26,723 research outputs found

    A Logic of Reachable Patterns in Linked Data-Structures

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    We define a new decidable logic for expressing and checking invariants of programs that manipulate dynamically-allocated objects via pointers and destructive pointer updates. The main feature of this logic is the ability to limit the neighborhood of a node that is reachable via a regular expression from a designated node. The logic is closed under boolean operations (entailment, negation) and has a finite model property. The key technical result is the proof of decidability. We show how to express precondition, postconditions, and loop invariants for some interesting programs. It is also possible to express properties such as disjointness of data-structures, and low-level heap mutations. Moreover, our logic can express properties of arbitrary data-structures and of an arbitrary number of pointer fields. The latter provides a way to naturally specify postconditions that relate the fields on entry to a procedure to the fields on exit. Therefore, it is possible to use the logic to automatically prove partial correctness of programs performing low-level heap mutations

    In the Maze of Data Languages

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    In data languages the positions of strings and trees carry a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite alphabet. Extensions of automata and logics over finite alphabets have been defined to recognize data languages, both in the string and tree cases. In this paper we describe and compare the complexity and expressiveness of such models to understand which ones are better candidates as regular models

    Finite Countermodel Based Verification for Program Transformation (A Case Study)

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    Both automatic program verification and program transformation are based on program analysis. In the past decade a number of approaches using various automatic general-purpose program transformation techniques (partial deduction, specialization, supercompilation) for verification of unreachability properties of computing systems were introduced and demonstrated. On the other hand, the semantics based unfold-fold program transformation methods pose themselves diverse kinds of reachability tasks and try to solve them, aiming at improving the semantics tree of the program being transformed. That means some general-purpose verification methods may be used for strengthening program transformation techniques. This paper considers the question how finite countermodels for safety verification method might be used in Turchin's supercompilation method. We extract a number of supercompilation sub-algorithms trying to solve reachability problems and demonstrate use of an external countermodel finder for solving some of the problems.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.0221

    Probabilistic Constraint Logic Programming

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    This paper addresses two central problems for probabilistic processing models: parameter estimation from incomplete data and efficient retrieval of most probable analyses. These questions have been answered satisfactorily only for probabilistic regular and context-free models. We address these problems for a more expressive probabilistic constraint logic programming model. We present a log-linear probability model for probabilistic constraint logic programming. On top of this model we define an algorithm to estimate the parameters and to select the properties of log-linear models from incomplete data. This algorithm is an extension of the improved iterative scaling algorithm of Della-Pietra, Della-Pietra, and Lafferty (1995). Our algorithm applies to log-linear models in general and is accompanied with suitable approximation methods when applied to large data spaces. Furthermore, we present an approach for searching for most probable analyses of the probabilistic constraint logic programming model. This method can be applied to the ambiguity resolution problem in natural language processing applications.Comment: 35 pages, uses sfbart.cl

    A correct, precise and efficient integration of set-sharing, freeness and linearity for the analysis of finite and rational tree languages

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    It is well known that freeness and linearity information positively interact with aliasing information, allowing both the precision and the efficiency of the sharing analysis of logic programs to be improved. In this paper, we present a novel combination of set-sharing with freeness and linearity information, which is characterized by an improved abstract unification operator. We provide a new abstraction function and prove the correctness of the analysis for both the finite tree and the rational tree cases. Moreover, we show that the same notion of redundant information as identified in Bagnara et al. (2000) and Zaffanella et al. (2002) also applies to this abstract domain combination: this allows for the implementation of an abstract unification operator running in polynomial time and achieving the same precision on all the considered observable properties

    Logic programming in the context of multiparadigm programming: the Oz experience

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    Oz is a multiparadigm language that supports logic programming as one of its major paradigms. A multiparadigm language is designed to support different programming paradigms (logic, functional, constraint, object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, etc.) with equal ease. This article has two goals: to give a tutorial of logic programming in Oz and to show how logic programming fits naturally into the wider context of multiparadigm programming. Our experience shows that there are two classes of problems, which we call algorithmic and search problems, for which logic programming can help formulate practical solutions. Algorithmic problems have known efficient algorithms. Search problems do not have known efficient algorithms but can be solved with search. The Oz support for logic programming targets these two problem classes specifically, using the concepts needed for each. This is in contrast to the Prolog approach, which targets both classes with one set of concepts, which results in less than optimal support for each class. To explain the essential difference between algorithmic and search programs, we define the Oz execution model. This model subsumes both concurrent logic programming (committed-choice-style) and search-based logic programming (Prolog-style). Instead of Horn clause syntax, Oz has a simple, fully compositional, higher-order syntax that accommodates the abilities of the language. We conclude with lessons learned from this work, a brief history of Oz, and many entry points into the Oz literature.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming