10 research outputs found

    Towards Socially Responsible AI: Cognitive Bias-Aware Multi-Objective Learning

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    Human society had a long history of suffering from cognitive biases leading to social prejudices and mass injustice. The prevalent existence of cognitive biases in large volumes of historical data can pose a threat of being manifested as unethical and seemingly inhuman predictions as outputs of AI systems trained on such data. To alleviate this problem, we propose a bias-aware multi-objective learning framework that given a set of identity attributes (e.g. gender, ethnicity etc.) and a subset of sensitive categories of the possible classes of prediction outputs, learns to reduce the frequency of predicting certain combinations of them, e.g. predicting stereotypes such as `most blacks use abusive language', or `fear is a virtue of women'. Our experiments conducted on an emotion prediction task with balanced class priors shows that a set of baseline bias-agnostic models exhibit cognitive biases with respect to gender, such as women are prone to be afraid whereas men are more prone to be angry. In contrast, our proposed bias-aware multi-objective learning methodology is shown to reduce such biases in the predictied emotions

    Framework and Implications of Virtual Neurorobotics

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    Despite decades of societal investment in artificial learning systems, truly “intelligent” systems have yet to be realized. These traditional models are based on input-output pattern optimization and/or cognitive production rule modeling. One response has been social robotics, using the interaction of human and robot to capture important cognitive dynamics such as cooperation and emotion; to date, these systems still incorporate traditional learning algorithms. More recently, investigators are focusing on the core assumptions of the brain “algorithm” itself—trying to replicate uniquely “neuromorphic” dynamics such as action potential spiking and synaptic learning. Only now are large-scale neuromorphic models becoming feasible, due to the availability of powerful supercomputers and an expanding supply of parameters derived from research into the brain's interdependent electrophysiological, metabolomic and genomic networks. Personal computer technology has also led to the acceptance of computer-generated humanoid images, or “avatars”, to represent intelligent actors in virtual realities. In a recent paper, we proposed a method of virtual neurorobotics (VNR) in which the approaches above (social-emotional robotics, neuromorphic brain architectures, and virtual reality projection) are hybridized to rapidly forward-engineer and develop increasingly complex, intrinsically intelligent systems. In this paper, we synthesize our research and related work in the field and provide a framework for VNR, with wider implications for research and practical applications

    Virtual Neurorobotics (VNR) to Accelerate Development of Plausible Neuromorphic Brain Architectures

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    Traditional research in artificial intelligence and machine learning has viewed the brain as a specially adapted information-processing system. More recently the field of social robotics has been advanced to capture the important dynamics of human cognition and interaction. An overarching societal goal of this research is to incorporate the resultant knowledge about intelligence into technology for prosthetic, assistive, security, and decision support applications. However, despite many decades of investment in learning and classification systems, this paradigm has yet to yield truly “intelligent” systems. For this reason, many investigators are now attempting to incorporate more realistic neuromorphic properties into machine learning systems, encouraged by over two decades of neuroscience research that has provided parameters that characterize the brain's interdependent genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, anatomic, and electrophysiological networks. Given the complexity of neural systems, developing tenable models to capture the essence of natural intelligence for real-time application requires that we discriminate features underlying information processing and intrinsic motivation from those reflecting biological constraints (such as maintaining structural integrity and transporting metabolic products). We propose herein a conceptual framework and an iterative method of virtual neurorobotics (VNR) intended to rapidly forward-engineer and test progressively more complex putative neuromorphic brain prototypes for their ability to support intrinsically intelligent, intentional interaction with humans. The VNR system is based on the viewpoint that a truly intelligent system must be driven by emotion rather than programmed tasking, incorporating intrinsic motivation and intentionality. We report pilot results of a closed-loop, real-time interactive VNR system with a spiking neural brain, and provide a video demonstration as online supplemental material

    Semantic Robot Programming for Taskable Goal-Directed Manipulation

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    Autonomous robots have the potential to assist people to be more productive in factories, homes, hospitals, and similar environments. Unlike traditional industrial robots that are pre-programmed for particular tasks in controlled environments, modern autonomous robots should be able to perform arbitrary user-desired tasks. Thus, it is beneficial to provide pathways to enable users to program an arbitrary robot to perform an arbitrary task in an arbitrary world. Advances in robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD) has made it possible for end-users to program robot behavior for performing desired tasks through demonstrations. However, it still remains a challenge for users to program robot behavior in a generalizable, performant, scalable, and intuitive manner. In this dissertation, we address the problem of robot programming by demonstration in a declarative manner by introducing the concept of Semantic Robot Programming (SRP). In SRP, we focus on addressing the following challenges for robot PbD: 1) generalization across robots, tasks, and worlds, 2) robustness under partial observations of cluttered scenes, 3) efficiency in task performance as the workspace scales up, and 4) feasibly intuitive modalities of interaction for end-users to demonstrate tasks to robots. Through SRP, our objective is to enable an end-user to intuitively program a mobile manipulator by providing a workspace demonstration of the desired goal scene. We use a scene graph to semantically represent conditions on the current and goal states of the world. To estimate the scene graph given raw sensor observations, we bring together discriminative object detection and generative state estimation for the inference of object classes and poses. The proposed scene estimation method outperformed the state of the art in cluttered scenes. With SRP, we successfully enabled users to program a Fetch robot to set up a kitchen tray on a cluttered tabletop in 10 different start and goal settings. In order to scale up SRP from tabletop to large scale, we propose Contextual-Temporal Mapping (CT-Map) for semantic mapping of large scale scenes given streaming sensor observations. We model the semantic mapping problem via a Conditional Random Field (CRF), which accounts for spatial dependencies between objects. Over time, object poses and inter-object spatial relations can vary due to human activities. To deal with such dynamics, CT-Map maintains the belief over object classes and poses across an observed environment. We present CT-Map semantically mapping cluttered rooms with robustness to perceptual ambiguities, demonstrating higher accuracy on object detection and 6 DoF pose estimation compared to state-of-the-art neural network-based object detector and commonly adopted 3D registration methods. Towards SRP at the building scale, we explore notions of Generalized Object Permanence (GOP) for robots to search for objects efficiently. We state the GOP problem as the prediction of where an object can be located when it is not being directly observed by a robot. We model object permanence via a factor graph inference model, with factors representing long-term memory, short-term memory, and common sense knowledge over inter-object spatial relations. We propose the Semantic Linking Maps (SLiM) model to maintain the belief over object locations while accounting for object permanence through a CRF. Based on the belief maintained by SLiM, we present a hybrid object search strategy that enables the Fetch robot to actively search for objects on a large scale, with a higher search success rate and less search time compared to state-of-the-art search methods.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155073/1/zengzhen_1.pd

    Abstract First Steps toward Natural Human-Like HRI

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    Natural human-like human-robot interaction (NHL-HRI) requires the robot to be skilled both at recognizing and producing many subtle human behaviors, often taken for granted by humans. We suggest a rough division of these requirements for NHL-HRI into three classes of properties: (1) social behaviors, (2) goal-oriented cognition, and (3) robust intelligence, and present the novel DIARC architecture for complex affective robots for human-robot interaction, which aims to meet some of those requirements. We briefly describe the functional properties of DIARC and its implementation in our ADE system. Then we report results from human subject evaluations in the laboratory as well as our experiences with the robo

    Planning for human robot interaction

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    Les avancées récentes en robotique inspirent des visions de robots domestiques et de service rendant nos vies plus faciles et plus confortables. De tels robots pourront exécuter différentes tâches de manipulation d'objets nécessaires pour des travaux de ménage, de façon autonome ou en coopération avec des humains. Dans ce rôle de compagnon humain, le robot doit répondre à de nombreuses exigences additionnelles comparées aux domaines bien établis de la robotique industrielle. Le but de la planification pour les robots est de parvenir à élaborer un comportement visant à satisfaire un but et qui obtient des résultats désirés et dans de bonnes conditions d'efficacité. Mais dans l'interaction homme-robot (HRI), le comportement robot ne peut pas simplement être jugé en termes de résultats corrects, mais il doit être agréable aux acteurs humains. Cela signifie que le comportement du robot doit obéir à des critères de qualité supplémentaire. Il doit être sûr, confortable pour l'homme, et être intuitivement compris. Il existe des pratiques pour assurer la sécurité et offrir un confort en gardant des distances suffisantes entre le robot et des personnes à proximité. Toutefois fournir un comportement qui est intuitivement compris reste un défi. Ce défi augmente considérablement dans les situations d'interaction homme-robot dynamique, où les actions de la personne sont imprévisibles, le robot devant adapter en permanence ses plans aux changements. Cette thèse propose une approche nouvelle et des méthodes pour améliorer la lisibilité du comportement du robot dans des situations dynamiques. Cette approche ne considère pas seulement la qualité d'un seul plan, mais le comportement du robot qui est parfois le résultat de replanifications répétées au cours d'une interaction. Pour ce qui concerne les tâches de navigation, cette thèse présente des fonctions de coûts directionnels qui évitent les problèmes dans des situations de conflit. Pour la planification d'action en général, cette thèse propose une approche de replanification locale des actions de transport basé sur les coûts de navigation, pour élaborer un comportement opportuniste adaptatif. Les deux approches, complémentaires, facilitent la compréhension, par les acteurs et observateurs humains, des intentions du robot et permettent de réduire leur confusion.The recent advances in robotics inspire visions of household and service robots making our lives easier and more comfortable. Such robots will be able to perform several object manipulation tasks required for household chores, autonomously or in cooperation with humans. In that role of human companion, the robot has to satisfy many additional requirements compared to well established fields of industrial robotics. The purpose of planning for robots is to achieve robot behavior that is goal-directed and establishes correct results. But in human-robot-interaction, robot behavior cannot merely be judged in terms of correct results, but must be agree-able to human stakeholders. This means that the robot behavior must suffice additional quality criteria. It must be safe, comfortable to human, and intuitively be understood. There are established practices to ensure safety and provide comfort by keeping sufficient distances between the robot and nearby persons. However providing behavior that is intuitively understood remains a challenge. This challenge greatly increases in cases of dynamic human-robot interactions, where the actions of the human in the future are unpredictable, and the robot needs to constantly adapt its plans to changes. This thesis provides novel approaches to improve the legibility of robot behavior in such dynamic situations. Key to that approach is not to merely consider the quality of a single plan, but the behavior of the robot as a result of replanning multiple times during an interaction. For navigation planning, this thesis introduces directional cost functions that avoid problems in conflict situations. For action planning, this thesis provides the approach of local replanning of transport actions based on navigational costs, to provide opportunistic behavior. Both measures help human observers understand the robot's beliefs and intentions during interactions and reduce confusion