14,265 research outputs found

    Antipodal Distance Transitive Covers of Complete Graphs

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    AbstractA distance-transitive antipodal cover of a complete graphKnpossesses an automorphism group that acts 2-transitively on the fibres. The classification of finite simple groups implies a classification of finite 2-transitive permutation groups, and this allows us to determine all possibilities for such a graph. Several new infinite families of distance-transitive graphs are constructed

    Locally ss-distance transitive graphs

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    We give a unified approach to analysing, for each positive integer ss, a class of finite connected graphs that contains all the distance transitive graphs as well as the locally ss-arc transitive graphs of diameter at least ss. A graph is in the class if it is connected and if, for each vertex vv, the subgroup of automorphisms fixing vv acts transitively on the set of vertices at distance ii from vv, for each ii from 1 to ss. We prove that this class is closed under forming normal quotients. Several graphs in the class are designated as degenerate, and a nondegenerate graph in the class is called basic if all its nontrivial normal quotients are degenerate. We prove that, for s2s\geq 2, a nondegenerate, nonbasic graph in the class is either a complete multipartite graph, or a normal cover of a basic graph. We prove further that, apart from the complete bipartite graphs, each basic graph admits a faithful quasiprimitive action on each of its (1 or 2) vertex orbits, or a biquasiprimitive action. These results invite detailed additional analysis of the basic graphs using the theory of quasiprimitive permutation groups.Comment: Revised after referee report


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    The paper is devoted to the problem of classification of edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs. This extends the classification of those covers that are arc-transitive, which has been settled except for some tricky cases that remain to be considered, including the case of covers satisfying condition c2=1c_2=1 (which means that every two vertices at distance 2  have exactly one common neighbour).Here it is shown that an edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal cover of a complete graph with c2=1c_2=1 is either the second neighbourhood of a vertex in a Moore graph of valency 3 or 7, or a Mathon graph, or a half-transitive graph whose automorphism group induces an affine  22-homogeneous group on the set of its fibres. Moreover,  distance-regular  antipodal covers of complete graphs  with c2=1c_2=1 that admit  an automorphism group acting  22-homogeneously on the set of fibres (which turns out to be an approximation of the property of edge-transitivity  of such  cover), are described.   A well-known correspondence between distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs with c2=1c_2=1 and geodetic graphs of diameter two that can be viewed as underlying graphs of certain Moore geometries, allows us to effectively restrict admissible automorphism groups of covers under consideration by combining Kantor's classification of involutory automorphisms of these geometries together with the classification of finite 2-homogeneous permutation groups

    Subdegree growth rates of infinite primitive permutation groups

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    A transitive group GG of permutations of a set Ω\Omega is primitive if the only GG-invariant equivalence relations on Ω\Omega are the trivial and universal relations. If αΩ\alpha \in \Omega, then the orbits of the stabiliser GαG_\alpha on Ω\Omega are called the α\alpha-suborbits of GG; when GG acts transitively the cardinalities of these α\alpha-suborbits are the subdegrees of GG. If GG acts primitively on an infinite set Ω\Omega, and all the suborbits of GG are finite, Adeleke and Neumann asked if, after enumerating the subdegrees of GG as a non-decreasing sequence 1=m0m1...1 = m_0 \leq m_1 \leq ..., the subdegree growth rates of infinite primitive groups that act distance-transitively on locally finite distance-transitive graphs are extremal, and conjecture there might exist a number cc which perhaps depends upon GG, perhaps only on mm, such that mrc(m2)r1m_r \leq c(m-2)^{r-1}. In this paper it is shown that such an enumeration is not desirable, as there exist infinite primitive permutation groups possessing no infinite subdegree, in which two distinct subdegrees are each equal to the cardinality of infinitely many suborbits. The examples used to show this provide several novel methods for constructing infinite primitive graphs. A revised enumeration method is then proposed, and it is shown that, under this, Adeleke and Neumann's question may be answered, at least for groups exhibiting suitable rates of growth.Comment: 41 page

    On a Class of Edge-Transitive Distance-Regular Antipodal Covers of Complete Graphs

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of classification of edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs. This extends the classification of those covers that are arc-transitive, which has been settled except for some tricky cases that remain to be considered, including the case of covers satisfying condition c2=1 (which means that every two vertices at distance 2 have exactly one common neighbour). Here it is shown that an edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal cover of a complete graph with c2=1 is either the second neighbourhood of a vertex in a Moore graph of valency 3 or 7, or a Mathon graph, or a half-transitive graph whose automorphism group induces an affine 2-homogeneous group on the set of its fibres. Moreover, distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs with c2=1 that admit an automorphism group acting 2-homogeneously on the set of fibres (which turns out to be an approximation of the property of edge-transitivity of such cover), are described. A well-known correspondence between distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs with c2=1 and geodetic graphs of diameter two that can be viewed as underlying graphs of certain Moore geometries, allows us to effectively restrict admissible automorphism groups of covers under consideration by combining Kantor's classification of involutory automorphisms of these geometries together with the classification of finite 2-homogeneous permutation groups.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant no. 20-71-00122