4,132 research outputs found

    Designing Fully Distributed Consensus Protocols for Linear Multi-agent Systems with Directed Graphs

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    This paper addresses the distributed consensus protocol design problem for multi-agent systems with general linear dynamics and directed communication graphs. Existing works usually design consensus protocols using the smallest real part of the nonzero eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix associated with the communication graph, which however is global information. In this paper, based on only the agent dynamics and the relative states of neighboring agents, a distributed adaptive consensus protocol is designed to achieve leader-follower consensus for any communication graph containing a directed spanning tree with the leader as the root node. The proposed adaptive protocol is independent of any global information of the communication graph and thereby is fully distributed. Extensions to the case with multiple leaders are further studied.Comment: 16 page, 3 figures. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Dynamic Resilient Containment Control in Multirobot Systems

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    In this article, we study the dynamic resilient containment control problem for continuous-time multirobot systems (MRSs), i.e., the problem of designing a local interaction protocol that drives a set of robots, namely the followers, toward a region delimited by the positions of another set of robots, namely the leaders, under the presence of adversarial robots in the network. In our setting, all robots are anonymous, i.e., they do not recognize the identity or class of other robots. We consider as adversarial all those robots that intentionally or accidentally try to disrupt the objective of the MRS, e.g., robots that are being hijacked by a cyber–physical attack or have experienced a fault. Under specific topological conditions defined by the notion of (r,s)-robustness, our control strategy is proven to be successful in driving the followers toward the target region, namely a hypercube, in finite time. It is also proven that the followers cannot escape the moving containment area despite the persistent influence of anonymous adversarial robots. Numerical results with a team of 44 robots are provided to corroborate the theoretical findings

    H2 suboptimal containment control of homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-agent systems

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    This paper deals with the H2 suboptimal state containment control problem for homogeneous linear multi-agent systems and the H2 suboptimal output containment control problem for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. For both problems, given multiple autonomous leaders and a number of followers, we introduce suitable performance outputs and an associated H2 cost functional, respectively. The aim is to design a distributed protocol by dynamic output feedback that achieves state/output containment control while the associated H2 cost is smaller than an a priori given upper bound. To this end, we first show that the H2 suboptimal state/output containment control problem can be equivalently transformed into H2 suboptimal control problems for a set of independent systems. Based on this, design methods are then provided to compute such distributed dynamic output feedback protocols. Simulation examples are provided to illustrate the performance of our proposed protocols.Comment: 15 papges, 7 figure

    Differential Inequalities in Multi-Agent Coordination and Opinion Dynamics Modeling

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    Distributed algorithms of multi-agent coordination have attracted substantial attention from the research community; the simplest and most thoroughly studied of them are consensus protocols in the form of differential or difference equations over general time-varying weighted graphs. These graphs are usually characterized algebraically by their associated Laplacian matrices. Network algorithms with similar algebraic graph theoretic structures, called being of Laplacian-type in this paper, also arise in other related multi-agent control problems, such as aggregation and containment control, target surrounding, distributed optimization and modeling of opinion evolution in social groups. In spite of their similarities, each of such algorithms has often been studied using separate mathematical techniques. In this paper, a novel approach is offered, allowing a unified and elegant way to examine many Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination. This approach is based on the analysis of some differential or difference inequalities that have to be satisfied by the some "outputs" of the agents (e.g. the distances to the desired set in aggregation problems). Although such inequalities may have many unbounded solutions, under natural graphic connectivity conditions all their bounded solutions converge (and even reach consensus), entailing the convergence of the corresponding distributed algorithms. In the theory of differential equations the absence of bounded non-convergent solutions is referred to as the equation's dichotomy. In this paper, we establish the dichotomy criteria of Laplacian-type differential and difference inequalities and show that these criteria enable one to extend a number of recent results, concerned with Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination and modeling opinion formation in social groups.Comment: accepted to Automatic

    Secure rendezvous and static containment in multi-agent systems with adversarial intruders

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    In this paper we propose a novel distributed local interaction protocol for networks of multi-agent systems (MASs) in a multi-dimensional space under directed time-varying graph with the objective to achieve secure rendezvous or static containment within the convex hull of a set of leader agents. We consider the scenario where a set of anonymous adversarial agents may intrude the network (or may be hijacked by a cyber-attack) and show that the proposed strategy guarantees the achievement of the global objective despite the continued influence of the adversaries which cannot be detected nor identified by the collaborative agents. We characterize the convergence properties of the proposed protocol in terms of the characteristics of the underlying network topology of the multi-agent system. Numerical simulations and examples corroborate the theoretical results

    A Survey of Resilient Coordination for Cyber-Physical Systems Against Malicious Attacks

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) facilitate the integration of physical entities and cyber infrastructures through the utilization of pervasive computational resources and communication units, leading to improved efficiency, automation, and practical viability in both academia and industry. Due to its openness and distributed characteristics, a critical issue prevalent in CPSs is to guarantee resilience in presence of malicious attacks. This paper conducts a comprehensive survey of recent advances on resilient coordination for CPSs. Different from existing survey papers, we focus on the node injection attack and propose a novel taxonomy according to the multi-layered framework of CPS. Furthermore, miscellaneous resilient coordination problems are discussed in this survey. Specifically, some preliminaries and the fundamental problem settings are given at the beginning. Subsequently, based on a multi-layered framework of CPSs, promising results of resilient consensus are classified and reviewed from three perspectives: physical structure, communication mechanism, and network topology. Next, two typical application scenarios, i.e., multi-robot systems and smart grids are exemplified to extend resilient consensus to other coordination tasks. Particularly, we examine resilient containment and resilient distributed optimization problems, both of which demonstrate the applicability of resilient coordination approaches. Finally, potential avenues are highlighted for future research.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, 5 table
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