14 research outputs found

    Congruences for Taylor expansions of quantum modular forms

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    Recently, a beautiful paper of Andrews and Sellers has established linear congruences for the Fishburn numbers modulo an infinite set of primes. Since then, a number of authors have proven refined results, for example, extending all of these congruences to arbitrary powers of the primes involved. Here, we take a different perspective and explain the general theory of such congruences in the context of an important class of quantum modular forms. As one example, we obtain an infinite series of combinatorial sequences connected to the "half-derivatives" of the Andrews-Gordon functions and with Kashaev's invariant on (2m+1,2)(2m+1,2) torus knots, and we prove conditions under which the sequences satisfy linear congruences modulo at least 50%50\% of primes of primes

    Decomposing labeled interval orders as pairs of permutations

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    We introduce ballot matrices, a signed combinatorial structure whose definition naturally follows from the generating function for labeled interval orders. A sign reversing involution on ballot matrices is defined. We show that matrices fixed under this involution are in bijection with labeled interval orders and that they decompose to a pair consisting of a permutation and an inversion table. To fully classify such pairs, results pertaining to the enumeration of permutations having a given set of ascent bottoms are given. This allows for a new formula for the number of labeled interval orders

    On naturally labelled posets and permutations avoiding 12-34

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    A partial order ≺\prec on [n][n] is naturally labelled (NL) if x≺yx\prec y implies x<yx<y. We establish a bijection between {3, 2+2}-free NL posets and 12-34-avoiding permutations, determine functional equations satisfied by their generating function, and use series analysis to investigate their asymptotic growth. We also exhibit bijections between 3-free NL posets and various other objects, and determine their generating function. The connection between our results and a hierarchy of combinatorial objects related to interval orders is described.Comment: 19 page

    A note on p-Ascent Sequences

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    Ascent sequences were introduced by Bousquet-Mélou, Claesson, Dukes, and Kitaev in [1], who showed that ascent sequences of length n are in 1-to-1 correspondence with (2+2)-free posets of size n. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of ascent sequences, which we call p-ascent sequences, where p \geq 1. A sequence (a1,…,an)(a_1, \ldots, a_n) of non-negative integers is a p-ascent sequence if a0=0a_0 =0 and for all i≥2i \geq 2, aia_i is at most p plus the number of ascents in (a1,…,ai−1)(a_1, \ldots, a_{i-1}). Thus, in our terminology, ascent sequences are 1-ascent sequences. We generalize a result of the authors in [9] by enumerating p-ascent sequences with respect to the number of 0s. We also generalize a result of Dukes, Kitaev, Remmel, and Steingrímsson in [4] by finding the generating function for the number of p-ascent sequences which have no consecutive repeated elements. Finally, we initiate the study of pattern-avoiding p-ascent sequences