11 research outputs found

    Biometric encryption system for increased security

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    Security is very important in present day life. In this highly-interconnected world, most of our daily activities are computer based, and the data transactions are protected by passwords. These passwords identify various entities such as bank accounts, mobile phones, etc. People might reuse the same password, or passwords related to an individual that can lead to attacks. Indeed, remembering several passwords can become a tedious task. Biometrics is a science that measures an individual’s physical characteristics in a unique way. Thus, biometrics serves as a method to replace the cumbersome use of complex passwords. Our research uses the features of biometrics to efficiently implement a biometric encryption system with a high level of security

    A review on Person Authentication using Finger Vein Technique

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    Biometric system has been actively emerging in various industries and continuing to roll to provide higher security features for access control system. The proposed system simultaneously acquires the finger surface and subsurface features from finger-vein and finger print images. This paper reviews the acquired finger vein and finger texture images are first subjected to pre-processing steps, which extract the region-of-interest (ROI). The enhanced and normalized ROI images employed to extract features and generate matching score. For this I will develop and investigate two new score-level combinations i.e. Gabour filter, Repeated line Tracking and Neural network comparatively evaluate them more popular score-level fusion approaches to ascertain their effectiveness in the proposed system. MATLAB software will be using for proposed work

    A Fingerprint Pattern Approach to Hill Cipher Implementation

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    The human fingerprint always becomes the way to verify the originality of the ownership. It can be connected to the security methods to increase the security level. Hill Cipher in one of the cryptography algorithms that can attach the digital fingerprint pattern. There are several matrix sizes to implement its process. This study focuses to a 3 x 3 matrix in the application. It provides nine integer numbers to perform the encryption which determinant has already been tested before. The concept is to link the digital fingerprint pattern to produce the automatic key generator. Not all the determinant value can get the ciphertext back to the original message. A threshold is used to adjust the determinant. It produces the different numbers when to be shifted. The correct numbers will be occupied in the matrix. When the numbers are available, the cryptography process can be performed

    Assessment Methods of Cognitive Ability of Human Brains for Inborn Intelligence Potential Using Pattern Recognitions

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    This research aims to examine the scientific study related to fingerprint patterns and brains lobes. Generally, this method is used to find and develop the inborn potential and personality especially of children. Every person is having inborn potential and personality, which will help us to analyze strength and weakness. The present work is based only on the analysis and used as a reference for scientific research in the field of Galtian and statistical study conducted based on the fingerprint processing. Human brain is divided into two parts, left hemispheres and right hemispheres. Fingers of right hand represent the functions of left brain and fingers of left hand represent the functions of right brain. Human brain is divided into 10 lobes and each lobe is related with each finger. Each lobe represents different intelligences. A detailed analysis of the fingerprint would help the researchers to find the inborn talents. It will provide them the most appropriate learning habits from young age and improve learning ability effectively. The vital factor of an individual’s intelligence is determined by neural network connection of brain cells. Cognitive science is the scientific study that will help you to know about yourself

    Multi-Modal Biometrics: Applications, Strategies and Operations

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    The need for adequate attention to security of lives and properties cannot be over-emphasised. Existing approaches to security management by various agencies and sectors have focused on the use of possession (card, token) and knowledge (password, username)-based strategies which are susceptible to forgetfulness, damage, loss, theft, forgery and other activities of fraudsters. The surest and most appropriate strategy for handling these challenges is the use of naturally endowed biometrics, which are the human physiological and behavioural characteristics. This paper presents an overview of the use of biometrics for human verification and identification. The applications, methodologies, operations, integration, fusion and strategies for multi-modal biometric systems that give more secured and reliable human identity management is also presented

    Selected Computing Research Papers Volume 6 June 2017

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    Critical Analysis of Online Transaction Verification Technologies in Financial Industries (Baboni Mmaopinkie Beleng) .............................................................................. 1 Improving the Effectiveness of Network Security Training Using Experimental Programmes (John Bolam) ................................................................................................... 9 A Critical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Animation within Education (Frances Byers) .................................................................................................................................. 15 Evaluating Current Research on the Educational Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (Michael Jopling) ................................................................................................................ 21 A Critical Evaluation of Current Research in DDoS Filtering Techniques within Cloud Computing Environments (Dean Richard McKinnel) ............................................. 27 An Evaluation of Security Strategies Aimed At Improving Cloud Computing (Gofaone Oatile) ................................................................................................................. 35 An Evaluation of Current Research into the Potential Negative Impact from Violent Video Games on Teenagers’ Aggression (Christopher Riddell) ........................................ 43 Evaluation of Current Computing Research Aimed at Improving Fingerprint Recognition Systems (Shaun Nkgasapane) ........................................................................ 49 A Critical Evaluation of Current Research into Improving Botnet Detection Rates (Andrew Thompson) ........................................................................................................... 5