17 research outputs found

    A correct, precise and efficient integration of set-sharing, freeness and linearity for the analysis of finite and rational tree languages

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    It is well known that freeness and linearity information positively interact with aliasing information, allowing both the precision and the efficiency of the sharing analysis of logic programs to be improved. In this paper, we present a novel combination of set-sharing with freeness and linearity information, which is characterized by an improved abstract unification operator. We provide a new abstraction function and prove the correctness of the analysis for both the finite tree and the rational tree cases. Moreover, we show that the same notion of redundant information as identified in Bagnara et al. (2000) and Zaffanella et al. (2002) also applies to this abstract domain combination: this allows for the implementation of an abstract unification operator running in polynomial time and achieving the same precision on all the considered observable properties

    Negative ternary set-sharing

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    The Set-Sharing domain has been widely used to infer at compiletime interesting properties of logic programs such as occurs-check reduction, automatic parallelization, and flnite-tree analysis. However, performing abstract uniflcation in this domain requires a closure operation that increases the number of sharing groups exponentially. Much attention has been given to mitigating this key inefflciency in this otherwise very useful domain. In this paper we present a novel approach to Set-Sharing: we define a new representation that leverages the complement (or negative) sharing relationships of the original sharing set, without loss of accuracy. Intuitively, given an abstract state sh\> over the finite set of variables of interest V, its negative representation is p(V) \ shy. Using this encoding during analysis dramatically reduces the number of elements that need to be represented in the abstract states and during abstract uniflcation as the cardinality of the original set grows toward 2 . To further compress the number of elements, we express the set-sharing relationships through a set of ternary strings that compacts the representation by eliminating redundancies among the sharing sets. Our experiments show that our approach can compress the number of relationships, reducing signiflcantly the memory usage and running time of all abstract operations, including abstract uniflcation

    Two efficient representations for set-sharing analysis in logic programs

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    Set-Sharing analysis, the classic Jacobs and Langen's domain, has been widely used to infer several interesting properties of programs at compile-time such as occurs-check reduction, automatic parallelization, flnite-tree analysis, etc. However, performing abstract uniflcation over this domain implies the use of a closure operation which makes the number of sharing groups grow exponentially. Much attention has been given in the literature to mitígate this key inefficiency in this otherwise very useful domain. In this paper we present two novel alternative representations for the traditional set-sharing domain, tSH and tNSH. which compress efficiently the number of elements into fewer elements enabling more efficient abstract operations, including abstract uniflcation, without any loss of accuracy. Our experimental evaluation supports that both representations can reduce dramatically the number of sharing groups showing they can be more practical solutions towards scalable set-sharing

    Efficient representations for set-sharing analysis

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    Anytime algorithms for ROBDD symmetry detection and approximation

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    Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) provide a dense and memory efficient representation of Boolean functions. When ROBDDs are applied in logic synthesis, the problem arises of detecting both classical and generalised symmetries. State-of-the-art in symmetry detection is represented by Mishchenko's algorithm. Mishchenko showed how to detect symmetries in ROBDDs without the need for checking equivalence of all co-factor pairs. This work resulted in a practical algorithm for detecting all classical symmetries in an ROBDD in O(|G|³) set operations where |G| is the number of nodes in the ROBDD. Mishchenko and his colleagues subsequently extended the algorithm to find generalised symmetries. The extended algorithm retains the same asymptotic complexity for each type of generalised symmetry. Both the classical and generalised symmetry detection algorithms are monolithic in the sense that they only return a meaningful answer when they are left to run to completion. In this thesis we present efficient anytime algorithms for detecting both classical and generalised symmetries, that output pairs of symmetric variables until a prescribed time bound is exceeded. These anytime algorithms are complete in that given sufficient time they are guaranteed to find all symmetric pairs. Theoretically these algorithms reside in O(n³+n|G|+|G|³) and O(n³+n²|G|+|G|³) respectively, where n is the number of variables, so that in practice the advantage of anytime generality is not gained at the expense of efficiency. In fact, the anytime approach requires only very modest data structure support and offers unique opportunities for optimisation so the resulting algorithms are very efficient. The thesis continues by considering another class of anytime algorithms for ROBDDs that is motivated by the dearth of work on approximating ROBDDs. The need for approximation arises because many ROBDD operations result in an ROBDD whose size is quadratic in the size of the inputs. Furthermore, if ROBDDs are used in abstract interpretation, the running time of the analysis is related not only to the complexity of the individual ROBDD operations but also the number of operations applied. The number of operations is, in turn, constrained by the number of times a Boolean function can be weakened before stability is achieved. This thesis proposes a widening that can be used to both constrain the size of an ROBDD and also ensure that the number of times that it is weakened is bounded by some given constant. The widening can be used to either systematically approximate an ROBDD from above (i.e. derive a weaker function) or below (i.e. infer a stronger function). The thesis also considers how randomised techniques may be deployed to improve the speed of computing an approximation by avoiding potentially expensive ROBDD manipulation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages

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    Logic languages based on the theory of rational, possibly infinite, trees have much appeal in that rational trees allow for faster unification (due to the safe omission of the occurs-check) and increased expressivity (cyclic terms can provide very e#cient representations of grammars and other useful objects). Unfortunately, the use of infinite rational trees has problems. For instance, many of the built-in and library predicates are ill-defined for such trees and need to be supplemented by run-time checks whose cost may be significant. Moreover, some widely-used program analysis and manipulation techniques are correct only for those parts of programs working over finite trees. It is thus important to obtain, automatically, a knowledge of the program variables (the finite variables) that, at the program points of interest, will always be bound to finite terms. For these reasons, we propose here a new dataflow analysis, based on abstract interpretation, that captures such information. We present a parametric domain where a simple component for recording finite variables is coupled, in the style of the open product construction of Cortesi et al., with a generic domain (the parameter of the construction) providing sharing information. The sharing domain is abstractly specified so as to guarantee the correctness of the combined domain and the generality of the approach. This finite-tree analysis domain is further enhanced by coupling it with a domain of Boolean functions, called finite-tree dependencies, that precisely captures how the finiteness of some variables influences the finiteness of other variables. We also summarize our experimental results showing how finite-tree analysis, enhanced with finite-tree dependencies, is a practical means of obtaining precise finitenes..

    Finite-tree analysis for constraint logic-based languages

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    Logic languages based on the theory of rational, possibly infinite, trees have much appeal in that rational trees allow for faster unification (due to the safe omission of the occurs-check) and increased expressivity (cyclic terms can provide very efficient representations of grammars and other useful objects). Unfortunately, the use of infinite rational trees has problems. For instance, many of the built-in and library predicates are ill-defined for such trees and need to be supplemented by run-time checks whose cost may be significant. Moreover, some widely used program analysis and manipulation techniques are correct only for those parts of programs working over finite trees. It is thus important to obtain, automatically, a knowledge of the program variables (the finite variables) that, at the program points of interest, will always be bound to finite terms. For these reasons, we propose here a new data-flow analysis, based on abstract interpretation, that captures such information. We present a parametric domain where a simple component for recording finite variables is coupled, in the style of the open product construction of Cortesi et al., with a generic domain (the parameter of the construction) providing sharing information. The sharing domain is abstractly specified so as to guarantee the correctness of the combined domain and the generality of the approach. This finite-tree analysis domain is further enhanced by coupling it with a domain of Boolean functions, called finite-tree dependencies, that precisely captures how the finiteness of some variables influences the finiteness of other variables. We also summarize our experimental results showing how finite-tree analysis, enhanced with finite-tree dependencies, is a practical means of obtaining precise finiteness information