30 research outputs found

    k-irreducible triangulations of 2-manifolds

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    This thesis deals with k-irreducible triangulations of closed, compact 2-manifolds without boundary. A triangulation is k-irreducible, if all its closed cycles of length less than k are nullhomotopic and no edge can be contracted without losing this property. k-irreducibility is a generalization of the well-known concept of irreducibility, and can be regarded as a measure of how closely the triangulation approximates a smooth version of the underlying surface. Research follows three main questions: What are lower and upper bounds for the minimum and maximum size of a k-irreducible triangulation? What are the smallest and biggest explicitly constructible examples? Can one achieve complete classifications for specific 2-manifolds, and fixed k

    Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

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    Let LL be a fixed branch -- that is, an irreducible germ of curve -- on a normal surface singularity XX. If A,BA,B are two other branches, define uL(A,B):=(L⋅A) (L⋅B)A⋅Bu_L(A,B) := \dfrac{(L \cdot A) \: (L \cdot B)}{A \cdot B}, where A⋅BA \cdot B denotes the intersection number of AA and BB. Call XX arborescent if all the dual graphs of its resolutions are trees. In a previous paper, the first three authors extended a 1985 theorem of P{\l}oski by proving that whenever XX is arborescent, the function uLu_L is an ultrametric on the set of branches on XX different from LL. In the present paper we prove that, conversely, if uLu_L is an ultrametric, then XX is arborescent. We also show that for any normal surface singularity, one may find arbitrarily large sets of branches on XX, characterized uniquely in terms of the topology of the resolutions of their sum, in restriction to which uLu_L is still an ultrametric. Moreover, we describe the associated tree in terms of the dual graphs of such resolutions. Then we extend our setting by allowing LL to be an arbitrary semivaluation on XX and by defining uLu_L on a suitable space of semivaluations. We prove that any such function is again an ultrametric if and only if XX is arborescent, and without any restriction on XX we exhibit special subspaces of the space of semivaluations in restriction to which uLu_L is still an ultrametric.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures. Final versio

    A classification theorem for boundary 2-transitive automorphism groups of trees

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    Let TT be a locally finite tree all of whose vertices have valency at least 66. We classify, up to isomorphism, the closed subgroups of Aut(T)\mathrm{Aut}(T) acting 22-transitively on the set of ends of TT and whose local action at each vertex contains the alternating group. The outcome of the classification for a fixed tree TT is a countable family of groups, all containing two remarkable subgroups: a simple subgroup of index ≤8\leq 8 and (the semiregular analog of) the universal locally alternating group of Burger-Mozes (with possibly infinite index). We also provide an explicit example showing that the statement of this classification fails for trees of smaller degree.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure


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    Automorphism groups survey similarities on mathematical systems, which appear nearly in all mathematical branches, such as those of algebra, combinatorics, geometry, · · · and theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry, etc.. In geometry, configurations with high symmetry born symmetrical patterns, a kind of beautiful pictures in aesthetics. Naturally, automorphism groups enable one to distinguish systems by similarity. More automorphisms simply more symmetries of that system. This fact has established the fundamental role of automorphism groups in modern sciences. So it is important for graduate students knowing automorphism groups with applications