very different in nature, these two regimes can be described by treating percolation and hopping on equal footing. By considering general features of the microstructure and of the electrical connectedness, the concentration dependence of the dc conductivity of several nanogranular metal films is reproduced to high accuracy within an effective medium approach. In particular, fits to published experimental data enable us to extract the values of microscopic parameters that govern the percolation and tunneling regimes, explaining thus the transport properties observed in nanogranular metal films.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures + Supplemental material with 5 figure

    Nonempirical Density Functionals Investigated for Jellium: Spin-Polarized Surfaces, Spherical Clusters, and Bulk Linear Response

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    Earlier tests show that the Tao-Perdew-Staroverov-Scuseria (TPSS) nonempirical meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) for the exchange-correlation energy yields more accurate surface energies than the local spin density (LSD) approximation for spin-unpolarized jellium. In this study, work functions and surface energies of a jellium metal in the presence of ``internal'' and external magnetic fields are calculated with LSD, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) GGA, and TPSS meta-GGA and its predecessor, the nearly nonempirical Perdew-Kurth-Zupan-Blaha (PKZB) meta-GGA, using self-consistent LSD orbitals and densities. The results show that: (i) For normal bulk densities, the surface correlation energy is the same in TPSS as in PBE, as it should be since TPSS strives to represent a self-correlation correction to PBE; (ii) Normal surface density profiles can be scaled uniformly to the low-density or strong-interaction limit, and TPSS provides an estimate for that limit that is consistent with (but probably more accurate than) other estimates; (iii) For both normal and low densities, TPSS provides the same description of surface magnetism as PBE, suggesting that these approximations may be generally equivalent for magnetism. The energies of jellium spheres with up to 106 electrons are calculated using density functionals and compared to those obtained with Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo data, including our estimate for the fixed-node correction. Finally we calculate the linear response of bulk jellium using these density functionals, and find that not only LSD but also PBE GGA and TPSS meta-GGA yield a linear-response in good agreement with that of the Quantum Monte Carlo method, for wavevectors of the perturbing external potential up to twice the Fermi wavevector.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Joint density-functional theory for electronic structure of solvated systems

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    We introduce a new form of density functional theory for the {\em ab initio} description of electronic systems in contact with a molecular liquid environment. This theory rigorously joins an electron density-functional for the electrons of a solute with a classical density-functional theory for the liquid into a single variational principle for the free energy of the combined system. A simple approximate functional predicts, without any fitting of parameters to solvation data, solvation energies as well as state-of-the-art quantum-chemical cavity approaches, which require such fitting.Comment: Fixed typos and minor updates to tex

    Exact condition on the Kohn-Sham kinetic energy, and modern parametrization of the Thomas-Fermi density

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    We study the asymptotic expansion of the neutral-atom energy as the atomic number Z goes to infinity, presenting a new method to extract the coefficients from oscillating numerical data. We find that recovery of the correct expansion is an exact condition on the Kohn-Sham kinetic energy that is important for the accuracy of approximate kinetic energy functionals for atoms, molecules and solids, when evaluated on a Kohn-Sham density. For example, this determines the small gradient limit of any generalized gradient approximation, and conflicts somewhat with the standard gradient expansion. Tests are performed on atoms, molecules, and jellium clusters. We also give a modern, highly accurate parametrization of the Thomas-Fermi density of neutral atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted at JC

    Hard sphere-like dynamics in a non hard sphere liquid

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    The collective dynamics of liquid Gallium close to the melting point has been studied using Inelastic X-ray Scattering to probe lengthscales smaller than the size of the first coordination shell. %(momentum transfers, QQ, >>15 nm1^{-1}). Although the structural properties of this partially covalent liquid strongly deviate from a simple hard-sphere model, the dynamics, as reflected in the quasi-elastic scattering, are beautifully described within the framework of the extended heat mode approximation of Enskog's kinetic theory, analytically derived for a hard spheres system. The present work demonstrates the applicability of Enskog's theory to non hard- sphere and non simple liquids.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let