6 research outputs found

    New Methods of Finite-Time Synchronization for a Class of Fractional-Order Delayed Neural Networks

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    Finite-time synchronization for a class of fractional-order delayed neural networks with fractional order α, 0<α≤1/2 and 1/2<α<1, is investigated in this paper. Through the use of Hölder inequality, generalized Bernoulli inequality, and inequality skills, two sufficient conditions are considered to ensure synchronization of fractional-order delayed neural networks in a finite-time interval. Numerical example is given to verify the feasibility of the theoretical results

    Synchronization of a class of fractional-order neural networks with multiple time delays by comparison principles

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    This paper studies the synchronization of fractional-order neural networks with multiple time delays. Based on an inequality of fractional-order and comparison principles of linear fractional equation with multiple time delays, some sufficient conditions for synchronization of master-slave systems are obtained. Example and related simulations are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the theoretical results

    Mittag-Leffler state estimator design and synchronization analysis for fractional order BAM neural networks with time delays

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    This paper deals with the extended design of Mittag-Leffler state estimator and adaptive synchronization for fractional order BAM neural networks (FBNNs) with time delays. By the aid of Lyapunov direct approach and Razumikhin-type method a suitable fractional order Lyapunov functional is constructed and a new set of novel sufficient condition are derived to estimate the neuron states via available output measurements such that the ensuring estimator error system is globally Mittag-Leffler stable. Then, the adaptive feedback control rule is designed, under which the considered FBNNs can achieve Mittag-Leffler adaptive synchronization by means of some fractional order inequality techniques. Moreover, the adaptive feedback control may be utilized even when there is no ideal information from the system parameters. Finally, two numerical simulations are given to reveal the effectiveness of the theoretical consequences.N/

    Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with fractional order

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    Complex dynamical networks (CDN) can be applied to many areas in real world, from medicine, biology, Internet to sociology. Study on CDNs has drawn great attention in recent years. Nodes in a CDN can be modelled as systems represented by differential equations. Study has shown that fractional order differential equations (DF) can better represent some real world systems than integer-order DFs. This research work focuses on synchronization in fractional CDNs.&amp;nbsp; A literature review on CDNs with fractional order has summarized the latest works in this area.&amp;nbsp; Fractional chaotic systems are studied in our initial investigation.&amp;nbsp; Fractional calculus is introduced and the relevant fundamentals to model, describe and analyse dynamical networks are presented. It is shown that the structure and topological characteristics of a network can have a big impact on its synchronizability. Synchronizability and its various interpretations in dynamical networks are studied. To synchronize a CDN efficiently, controllers are generally needed. Controller design is one of the main tasks in this research. Our first design is a new sliding mode control to synchronize a dynamical network with two nodes. Its stability has been proven and verified by simulations.&amp;nbsp; Its convergence speed outperforms Vaidyanathan&#039;s scheme, a well-recognized scheme in this area. The design can be generalized to CDNs with more nodes.&amp;nbsp; As many applications can be modelled as CDNs with node clustering, a different sliding mode control is designed for cluster synchronization of a CDN with fractional order. Its stability is proven by using Lyapunov method. Its convergence and efficiency is shown in a simulation. Besides these nonlinear methods mentioned, linear control is also studied intensively for the synchronization.&amp;nbsp; A novel linear method for synchronization of fractional CDNs using a new fractional Proportional-Integral (PI) pinning control is proposed.&amp;nbsp; Its stability is proven and the synchronization criteria are obtained. The criteria have been simplified using two corollaries so the right value for the variables can be easily assigned. The proposed method is compared with the conventional linear method which uses Proportional (P) controller. In the comparison, the mean squared error function is used. The function measures the average of the squared errors and it is an instant indicator of the synchronization efficiency. A numerical simulation is repeated 100 times to obtain the averages over these runs. Each simulation has different random initial values for both controllers. The average of the errors in all the 100 simulations is obtained and the area under the function curve is defined as an overall performance index (OPI), which indicates the controller&#039;s overall performance. In control, small overshoot is always desired. In our work, the error variation is also used as a measure.&amp;nbsp; The maximum variation from the average of 100 simulations is calculated and compared for both methods. With all the statistical comparisons, it is clear that with the same power consumption, the proposed method outperforms the conventional one and achieves faster and smoother synchronization. Communication constraints exist in most real world CDNs. Communication constraints and their impact on control and synchronization of CDNs with fractional order are investigated in our study. A new adaptive method for synchronizing fractional CDN with disturbance and uncertainty is designed. Its stability is proven and its synchronization criteria are obtained for both fractional CDN with known and unknown parameters. Random disturbance is also included in both cases. Our results show that the new method is efficient in synchronizing CDNs with presence of both disturbance and uncertainty