78,732 research outputs found

    Adaptive and Supertwisting Adaptive Spacecraft Orbit Control Around Asteroids

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    This paper addresses the development of control systems for the orbit control of spacecraft around irregularly shaped rotating asteroids with uncertain parameters. The objective is to steer the spacecraft along prescribed orbits. First, a nonlinear adaptive law for orbit control was designed. This was followed by the design of a supertwisting adaptive (STWA) control system. In the closed-loop system, which includes the adaptive law or the STWA law, all the signals remain bounded, and the trajectory tracking error asymptotically converges to zero for any initial condition. Finally, under the assumption of boundedness of the derivative of the uncertain functions of the model in a region of the state space, a supertwisting control (STW) law for finite-time convergence of the trajectory was obtained. Based on the Lyapunov theory, stability properties of the closed-loop systems were analyzed. Simulation results for 433 Eros and Ida asteroids were presented for illustration. The results showed that control of spacecraft along closed orbits or to a fixed point is accomplished using each of these controllers, despite uncertainties in the parameters of the asteroid models

    From quantum pulse gate to quantum pulse shaper -- enigneered frequency conversion in nonlinear optical waveguides

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    Full control over the spatio-temporal structure of quantum states of light is an important goal in quantum optics, to generate for instance single-mode quantum pulses or to encode information on multiple modes, enhancing channel capacities. Quantum light pulses feature an inherent, rich spectral broadband-mode structure. In recent years, exploring the use of integrated optics as well as source-engineering has led to a deep understanding of the pulse-mode structure of guided quantum states of light. In addition, several groups have started to investigate the manipulation of quantum states by means of single-photon frequency conversion. In this paper we explore new routes towards complete control of the inherent pulse-modes of ultrafast pulsed quantum states by employing specifically designed nonlinear waveguides with adapted dispersion properties. Starting from our recently proposed quantum pulse gate (QPG) we further generalize the concept of spatio-spectral engineering for arbitrary \chitwo-based quantum processes. We analyse the sum-frequency generation based QPG and introduce the difference-frequency generation based quantum pulse shaper (QPS). Together, these versatile and robust integrated optics devices allow for arbitrary manipulations of the pulse-mode structure of ultrafast pulsed quantum states. The QPG can be utilized to select an arbitrary pulse mode from a multimode input state, whereas the QPS enables the generation of specific pulse modes from an input wavepacket with Gaussian-shaped spectrum.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Ultra-Sparse Non-Binary LDPC Codes for Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping

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    This work shows how non-binary low-density parity-check codes over GF(2p2^p) can be combined with probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) (B\"ocherer, et al., 2015), which combines forward-error correction with non-uniform signaling for power-efficient communication. Ultra-sparse low-density parity-check codes over GF(64) and GF(256) gain 0.6 dB in power efficiency over state-of-the-art binary LDPC codes at a spectral efficiency of 1.5 bits per channel use and a blocklength of 576 bits. The simulation results are compared to finite length coding bounds and complemented by density evolution analysis.Comment: Accepted for Globecom 201
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