16 research outputs found

    Beyond NETmundial: The Roadmap for Institutional Improvements to the Global Internet Governance Ecosystem

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    Beyond NETmundial: The Roadmap for Institutional Improvements to the Global Internet Governance Ecosystem explores options for the implementation of a key section of the “NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement” that was adopted at the Global Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (NETmundial) held on April 23rd and 24th 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil. The Roadmap section of the statement concisely sets out a series of proposed enhancements to existing mechanisms for global internet governance, as well as suggestions of possible new initiatives that the global community may wish to consider. The sixteen chapters by leading practitioners and scholars are grouped into six sections: The NETmundial Meeting; Strengthening the Internet Governance Forum; Filling the Gaps; Improving ICANN; Broader Analytical Perspectives; and Moving Forward

    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2011

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    This potpourri of educational technology conferences includes gems such as “Saving Your Organisation from Boring eLearning” and “Lessons and Insights from Ten eLearning Masters”. And, if you wish, you can “Be an Open Learning Hero”. You will also find that the number of mobile learning conferences (and conferences that have a mobile learning component) have increased significantly. Countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand have shown a keen interest in mobile learning. It would be impossible for you to be present at all the conferences that you would like to attend. But, you could go to the conference website/url during and after the conference. Many conference organizers post abstracts, full papers, and/or videos of conference presentations. Thus, you can visit the conference virtually and may encounter information and contacts that would be useful in your work. The list below covers selected events focused primarily on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2011 are complete as dates, locations, or URLs are not available for a number of events held after December 2011. But, take a look at the conference organizers who planned ahead in 2012. A Word 2003 format is used to enable people who do not have access to Word 2007 or higher version and those with limited or high-cost Internet access to find a conference that is congruent with their interests or obtain conference proceedings. (If you are seeking a more interactive listing, refer to online conference sites.) Consider using the “Find” tool under Microsoft Word’s “Edit” tab or similar tab in OpenOffice to locate the name of a particular conference, association, city, or country. If you enter the country “Australia” or “Singapore” in the “Find” tool, all conferences that occur in Australia or Singapore will be highlighted. Or, enter the word “research”. Then, “cut and paste” a list of suitable events for yourself and your colleagues. Please note that events, dates, titles, and locations may change; thus, CHECK the specific conference website. Note also that some events will be cancelled at a later date. All Internet addresses were verified at the time of publication. No liability is assumed for any errors that may have been introduced inadvertently during the assembly of this conference list. If possible, do not remove the contact information when you re-distribute the list as that is how I receive updates and corrections. If you mount the list on the web, please note its source

    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2011 - November 11, 2010

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    If you attend the same conferences each year, you don’t need to scan this list. This list is your opportunity to “push the envelope” by trying something new. There are hundreds of professional development events that may give you a different perspective or help you learn a new skill. Rather than attend the same event you always do, scan this list and investigate conferences, symposiums, or workshops you have never attended. The list below covers selected events focused primarily on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until June 2011 are complete as dates, locations, or URLs are not available for a number of events held after June 2011. A Word 2003 format is used to enable people who do not have access to Word 2007 or higher version and those with limited or high-cost Internet access to find a conference that is congruent with their interests or obtain conference proceedings. (If you are seeking a more interactive listing, refer to online conference sites.) Consider using the “Find” tool under Microsoft Word’s “Edit” tab or similar tab in OpenOffice to locate the name of a particular conference, association, city, or country. If you enter the country “United Kingdom” in the “Find” tool, all conferences that occur in the United Kingdom will be highlighted. Then, “cut and paste” a list of suitable events for yourself and your colleagues. Please note that events, dates, titles, and locations may change; thus, CHECK the specific conference website. Note also that some events will be cancelled at a later date. All Internet addresses were verified at the time of publication. No liability is assumed for any errors that may have been introduced inadvertently during the assembly of this conference list. If possible, please do not remove the contact information when you re-distribute the list as that is how I receive updates and corrections. If you publish the list on the web, please note its source

    Moderating effect of personal characteristics on telecentre adoption for value creation in Malaysia

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    This paper examines the influence of personal characteristics of community within the vicinity of rural telecentres on the relationship between adoption of ICT and value creation. The aim was to identify characteristics of members of the community that have positive or negative influence on the adoption of the telecentre in order to gain socio-economic impact.A survey was conducted among the community within the vicinity of the telecentres where data was gathered on respondents’ demography, their perceptions on availability of ICT facilities at the telecentre, and the benefits gained from using the ICT facilities.The Diffusion of Innovation theory was used to guide the research and moderating analysis was used as data analysis. Results show that age, gender, marital status and PC ownership as significant moderators that affect the relationship between telecentre adoption and value creation


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    Mednarodna Unija za telekomunikacije (ITU) je specializirana organizacija Združenih Narodov za telekomunikacije s sedežem v Ženevi, ki med drugim skrbi za učinkovito in usklajeno upravljanje z radiofrekvenčnim spektrom (10kHz-3000GHz) in to na način, da so zagotovljene pravice in enake možnosti njegovega izkoriščanja vsem uporabnikom, državam članicam (193). Vse od njene ustanovitve leta 1865 je tehnološki napredek motiviral oblikovanje ITU mednarodnih standardov za izgradnjo in funkcioniranje telekomunikacijskih sistemov in omrežij in kasneje tudi za izkoriščanje radiofrekvenčnega spektra. Tehnološki razvoj je uravnaval dinamiko aktivnosti in pogojeval organizacijske spremembe in statutarne reforme. Strokovna priporočila pa so postala univerzalna referenca za uspešen razvoj in standardizacijo telekomunikacijskih sistemov. Pa vendar je že nekaj časa opaziti, da je učinkovitost ITU v vse večjem razkoraku z evolucijo in preobrazbo telekomunikacijskega okolja, pri čemer ni skrivnost, da so številni poskusi zadnjih let, kako uskladiti strukturo in delovanje ITU z dinamičnim razvojem okolja, bili neuspešni. Inertnost, pa tudi oportunizem različnih subjektov, je bila in je še vedno močna ovira, da bi se ITU uspešno spopadala z izzivi časa. Radiofrekvenčni spekter in orbitalne pozicije, ki pripadajo različnim radiofrekvenčnim alokacijam, so edinstvena naravna dobrina, katere usklajena in transparentna mednarodna regulativa je permanentna skrb vsake suverene države. Učinkoviti procesi standardizacije v globalnem okolju pa so ključ za uspešno pot k hitremu razvoju telekomunikacijske infrastrukture v času, ko je tehnološka konvergenčnost izbrisala meje med tehnologijo, telekomunikacijskimi sistemi in telekomunikacijskimi aplikacijami. Disertacija ponuja podrobno analizo aktivnosti ITU na dveh osrednjih segmentih, t.j. radiokomunikacije in standardizacija. Na osnovi dolgoletnega opazovanja in proučevanja dela in učinkovitosti ITU, zaključki nedvoumno kažejo na potrebo po strukturnih reformah, pot do katerih pa je zaradi politične dimenzije, ki je vedno prisotna v medvladnih organizacijah, izjemno zapletena. V sodobnem telekomunikacijskem okolju, kjer tehnološki razvoj prehiteva počasne vladne odločitve, so potrebne jasne strateške orientacije in trdna odločenost držav članic, da se pristopi k vsebinskim spremembam. S tem namenom je predstavljen tudi predlog novega konstitutivnega in organizacijskega modela ITU, katerega implementacija bi omogočila boljše pogoje za doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Sedanje težave v funkcioniranju te specializirane organizacije OZN so v največji meri posledica njenega zaostalega organizacijskega koncepta, ki sodi v zgodovinsko okolje. Države članice imajo še vedno izključno vlogo pri pomembnih odločitvah, žal pa njihove vlade ne premorejo več strokovnega potenciala za doseganje znanstvenega napredka. V ta prostor so vstopili drugi kreativni deležniki (iz industrije in nevladnih organizacij) ki so postali gonilna sila vsega razvoja. To so tisti ki želijo ustvarjati v drugačnem okolju, kjer bodo suvereni v odločanju na področjih njihove izključne kompetentnosti. Pogosto zapletena razmerja med državami članicami z različnimi interesi, velikimi in malimi, razvitimi in manj razvitimi, sposobnimi in odsotnimi, egoističnimi in kooperativnimi – onemogočajo univerzalne rešitve, ko gre za učinkovito in transparentno uporabo radiofrekvenčnega spektra. Na področju standardizacije ICT sistemov in aplikacij so razmere še bolj zapletene, saj so ti procesi v zadnjih desetletjih spremenili vsebino zaradi potreb po hitrem regionalnem razvoju in predvsem zaradi hitrega tehnološkega napredka, kateremu tradicionalni in klasično počasni ITU pristop k standardizaciji ni mogel več slediti. Dinamika razvoja pa kliče po odprtju in inovacijah tistih, ki so teh inovacij sposobni in ki imajo za te aktivnosti tudi primerne finančne in intelektualne vire. Državne strukture so v standardizacijskih postopkih in razvoju postale irelevantne, čeprav se še vedno z veliko silo oklepajo starih prerogativov. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih se je v znanstvene študije, analize in v izpeljavo tehničnih programov nenapovedano in samovoljno vrinila še »politizacija dogovarjanja« na različnih nivojih mednarodnega tehničnega sodelovanja. Ta realnost je dodatno poslabšala razmere v sicer arhaičnih strukturah ITU. Cilj disertacije je nov pristop k mednarodni regulativi uporabe spektra in njegovi mednarodni zaščiti na način, da bo koriščenje frekvenčnega spektra kar najbolj učinkovito in usklajeno. Radiofrekvenčni spekter je univerzalna dobrina, katere uporabnost ni v lasti nikogar in kjer akademske študije in dosežki odpirajo nove dimenzije za njegovo praktično uporabo. V okolju globalnega dogovarjanja in univerzalnega izkoriščanja spektra so pomembni odgovori na spodnja vprašanja, ki nas lahko pripeljejo k novi paradigmi: Kako zagotoviti transparentnost in učinkovitost pri planiranju, razdeljevanju in dodeljevanju frekvenčnega spektra? Kako pritegniti h kreativnemu sodelovanju nove Partnerje (industrija in privatni sektor) in jim zagotoviti pogoje za inovativne rešitve v standardizaciji ICT. Kako ustvariti homogeno in konvergenčno okolje, ki bi zagotavljalo nenehno evolucijo ICT k racionalnim in globalnim usmeritvam pri določanju komunikacijske politike?The convergence of fast developing technologies (ICT), the globalisation of telecommunications in general and availability of new services, have profoundly changed the telecommunication environment and related national policies. The ITU constituencies are Member States and the Organisation strategic decisions are taken exclusively by the Governments. However, in the changing environment it became impossible to ignore the non-governmental partners’ views while discussing the global policies and action plans that should be leading to important decisions. The appearance of strategic alliances, privatization of telecommunication infrastructures and market liberalization are the phenomena that brought new elements in telecommunication development and had substantially modified the role of Governments. These phenomena influenced the Union operational model to great extent where voices of partners are claiming more balanced share in the decision making processes and rational distribution of responsibilities, i.e. between the administrations of Members States, national regulators, telecommunication operators and industry. The necessary transparency of regulatory policy together with simplified Frequency Spectrum Management and universally recognized standardisation activities may be endangered, if no constitutional reforms intervene in the next two or three plenipotentiary cycles. The situation is calling for open review of governmental responsibilities in order to make realistic projection of reforms that should allow ITU to preserve its technical sovereignty and global credibility through its important mission. The ITU structure and its mode of operation in the field of radiocommunications and ICT standardisation today appear to be archaic and not synchronized neither with the environment nor with Members and other user’s needs. National concern for harmonious development of Information and Communication Infrastructure (ICT) remain high on each Government agenda due to its substantial impact on national economies. There is strategic interest to build up and preserve well-coordinated international regulatory regime on Frequency Spectrum/Orbit Management and global/universal and transparent ICT standardisation processes. And the present thesis is a modest contribution to make it happen

    Negotiating Internet Governance

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    What is at stake for how the Internet continues to evolve is the preservation of its integrity as a single network. In practice, its governance is neither centralised nor unitary; it is piecemeal and fragmented, with authoritative decision-making coming from different sources simultaneously: governments, businesses, international organisations, technical and academic experts, and civil society. Historically, the conditions for their interaction were rarely defined beyond basic technical coordination, due at first to the academic freedom granted to the researchers developing the network and, later on, to the sheer impossibility of controlling mushrooming Internet initiatives. Today, the search for global norms and rules for the Internet continues, be it for cybersecurity or artificial intelligence, amid processes fostering the supremacy of national approaches or the vitality of a pluralist environment with various stakeholders represented. This book provides an incisive analysis of the emergence and evolution of global Internet governance, unpacking the complexity of more than 300 governance arrangements, influential debates and political negotiations over four decades. Highly accessible, this book breaks new ground through a wide empirical exploration and a new conceptual approach to governance enactment in global issue domains. A tripartite framework is employed for revealing power dynamics, relying on: a) an extensive database of mechanisms of governance for the Internet at the global and regional level; b) an in-depth analysis of the evolution of actors and priorities over time; and c) a key set of dominant practices observed in the Internet governance communities. It explains continuity and change in Internet-related negotiations, opening up new directions for thinking and acting in this field

    2013 State of Civil Society Report

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    The report draws on 31 new pieces of analysis and thinking on the state of civil society, and affirms that empowered and informed citizens are our strongest battalions in our fight for good governance and social justice

    China & technical global internet governance: from norm-taker to norm-maker?

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     This dissertation examines Chinese engagement with core norms structuring technical global internet governance. It finds that China has been a norm-taker globally, but more of a norm-maker both regionally and domestically. Beijing seeks to restrict US government and non-state actor authority, but cannot due to limited support and power constraints

    Aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet

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    Die wêreld soos dit vandag bestaan, is gebaseer op die Internasionaalregtelike konsep van soewereiniteit. State het die bevoegdheid om hulle eie sake te reël, maar die ontwikkeling van die Internet as ’n netwerk wat globaal verspreid is, het hierdie beginsel verontagsaam. Dit wou voorkom asof die Internet die einde van soewereiniteit en staatskap sou beteken. ’n Geskiedkundige oorsig toon dat reguleerders aanvanklik onseker was oor hoe hierdie nuwe medium hanteer moes word. Dit het geblyk dat nuwe tegnologieë wat fragmentasie van die Internet bewerkstellig, gebruik kon word om staatsgebonde regsreëls af te dwing. Verskeie state van die wêreld het uiteenlopende metodologieë gevolg om die Internet op staatsvlak te probeer reguleer, en dit het tot die lukraak-wyse waarop die Internet tans gereguleer word, aanleiding gegee. Hierdie studie bespreek verskeie aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet, en bepaal daardeur hoe die Internet tans gereguleer word. Toepaslike wetgewing van verskeie state word regdeur die studie bespreek. Vier prominente state, wat verskeie belangrike ingrepe ten aansien van Internetregulering gemaak het, word verder uitgelig. Dit is die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Volksrepubliek van Sjina, die Europese Unie as verteenwoordiger van Europese state, en Suid-Afrika. Aspekte wat op Internasionaalregtelike vlak aangespreek moet word, soos internasionale organisasies en internasionale regsteorieë ten aansien van die regulering van die Internet, word ook onder die loep geneem. Die bevindings wat uit die studie volg, word gebruik om verskeie aanbevelings te maak, en die aanbevelings word uiteindelik in ’n nuwe model saamgevoegom’n sinvoller wyse van regulering van die Internet voor te stel. Aangesien die huidige studie in die konteks van die Internasionale reg onderneem word, word die studie afgesluit met ’n bespreking van kubersoewereiniteit, wat ’n uiteensetting is van hoe soewereiniteit ten aansien van die Internet toegepas behoort te word. Die gevolgtrekking is insiggewend — die ontwikkeling van die Internet het nie die einde van soewereiniteit beteken nie, maar het dit juis bevestig.The world is currently structured in different states, and this is premised on the International law concept of sovereignty. States have the capacity to structure their own affairs, but the development of the Internet as a globally distributed network has violated this principle. It would seem that the development of the Internet would mean the end of sovereignty and statehood. A historical overview shows that regulators were initially unsure of how this new medium should be dealt with. It appeared that new technologies that could fragment the Internet, could be used to enforce state bound law. Several states of the world have used different methodologies trying to regulate the Internet at state level, and this led to the random way in which the Internet is currently regulated. This study examines various aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet, and determines how the Internet is currently regulated. Appropriate legislation of several states are discussed throughout the study. Four prominent states, which made several important interventions regarding the regulation of the Internet, are highlighted further. It is the United States, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union as the representative of European countries, and South Africa. Aspects that need to be addressed on International law level, such as international organizations and international legal theories regarding the regulation of the Internet, are also discussed. The findings that follow from this study are used to make several recommendations, which in turn are used to construct a new model for a more meaningful way in which the Internet could be regulated. Since the present study is undertaken in the context of the International law, the study is concluded with a discussion of cyber sovereignty, which is a discussion of how sovereignty should be applied with regards to the Internet. The conclusion is enlightening—the development of the Internet does not indicate the end of sovereignty, but rather confirms it.Criminal and Procedural LawLL