484 research outputs found

    A Positivity-Preserving Finite Element Scheme for the Relaxed Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Single-Well Potential and Degenerate Mobility

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    We propose and analyse a finite element approximation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation regularised in space with single-well potential of Lennard-Jones type and degenerate mobility. The Cahn-Hilliard model has recently been applied to model evolution and growth for living tissues: although the choices of degenerate mobility and singular potential are biologically relevant, they induce difficulties regarding the design of a numerical scheme. We propose a finite element scheme in one and two dimensions and we show that it preserves the physical bounds of the solutions thanks to an upwind approach adapted to the finite elements method. Moreover, we show well-posedness, energy stability properties and convergence of solutions to the numerical scheme. Finally, numerical simulations in one and two dimensions are presented

    A nonnegativity preserving scheme for the relaxed Cahn-Hilliard equation with single-well potential and degenerate mobility

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    We propose and analyze a finite element approximation of the relaxed Cahn-Hilliard equation with singular single-well potential of Lennard-Jones type and degenerate mobility that is energy stable and nonnegativity preserving. The Cahn-Hilliard model has recently been applied to model evolution and growth for living tissues: although the choices of degenerate mobility and singular potential are biologically relevant, they induce difficulties regarding the design of a numerical scheme. We propose a finite element scheme and we show that it preserves the physical bounds of the solutions thanks to an upwind approach adapted to the finite element method. Moreover, we show well-posedness, energy stability properties, and convergence of solutions of the numerical scheme. Finally, we validate our scheme by presenting numerical simulations in one and two dimensions

    Strict separation and numerical approximation for a non-local Cahn-Hilliard equation with single-well potential

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    In this paper we study a non-local Cahn-Hilliard equation with singular single-well potential and degenerate mobility. This results as a particular case of a more general model derived for a binary, saturated, closed and incompressible mixture, composed by a tumor phase and a healthy phase, evolving in a bounded domain. The general system couples a Darcy-type evolution for the average velocity field with a convective reaction-diffusion type evolution for the nutrient concentration and a non-local convective Cahn-Hilliard equation for the tumor phase. The main mathematical difficulties are related to the proof of the separation property for the tumor phase in the Cahn-Hilliard equation: up to our knowledge, such problem is indeed open in the literature. For this reason, in the present contribution we restrict the analytical study to the Cahn-Hilliard equation only. For the non-local Cahn- Hilliard equation with singular single-well potential and degenerate mobility, we study the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for spatial dimensions d3d\leq 3. After showing existence, we prove the strict separation property in three spatial dimensions, implying the same property also for lower spatial dimensions, which opens the way to the proof of uniqueness of solutions. Finally, we propose a well posed and gradient stable continuous finite element approximation of the model for d3d\leq 3, which preserves the physical properties of the continuos solution and which is computationally efficient, and we show simulation results in two spatial dimensions which prove the consistency of the proposed scheme and which describe the phase ordering dynamics associated to the system

    Sharp Interface Limits of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Degenerate Mobility

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    In this work, the sharp interface limit of the degenerate Cahn-Hilliard equation (in two space dimensions) with a polynomial double well free energy and a quadratic mobility is derived via a matched asymptotic analysis involving exponentially large and small terms and multiple inner layers. In contrast to some results found in the literature, our analysis reveals that the interface motion is driven by a combination of surface diffusion flux proportional to the surface Laplacian of the interface curvature and an additional contribution from nonlinear, porous-medium type bulk diffusion, For higher degenerate mobilities, bulk diffusion is subdominant. The sharp interface models are corroborated by comparing relaxation rates of perturbations to a radially symmetric stationary state with those obtained by the phase field model.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    High order finite element calculations for the deterministic Cahn-Hilliard equation

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    In this work, we propose a numerical method based on high degree continuous nodal elements for the Cahn-Hilliard evolution. The use of the p-version of the finite element method proves to be very efficient and favorably compares with other existing strategies (C^1 elements, adaptive mesh refinement, multigrid resolution, etc). Beyond the classical benchmarks, a numerical study has been carried out to investigate the influence of a polynomial approximation of the logarithmic free energy and the bifurcations near the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator

    A second order in time, uniquely solvable, unconditionally stable numerical scheme for Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes equation

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    We propose a novel second order in time numerical scheme for Cahn-Hilliard-Navier- Stokes phase field model with matched density. The scheme is based on second order convex-splitting for the Cahn-Hilliard equation and pressure-projection for the Navier-Stokes equation. We show that the scheme is mass-conservative, satisfies a modified energy law and is therefore unconditionally stable. Moreover, we prove that the scheme is uncondition- ally uniquely solvable at each time step by exploring the monotonicity associated with the scheme. Thanks to the weak coupling of the scheme, we design an efficient Picard iteration procedure to further decouple the computation of Cahn-Hilliard equation and Navier-Stokes equation. We implement the scheme by the mixed finite element method. Ample numerical experiments are performed to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical scheme

    Positivity-preserving, energy stable numerical schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with logarithmic potential

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    We present and analyze finite difference numerical schemes for the Allen Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard equation with a logarithmic Flory Huggins energy potential. Both the first order and second order accurate temporal algorithms are considered. In the first order scheme, we treat the nonlinear logarithmic terms and the surface diffusion term implicitly, and update the linear expansive term and the mobility explicitly. We provide a theoretical justification that, this numerical algorithm has a unique solution such that the positivity is always preserved for the logarithmic arguments. In particular, our analysis reveals a subtle fact: the singular nature of the logarithmic term around the values of 1-1 and 1 prevents the numerical solution reaching these singular values, so that the numerical scheme is always well-defined as long as the numerical solution stays similarly bounded at the previous time step. Furthermore, an unconditional energy stability of the numerical scheme is derived, without any restriction for the time step size. The unique solvability and the positivity-preserving property for the second order scheme are proved using similar ideas, in which the singular nature of the logarithmic term plays an essential role. For both the first and second order accurate schemes, we are able to derive an optimal rate convergence analysis, which gives the full order error estimate. The case with a non-constant mobility is analyzed as well. We also describe a practical and efficient multigrid solver for the proposed numerical schemes, and present some numerical results, which demonstrate the robustness of the numerical schemes