11 research outputs found

    A Machine Checked Model of Idempotent MGU Axioms For Lists of Equational Constraints

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    We present formalized proofs verifying that the first-order unification algorithm defined over lists of satisfiable constraints generates a most general unifier (MGU), which also happens to be idempotent. All of our proofs have been formalized in the Coq theorem prover. Our proofs show that finite maps produced by the unification algorithm provide a model of the axioms characterizing idempotent MGUs of lists of constraints. The axioms that serve as the basis for our verification are derived from a standard set by extending them to lists of constraints. For us, constraints are equalities between terms in the language of simple types. Substitutions are formally modeled as finite maps using the Coq library Coq.FSets.FMapInterface. Coq's method of functional induction is the main proof technique used in proving many of the axioms.Comment: In Proceedings UNIF 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Formalization of First-Order Syntactic Unification

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    Everybody's got to be somewhere

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    The key to any nameless representation of syntax is how it indicates the variables we choose to use and thus, implicitly, those we discard. Standard de Bruijn representations delay discarding maximally till the leaves of terms where one is chosen from the variables in scope at the expense of the rest. Consequently, introducing new but unused variables requires term traversal. This paper introduces a nameless 'co-de-Bruijn' representation which makes the opposite canonical choice, delaying discarding minimally, as near as possible to the root. It is literate Agda: dependent types make it a practical joy to express and be driven by strong intrinsic invariants which ensure that scope is aggressively whittled down to just the support of each subterm, in which every remaining variable occurs somewhere. The construction is generic, delivering a universe of syntaxes with higher-order metavariables, for which the appropriate notion of substitution is hereditary. The implementation of simultaneous substitution exploits tight scope control to avoid busywork and shift terms without traversal. Surprisingly, it is also intrinsically terminating, by structural recursion alone

    Programming Up to Congruence (Extended version)

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    This paper presents the design of ZOMBIE, a dependently-typed programming language that uses an adaptation of a congruence closure algorithm for proof and type inference. This algorithm allows the type checker to automatically use equality assumptions from the context when reasoning about equality. Most dependently typed languages automatically use equalities that follow from -reduction during type checking; however, such reasoning is incompatible with congruence closure. In contrast, ZOMBIE does not use automatic -reduction because types may contain potentially diverging terms. Therefore ZOMBIE provides a unique opportunity to explore an alternative definition of equivalence in dependently typed language design. Our work includes the specification of the language via a bidirectional type system, which works “up-to-congruence,” and an algorithm for elaborating expressions in this language to an explicitly typed core language. We prove that our elaboration algorithm is complete with respect to the source type system, and always produces well typed terms in the core language. This algorithm has been implemented in the ZOMBIE language, which includes general recursion, irrelevant arguments, heterogeneous equality and data types

    Partiality and Recursion in Interactive Theorem Provers - An Overview

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    To appearInternational audienceThe use of interactive theorem provers to establish the correctness of critical parts of a software development or for formalising mathematics is becoming more common and feasible in practice. However, most mature theorem provers lack a direct treatment of partial and general recursive functions; overcoming this weakness has been the objective of intensive research during the last decades. In this article, we review many techniques that have been proposed in the literature to simplify the formalisation of partial and general recursive functions in interactive theorem provers. Moreover, we classify the techniques according to their theoretical basis and their practical use. This uniform presentation of the different techniques facilitates the comparison and highlights their commonalities and differences, as well as their relative advantages and limitations. We focus on theorem provers based on constructive type theory (in particular, Agda and Coq) and higher-order logic (in particular Isabelle/HOL). Other systems and logics are covered to a certain extent, but not exhaustively. In addition to the description of the techniques, we also demonstrate tools which facilitate working with the problematic functions in particular theorem provers

    A Dependently Typed Language with Nontermination

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    We propose a full-spectrum dependently typed programming language, Zombie, which supports general recursion natively. The Zombie implementation is an elaborating typechecker. We prove type saftey for a large subset of the Zombie core language, including features such as computational irrelevance, CBV-reduction, and propositional equality with a heterogeneous, completely erased elimination form. Zombie does not automatically beta-reduce expressions, but instead uses congruence closure for proof and type inference. We give a specification of a subset of the surface language via a bidirectional type system, which works up-to-congruence, and an algorithm for elaborating expressions in this language to an explicitly typed core language. We prove that our elaboration algorithm is complete with respect to the source type system. Zombie also features an optional termination-checker, allowing nonterminating programs returning proofs as well as external proofs about programs

    A unified treatment of syntax with binders

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    International audienceAtoms and de Bruijn indices are two well-known representation techniques for data structures that involve names and binders. However, using either technique, it is all too easy to make a programming error that causes one name to be used where another was intended. We propose an abstract interface to names and binders that rules out many of these errors. This interface is implemented as a library in Agda. It allows defining and manipulating term representations in nominal style and in de Bruijn style. The programmer is not forced to choose between these styles: on the contrary, the library allows using both styles in the same program, if desired. Whereas indexing the types of names and terms with a natural number is a well-known technique to better control the use of de Bruijn indices, we index types with worlds. Worlds are at the same time more precise and more abstract than natural numbers. Via logical relations and parametricity, we are able to demonstrate in what sense our library is safe, and to obtain theorems for free about world-polymorphic functions. For instance, we prove that a world-polymorphic term transformation function must commute with any renaming of the free variables. The proof is entirely carried out in Agda

    Erasure in dependently typed programming

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    It is important to reduce the cost of correctness in programming. Dependent types and related techniques, such as type-driven programming, offer ways to do so. Some parts of dependently typed programs constitute evidence of their typecorrectness and, once checked, are unnecessary for execution. These parts can easily become asymptotically larger than the remaining runtime-useful computation, which can cause linear-time algorithms run in exponential time, or worse. It would be unnacceptable, and contradict our goal of reducing the cost of correctness, to make programs run slower by only describing them more precisely. Current systems cannot erase such computation satisfactorily. By modelling erasure indirectly through type universes or irrelevance, they impose the limitations of these means to erasure. Some useless computation then cannot be erased and idiomatic programs remain asymptotically sub-optimal. This dissertation explains why we need erasure, that it is different from other concepts like irrelevance, and proposes two ways of erasing non-computational data. One is an untyped flow-based useless variable elimination, adapted for dependently typed languages, currently implemented in the Idris 1 compiler. The other is the main contribution of the dissertation: a dependently typed core calculus with erasure annotations, full dependent pattern matching, and an algorithm that infers erasure annotations from unannotated (or partially annotated) programs. I show that erasure in well-typed programs is sound in that it commutes with single-step reduction. Assuming the Church-Rosser property of reduction, I show that properties such as Subject Reduction hold, which extends the soundness result to multi-step reduction. I also show that the presented erasure inference is sound and complete with respect to the typing rules; that this approach can be extended with various forms of erasure polymorphism; that it works well with monadic I/O and foreign functions; and that it is effective in that it not only removes the runtime overhead caused by dependent typing in the presented examples, but can also shorten compilation times."This work was supported by the University of St Andrews (School of Computer Science)." -- Acknowledgement