779 research outputs found

    Curved Gabor Filters for Fingerprint Image Enhancement

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    Gabor filters play an important role in many application areas for the enhancement of various types of images and the extraction of Gabor features. For the purpose of enhancing curved structures in noisy images, we introduce curved Gabor filters which locally adapt their shape to the direction of flow. These curved Gabor filters enable the choice of filter parameters which increase the smoothing power without creating artifacts in the enhanced image. In this paper, curved Gabor filters are applied to the curved ridge and valley structure of low-quality fingerprint images. First, we combine two orientation field estimation methods in order to obtain a more robust estimation for very noisy images. Next, curved regions are constructed by following the respective local orientation and they are used for estimating the local ridge frequency. Lastly, curved Gabor filters are defined based on curved regions and they are applied for the enhancement of low-quality fingerprint images. Experimental results on the FVC2004 databases show improvements of this approach in comparison to state-of-the-art enhancement methods

    Finger-Vein Recognition Based on Gabor Features

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    A review of finger vein recognition system

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    Recently, the security-based system using finger vein as a biometric trait has been getting more attention from researchers all over the world, and these researchers have achieved positive progress. Many works have been done in different methods to improve the performance and accuracy of the personal identification and verification results. This paper discusses the previous methods of finger vein recognition system which include three main stages: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. The advantages and limitations of these previous methods are reviewed at the same time we present the main problems of the finger vein recognition system to make it as a future direction in this field

    Generating and analyzing synthetic finger vein images

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    Abstract: The finger-vein biometric offers higher degree of security, personal privacy and strong anti-spoofing capabilities than most other biometric modalities employed today. Emerging privacy concerns with the database acquisition and lack of availability of large scale finger-vein database have posed challenges in exploring this technology for large scale applications. This paper details the first such attempt to synthesize finger-vein images and presents analysis of synthesized images for the biometrics authentication. We generate a database of 50,000 finger vein images, corresponding to 5000 different subjects, with 10 different synthesized finger-vein images from each of the subject. We use tractable probability models to compare synthesized finger-vein images with the real finger- vein images for their image variability. This paper also presents matching accuracy using the synthesized finger-vein database from 5000 different subjects, using 225000 genuine and 1249750000 impostor matching scores, which suggests significant promises from this finger-vein biometric modality for large scale biometrics applications

    New Finger Biometric Method Using Near Infrared Imaging

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    In this paper, we propose a new finger biometric method. Infrared finger images are first captured, and then feature extraction is performed using a modified Gaussian high-pass filter through binarization, local binary pattern (LBP), and local derivative pattern (LDP) methods. Infrared finger images include the multimodal features of finger veins and finger geometries. Instead of extracting each feature using different methods, the modified Gaussian high-pass filter is fully convolved. Therefore, the extracted binary patterns of finger images include the multimodal features of veins and finger geometries. Experimental results show that the proposed method has an error rate of 0.13%

    Personal Authentication Using Finger Images

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    As the need for personal authentication increases, biometrics systems have become the ideal answer to the security needs. This paper presents a novel personal authentication system which uses simultaneously acquired finger-vein and finger texture images of the same person. A virtual fingerprint is generated combining these two images. The result of the combination i.e. the virtual fingerprint is then subjected to pre-processing steps including binarization, normalization, enhancement and Region of Interest (ROI) segmentation. Gabor filter is used to extract features. The feature extracted image is matched with the database. This proposed system is designed such that to achieve better performance in terms of matching accuracy, execution time, memory required and security. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15017

    Finger Vein Template Protection with Directional Bloom Filter

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    Biometrics has become a widely accepted solution for secure user authentication. However, the use of biometric traits raises serious concerns about the protection of personal data and privacy. Traditional biometric systems are vulnerable to attacks due to the storage of original biometric data in the system. Because biometric data cannot be changed once it has been compromised, the use of a biometric system is limited by the security of its template. To protect biometric templates, this paper proposes the use of directional bloom filters as a cancellable biometric approach to transform the biometric data into a non-invertible template for user authentication purposes. Recently, Bloom filter has been used for template protection due to its efficiency with small template size, alignment invariance, and irreversibility. Directional Bloom Filter improves on the original bloom filter. It generates hash vectors with directional subblocks rather than only a single-column subblock in the original bloom filter. Besides, we make use of multiple fingers to generate a biometric template, which is termed multi-instance biometrics. It helps to improve the performance of the method by providing more information through the use of multiple fingers. The proposed method is tested on three public datasets and achieves an equal error rate (EER) as low as 5.28% in the stolen or constant key scenario. Analysis shows that the proposed method meets the four properties of biometric template protection. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-013 Full Text: PD