13,484 research outputs found

    On Lazy Bin Covering and Packing problems

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    AbstractIn this paper, we study two interesting variants of the classical bin packing problem, called Lazy Bin Covering (LBC) and Cardinality Constrained Maximum Resource Bin Packing (CCMRBP) problems. For the offline LBC problem, we first prove the approximation ratio of the First-Fit-Decreasing and First-Fit-Increasing algorithms, then present an APTAS. For the online LBC problem, we give a competitive analysis for the algorithms of Next-Fit, Worst-Fit, First-Fit, and a modified HARMONICM algorithm. The CCMRBP problem is a generalization of the Maximum Resource Bin Packing (MRBP) problem Boyar et al. (2006) [1]. For this problem, we prove that its offline version is no harder to approximate than the offline MRBP problem

    Improved approximation bounds for Vector Bin Packing

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    In this paper we propose an improved approximation scheme for the Vector Bin Packing problem (VBP), based on the combination of (near-)optimal solution of the Linear Programming (LP) relaxation and a greedy (modified first-fit) heuristic. The Vector Bin Packing problem of higher dimension (d \geq 2) is not known to have asymptotic polynomial-time approximation schemes (unless P = NP). Our algorithm improves over the previously-known guarantee of (ln d + 1 + epsilon) by Bansal et al. [1] for higher dimensions (d > 2). We provide a {\theta}(1) approximation scheme for certain set of inputs for any dimension d. More precisely, we provide a 2-OPT algorithm, a result which is irrespective of the number of dimensions d.Comment: 15 pages, 3 algorithm

    Multi-capacity combinatorial ordering GA in application to cloud resources allocation and efficient virtual machines consolidation

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    This paper describes a novel approach making use of genetic algorithms to find optimal solutions for multi-dimensional vector bin packing problems with the goal to improve cloud resource allocation and Virtual Machines (VMs) consolidation. Two algorithms, namely Combinatorial Ordering First-Fit Genetic Algorithm (COFFGA) and Combinatorial Ordering Next Fit Genetic Algorithm (CONFGA) have been developed for that and combined. The proposed hybrid algorithm targets to minimise the total number of running servers and resources wastage per server. The solutions obtained by the new algorithms are compared with latest solutions from literature. The results show that the proposed algorithm COFFGA outperforms other previous multi-dimension vector bin packing heuristics such as Permutation Pack (PP), First Fit (FF) and First Fit Decreasing (FFD) by 4%, 34%, and 39%, respectively. It also achieved better performance than the existing genetic algorithm for multi-capacity resources virtual machine consolidation (RGGA) in terms of performance and robustness. A thorough explanation for the improved performance of the newly proposed algorithm is given

    Maximizing the number of unused bins

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    We analyze the approximation behavior of some of the best-known polynomial-time approximation algorithms for bin-packing under an approximation criterion, called differential ratio, informally the ratio (n - apx(I))/(n - opt(I)), where n is the size of the input list, apx(I) is the size of the solution provided by an approximation algorithm and opt(I) is the size of the optimal one. This measure has originally been introduced by Ausiello, DÁtri and Protasi and more recently revisited, in a more systematic way, by the first and the third authors of the present paper. Under the differential ratio, bin-packing has a natural formulation as the problem of maximizing the number of unused bins. We first show that two basic fit bin-packing algorithms, the first-fit and the best-fit, admit differential approximation ratios 1/2. Next, we show that slightly improved versions of them achieve ratios 2/3. Refining our analysis we show that the famous first-fit-decreasing and best-fit decreasing algorithms achieve differential approximation ratio 3/4. Finally, we show that first-fit-decreasing achieves asymptotic differential approximation ratio 7/9

    Generalized selfish bin packing

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    Standard bin packing is the problem of partitioning a set of items with positive sizes no larger than 1 into a minimum number of subsets (called bins) each having a total size of at most 1. In bin packing games, an item has a positive weight, and given a valid packing or partition of the items, each item has a cost or a payoff associated with it. We study a class of bin packing games where the payoff of an item is the ratio between its weight and the total weight of items packed with it, that is, the cost sharing is based linearly on the weights of items. We study several types of pure Nash equilibria: standard Nash equilibria, strong equilibria, strictly Pareto optimal equilibria, and weakly Pareto optimal equilibria. We show that any game of this class admits all these types of equilibria. We study the (asymptotic) prices of anarchy and stability (PoA and PoS) of the problem with respect to these four types of equilibria, for the two cases of general weights and of unit weights. We show that while the case of general weights is strongly related to the well-known First Fit algorithm, and all the four PoA values are equal to 1.7, this is not true for unit weights. In particular, we show that all of them are strictly below 1.7, the strong PoA is equal to approximately 1.691 (another well-known number in bin packing) while the strictly Pareto optimal PoA is much lower. We show that all the PoS values are equal to 1, except for those of strong equilibria, which is equal to 1.7 for general weights, and to approximately 1.611824 for unit weights. This last value is not known to be the (asymptotic) approximation ratio of any well-known algorithm for bin packing. Finally, we study convergence to equilibria

    Dynamic bin packing of unit fractions items

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    LNCS v. 3580 entitled: Automata, Languages and Programming: 32nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-15, 2005. ProceedingsThis paper studies the dynamic bin packing problem, in which items arrive and depart at arbitrary time. We want to pack a sequence of unit fractions items (i.e., items with sizes 1/ω for some integer w ≥ 1) into unit-size bins such that the maximum number of bins used over all time is minimized. Tight and almost-tight performance bounds are found for the family of any-fit algorithms, including first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit. We show that the competitive ratio of best-fit and worst-fit is 3, which is tight, and the competitive ratio of first-fit lies between 2.45 and 2.4985. We also show that no on-line algorithm is better than 2.428-competitive. This result improves the lower bound of dynamic bin packing problem even for general items. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.postprin