1,432 research outputs found

    Field Cooled Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions

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    We investigate the physics of planar annular Josephson tunnel junctions quenched through their transition temperature in the presence of an external magnetic field. Experiments carried out with long Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb annular junctions showed that the magnetic flux trapped in the high-quality doubly-connected superconducting electrodes forming the junction generates a persistent current whose associated magnetic field affects the both the static and dynamics properties of the junctions. More specifically, the field trapped in the hole of one electrode combined with a d.c. bias current induces a viscous flow of dense trains of Josephson vortices which manifests itself through the sequential appearance of displaced linear slopes, Fiske step staircases and Eck steps in the junction's current-voltage characteristic. Furthermore, a field shift is observed in the first lobe of the magnetic diffraction pattern. The effects of the persistent current can be mitigated or even canceled by an external magnetic field perpendicular to the junction plane. The radial field associated with the persistent current can be accurately modeled with the classical phenomenological sine-Gordon model for extended one-dimensional Josephson junctions. Extensive numerical simulations were carried out to disclose the basic flux-flow mechanism responsible for the appearance of the magnetically induced steps and to elucidate the role of geometrical parameters. It was found that the imprint of the field cooling is enhanced in confocal annular junctions which are the natural generalization of the well studied circular annular junctions.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. Supercond. Sci. Technol (2020

    Josephson Vortex Qubit based on a Confocal Annular Josephson Junction

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    We report theoretical and experimental work on the development of a Josephson vortex qubit based on a confocal annular Josephson tunnel junction (CAJTJ). The key ingredient of this geometrical configuration is a periodically variable width that generates a spatial vortex potential with bistable states. This intrinsic vortex potential can be tuned by an externally applied magnetic field and tilted by a bias current. The two-state system is accurately modeled by a one-dimensional sine-Gordon like equation by means of which one can numerically calculate both the magnetic field needed to set the vortex in a given state as well as the vortex depinning currents. Experimental data taken at 4.2K on high-quality Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb CAJTJs with an individual trapped fluxon advocate the presence of a robust and finely tunable double-well potential for which reliable manipulation of the vortex state has been classically demonstrated. The vortex is prepared in a given potential by means of an externally applied magnetic field, while the state readout is accomplished by measuring the vortex-depinning current in a small magnetic field. Our proof of principle experiment convincingly demonstrates that the proposed vortex qubit based on CAJTJs is robust and workable.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Elliptic Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions in an external magnetic field: The statics

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    We have investigated the static properties of one-dimensional planar Josephson tunnel junctions in the most general case of elliptic annuli. We have analyzed the dependence of the critical current in the presence of an external magnetic field applied either in the junction plane or in the perpendicular direction. We report a detailed study of both short and long elliptic annular junctions having different eccentricities. For junctions having a normalized perimeter less than one the threshold curves are derived and computed even in the case with one trapped Josephson vortex. For longer junctions a numerical analysis is carried out after the derivation of the appropriate Perturbed sine-Gordon Equation. For a given applied field we find that a number of different phase profiles exist which differ according to the number of fluxon-antifluxon pairs. We demonstrate that in samples made by specularly symmetric electrodes a transverse magnetic field is equivalent to an in-plane field applied in the direction of the current flow. Varying the ellipse eccentricity we reproduce all known results for linear and ring-shaped Josephson tunnel junctions. Experimental data on high-quality Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb elliptic annular junctions support the theoretical analysis provided self-field effects are taken into account.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Quantum Phase Transitions and Vortex Dynamics in Superconducting Networks

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    Josephson junction arrays are ideal model systems where a variety of phenomena, phase transitions, frustration effects, vortex dynamics, chaos, to mention a few of them, can be studied in a controlled way. In this review we focus on the quantum dynamical properties of low capacitance Josephson junction arrays. The two characteristic energy scales in these systems are the Josephson energy, associated to the tunneling of Cooper pairs between neighboring islands, and the charging energy, which is the energy cost to add an extra electron charge to a neutral island. The phenomena described in this review stem from the competition between single electron effects with the Josephson effect. One example is the (quantum) Superconductor-Insulator phase transition which occurs by varying the ratio between the coupling constants and/or by means of external magnetic/electric fields. We will describe how the phase diagram depends on the various control paramters and the transport properties close to the quantum critical point. The relevant topological excitations on the superconducting side of the phase diagram are vortices. In low capacitance junction arrays vortices behave as massive underdamped particles that can exhibit quantum behaviour. We will report on the various experiments and theoretical treatments on quantum vortex dynamics.Comment: To be published in Physics Reports. Better quality figures can be obtained upon reques
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