848 research outputs found

    Analytic geometry over F_1 and the Fargues-Fontaine curve

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    This paper develops a theory of analytic geometry over the field with one element. The approach used is the analytic counter-part of the Toen-Vaquie theory of schemes over F_1, i.e. the base category relative to which we work out our theory is the category of sets endowed with norms (or families of norms). Base change functors to analytic spaces over Banach rings are studied and the basic spaces of analytic geometry (like polydisks) are recovered as a base change of analytic spaces over F_1. We end by discussing some applications of our theory to the theory of the Fargues-Fontaine curve and to the ring Witt vectors.Comment: Small corrections have been made in the last section of the paper and some typos have been correcte

    Relative polynomial closure and monadically Krull monoids of integer-valued polynomials

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    Let D be a Krull domain and Int(D) the ring of integer-valued polynomials on D. For any f in Int(D), we explicitly construct a divisor homomorphism from [f], the divisor-closed submonoid of Int(D) generated by f, to a finite sum of copies of (N_0,+). This implies that [f] is a Krull monoid. For V a discrete valuation domain, we give explicit divisor theories of various submonoids of Int(V). In the process, we modify the concept of polynomial closure in such a way that every subset of D has a finite polynomially dense subset. The results generalize to Int(S,V), the ring of integer-valued polynomials on a subset, provided S doesn't have isolated points in v-adic topology.Comment: 12 pages; v.2 contains corrections, in that some necessary conditions on those subsets S, for which we consider integer-valued polynomials on subsets, are impose

    Completed representation ring spectra of nilpotent groups

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    In this paper, we examine the `derived completion' of the representation ring of a pro-p group G_p^ with respect to an augmentation ideal. This completion is no longer a ring: it is a spectrum with the structure of a module spectrum over the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum HZ, and can have higher homotopy information. In order to explain the origin of some of these higher homotopy classes, we define a deformation representation ring functor R[-] from groups to ring spectra, and show that the map R[G_p^] --> R[G] becomes an equivalence after completion when G is finitely generated nilpotent. As an application, we compute the derived completion of the representation ring of the simplest nontrivial case, the p-adic Heisenberg group.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 26 February 200

    The \'etale symmetric K\"unneth theorem

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field, lcharkl\neq\operatorname{char} k a prime number, and XX a quasi-projective scheme over kk. We show that the \'etale homotopy type of the ddth symmetric power of XX is Z/l\mathbb Z/l-homologically equivalent to the ddth strict symmetric power of the \'etale homotopy type of XX. We deduce that the Z/l\mathbb Z/l-local \'etale homotopy type of a motivic Eilenberg-Mac Lane space is an ordinary Eilenberg-Mac Lane space.Comment: revised version, comments welcome

    Topological modular forms with level structure

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    The cohomology theory known as Tmf, for "topological modular forms," is a universal object mapping out to elliptic cohomology theories, and its coefficient ring is closely connected to the classical ring of modular forms. We extend this to a functorial family of objects corresponding to elliptic curves with level structure and modular forms on them. Along the way, we produce a natural way to restrict to the cusps, providing multiplicative maps from Tmf with level structure to forms of K-theory. In particular, this allows us to construct a connective spectrum tmf_0(3) consistent with properties suggested by Mahowald and Rezk. This is accomplished using the machinery of logarithmic structures. We construct a sheaf of locally even-periodic elliptic cohomology theories, equipped with highly structured multiplication, on the log-\'etale site of the moduli of elliptic curves. Evaluating this sheaf on modular curves produces Tmf with level structure.Comment: 53 pages. Heavily revised, including the addition of a new section on background tools from homotopy theor