522 research outputs found

    Discovering the Hidden Facts of User-Dispatcher Interactions via Text-based Reporting Systems for Community Safety

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    Recently, an increasing number of safety organizations in the U.S. have incorporated text-based risk reporting systems to respond to safety incident reports from their community members. To gain a better understanding of the interaction between community members and dispatchers using text-based risk reporting systems, this study conducts a system log analysis of LiveSafe, a community safety reporting system, to provide empirical evidence of the conversational patterns between users and dispatchers using both quantitative and qualitative methods. We created an ontology to capture information (e.g., location, attacker, target, weapon, start-time, and end-time, etc.) that dispatchers often collected from users regarding their incident tips. Applying the proposed ontology, we found that dispatchers often asked users for different information across varied event types (e.g., Attacker for Abuse and Attack events, Target for Harassment events). Additionally, using emotion detection and regression analysis, we found an inconsistency in dispatchers' emotional support and responsiveness to users' messages between different organizations and between incident categories. The results also showed that users had a higher response rate and responded quicker when dispatchers provided emotional support. These novel findings brought significant insights to both practitioners and system designers, e.g., AI-based solutions to augment human agents' skills for improved service quality

    Towards Emotion-Sensitive Conversational User Interfaces in Healthcare Applications

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    Perception of emotions and adequate responses are key factors of a successful conversational agent. However, determining emotions in a healthcare setting depends on multiple factors such as context and medical condition. Given the increase of interest in conversational agents integrated in mobile health applications, our objective in this work is to introduce a concept for analyzing emotions and sentiments expressed by a person in a mobile health application with a conversational user interface. The approach bases upon bot technology (Synthetic intelligence markup language) and deep learning for emotion analysis. More specifically, expressions referring to sentiments or emotions are classified along seven categories and three stages of strengths using treebank annotation and recursive neural networks. The classification result is used by the chatbot for selecting an appropriate response. In this way, the concerns of a user can be better addressed. We describe three use cases where the approach could be integrated to make the chatbot emotion-sensitive

    Modelos de detección de emociones en texto y rostros para agentes conversacionales multimodales

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    El presente trabajo de investigación aborda la implementación, análisis y selección de distintos modelos de redes neuronales recurrentes (RNN) y convolucionales (CNN) para la detección de emociones en texto y rostros; los cuales pueden ser utilizados como módulos adicionales en agentes conversacionales de tiempo real como son chatbots o robots sociales. Los módulos de detección permiten a los agentes conversacionales poder entender cómo se sienten las personas durante la interacción con ellas; conociendo estos estados los agentes conversacionales pueden responder empáticamente. En primer lugar, se revisará la literatura sobre como los agentes conversacionales buscan ser más empáticos, así como los métodos de detección de emociones mediante distintos canales como texto y rostros. Luego, se procede a recolectar y pre-procesar bases de datos públicas para el entrenamiento de los algoritmos seleccionados en base a la literatura. Finalmente, métricas tanto para la evaluación del rendimiento de predicción multiclase (Accuracy, Precision, Recall y F1), como la velocidad de procesamiento (ej. Framesper- second) son seleccionadas y analizadas para determinar cuáles son los mejores algoritmos para implementar una aplicación de tiempo real

    Let’s lie together:Co-presence effects on children’s deceptive skills

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