4 research outputs found

    Learning with Graphs using Kernels from Propagated Information

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    Traditional machine learning approaches are designed to learn from independent vector-valued data points. The assumption that instances are independent, however, is not always true. On the contrary, there are numerous domains where data points are cross-linked, for example social networks, where persons are linked by friendship relations. These relations among data points make traditional machine learning diffcult and often insuffcient. Furthermore, data points themselves can have complex structure, for example molecules or proteins constructed from various bindings of different atoms. Networked and structured data are naturally represented by graphs, and for learning we aimto exploit their structure to improve upon non-graph-based methods. However, graphs encountered in real-world applications often come with rich additional information. This naturally implies many challenges for representation and learning: node information is likely to be incomplete leading to partially labeled graphs, information can be aggregated from multiple sources and can therefore be uncertain, or additional information on nodes and edges can be derived from complex sensor measurements, thus being naturally continuous. Although learning with graphs is an active research area, learning with structured data, substantially modeling structural similarities of graphs, mostly assumes fully labeled graphs of reasonable sizes with discrete and certain node and edge information, and learning with networked data, naturally dealing with missing information and huge graphs, mostly assumes homophily and forgets about structural similarity. To close these gaps, we present a novel paradigm for learning with graphs, that exploits the intermediate results of iterative information propagation schemes on graphs. Originally developed for within-network relational and semi-supervised learning, these propagation schemes have two desirable properties: they capture structural information and they can naturally adapt to the aforementioned issues of real-world graph data. Additionally, information propagation can be efficiently realized by random walks leading to fast, flexible, and scalable feature and kernel computations. Further, by considering intermediate random walk distributions, we can model structural similarity for learning with structured and networked data. We develop several approaches based on this paradigm. In particular, we introduce propagation kernels for learning on the graph level and coinciding walk kernels and Markov logic sets for learning on the node level. Finally, we present two application domains where kernels from propagated information successfully tackle real-world problems

    Sequence-based protein classification: binary Profile Hidden Markov Models and propositionalisation

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    Detecting similarity in biological sequences is a key element to understanding the mechanisms of life. Researchers infer potential structural, functional or evolutionary relationships from similarity. However, the concept of similarity is complex in biology. Sequences consist of different molecules with different chemical properties, have short and long distance interactions, form 3D structures and change through evolutionary processes. Amino acids are one of the key molecules of life. Most importantly, a sequence of amino acids constitutes the building block for proteins which play an essential role in cellular processes. This thesis investigates similarity amongst proteins. In this area of research there are two important and closely related classification tasks – the detection of similar proteins and the discrimination amongst them. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have been successfully applied to the detection task as they model sequence similarity very well. From a Machine Learning point of view these HMMs are essentially one-class classifiers trained solely on a small number of similar proteins neglecting the vast number of dissimilar ones. Our basic assumption is that integrating this neglected information will be highly beneficial to the classification task. Thus, we transform the problem representation from a one-class to a binary one. Equipped with the necessary sound understanding of Machine Learning, especially concerning problem representation and statistically significant evaluation, our work pursues and combines two different avenues on this aforementioned transformation. First, we introduce a binary HMM that discriminates significantly better than the standard one, even when only a fraction of the negative information is used. Second, we interpret the HMM as a structured graph of information. This information cannot be accessed by highly optimised standard Machine Learning classifiers as they expect a fixed length feature vector representation. Propositionalisation is a technique to transform the former representation into the latter. This thesis introduces new propositionalisation techniques. The change in representation changes the learning problem from a one-class, generative to a propositional, discriminative one. It is a common assumption that discriminative techniques are better suited for classification tasks, and our results validate this assumption. We suggest a new way to significantly improve on discriminative power and runtime by means of terminating the time-intense training of HMMs early, subsequently applying propositionalisation and classifying with a discriminative, binary learner

    Statistical Relational Learning for Proteomics: Function, Interactions and Evolution

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    In recent years, the field of Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) [1, 2] has produced new, powerful learning methods that are explicitly designed to solve complex problems, such as collective classification, multi-task learning and structured output prediction, which natively handle relational data, noise, and partial information. Statistical-relational methods rely on some First- Order Logic as a general, expressive formal language to encode both the data instances and the relations or constraints between them. The latter encode background knowledge on the problem domain, and are use to restrict or bias the model search space according to the instructions of domain experts. The new tools developed within SRL allow to revisit old computational biology problems in a less ad hoc fashion, and to tackle novel, more complex ones. Motivated by these developments, in this thesis we describe and discuss the application of SRL to three important biological problems, highlighting the advantages, discussing the trade-offs, and pointing out the open problems. In particular, in Chapter 3 we show how to jointly improve the outputs of multiple correlated predictors of protein features by means of a very gen- eral probabilistic-logical consistency layer. The logical layer — based on grounding-specific Markov Logic networks [3] — enforces a set of weighted first-order rules encoding biologically motivated constraints between the pre- dictions. The refiner then improves the raw predictions so that they least violate the constraints. Contrary to canonical methods for the prediction of protein features, which typically take predicted correlated features as in- puts to improve the output post facto, our method can jointly refine all predictions together, with potential gains in overall consistency. In order to showcase our method, we integrate three stand-alone predictors of corre- lated features, namely subcellular localization (Loctree[4]), disulfide bonding state (Disulfind[5]), and metal bonding state (MetalDetector[6]), in a way that takes into account the respective strengths and weaknesses. The ex- perimental results show that the refiner can improve the performance of the underlying predictors by removing rule violations. In addition, the proposed method is fully general, and could in principle be applied to an array of heterogeneous predictions without requiring any change to the underlying software. In Chapter 4 we consider the multi-level protein–protein interaction (PPI) prediction problem. In general, PPIs can be seen as a hierarchical process occurring at three related levels: proteins bind by means of specific domains, which in turn form interfaces through patches of residues. Detailed knowl- edge about which domains and residues are involved in a given interaction has extensive applications to biology, including better understanding of the bind- ing process and more efficient drug/enzyme design. We cast the prediction problem in terms of multi-task learning, with one task per level (proteins, domains and residues), and propose a machine learning method that collec- tively infers the binding state of all object pairs, at all levels, concurrently. Our method is based on Semantic Based Regularization (SBR) [7], a flexible and theoretically sound SRL framework that employs First-Order Logic con- straints to tie the learning tasks together. Contrarily to most current PPI prediction methods, which neither identify which regions of a protein actu- ally instantiate an interaction nor leverage the hierarchy of predictions, our method resolves the prediction problem up to residue level, enforcing con- sistent predictions between the hierarchy levels, and fruitfully exploits the hierarchical nature of the problem. We present numerical results showing that our method substantially outperforms the baseline in several experi- mental settings, indicating that our multi-level formulation can indeed lead to better predictions. Finally, in Chapter 5 we consider the problem of predicting drug-resistant protein mutations through a combination of Inductive Logic Programming [8, 9] and Statistical Relational Learning. In particular, we focus on viral pro- teins: viruses are typically characterized by high mutation rates, which allow them to quickly develop drug-resistant mutations. Mining relevant rules from mutation data can be extremely useful to understand the virus adaptation mechanism and to design drugs that effectively counter potentially resistant mutants. We propose a simple approach for mutant prediction where the in- put consists of mutation data with drug-resistance information, either as sets of mutations conferring resistance to a certain drug, or as sets of mutants with information on their susceptibility to the drug. The algorithm learns a set of relational rules characterizing drug-resistance, and uses them to generate a set of potentially resistant mutants. Learning a weighted combination of rules allows to attach generated mutants with a resistance score as predicted by the statistical relational model and select only the highest scoring ones. Promising results were obtained in generating resistant mutations for both nucleoside and non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The ap- proach can be generalized quite easily to learning mutants characterized by more complex rules correlating multiple mutations

    Fisher kernels for relational data

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    Abstract. Combining statistical and relational learning receives currently a lot of attention. The majority of statistical relational learning approaches focus on density estimation. For classification, however, it is well-known that the performance of such generative models is often lower than that of discriminative classifiers. One approach to improve the performance of generative models is to combine them with discriminative algorithms. Fisher kernels were developed to combine them with kernel methods, and have shown promising results for the combinations of support vector machines with (logical) hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks. So far, however, Fisher kernels have not been considered for relational data, i.e., data consisting of a collection of objects and relational among these objects. In this paper, we develop Fisher kernels for relational data and empirically show that they can significantly improve over the results achieved without Fisher kernels.