6,780 research outputs found

    Neyman-Pearson Decision in Traffic Analysis

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    The increase of encrypted traffic on the Internet may become a problem for network-security applications such as intrusion-detection systems or interfere with forensic investigations. This fact has increased the awareness for traffic analysis, i.e., inferring information from communication patterns instead of its content. Deciding correctly that a known network flow is either the same or part of an observed one can be extremely useful for several network-security applications such as intrusion detection and tracing anonymous connections. In many cases, the flows of interest are relayed through many nodes that reencrypt the flow, making traffic analysis the only possible solution. There exist two well-known techniques to solve this problem: passive traffic analysis and flow watermarking. The former is undetectable but in general has a much worse performance than watermarking, whereas the latter can be detected and modified in such a way that the watermark is destroyed. In the first part of this dissertation we design techniques where the traffic analyst (TA) is one end of an anonymous communication and wants to deanonymize the other host, under this premise that the arrival time of the TA\u27s packets/requests can be predicted with high confidence. This, together with the use of an optimal detector, based on Neyman-Pearson lemma, allow the TA deanonymize the other host with high confidence even with short flows. We start by studying the forensic problem of leaving identifiable traces on the log of a Tor\u27s hidden service, in this case the used predictor comes in the HTTP header. Afterwards, we propose two different methods for locating Tor hidden services, the first one is based on the arrival time of the request cell and the second one uses the number of cells in certain time intervals. In both of these methods, the predictor is based on the round-trip time and in some cases in the position inside its burst, hence this method does not need the TA to have access to the decrypted flow. The second part of this dissertation deals with scenarios where an accurate predictor is not feasible for the TA. This traffic analysis technique is based on correlating the inter-packet delays (IPDs) using a Neyman-Pearson detector. Our method can be used as a passive analysis or as a watermarking technique. This algorithm is first made robust against adversary models that add chaff traffic, split the flows or add random delays. Afterwards, we study this scenario from a game-theoretic point of view, analyzing two different games: the first deals with the identification of independent flows, while the second one decides whether a flow has been watermarked/fingerprinted or not

    A New Scheme for the Polynomial Based Biometric Cryptosystems

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    Cryptanalysis of the Fuzzy Vault for Fingerprints: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures

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    Das Fuzzy Vault ist ein beliebter Ansatz, um die Minutien eines menschlichen Fingerabdrucks in einer Sicherheitsanwendung geschützt zu speichern. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Implementationen des Fuzzy Vault für Fingerabdrücke in verschiedenen Angriffsszenarien untersucht. Unsere Untersuchungen und Analysen bestätigen deutlich, dass die größte Schwäche von Implementationen des Fingerabdruck Fuzzy Vaults seine hohe Anfälligkeit gegen False-Accept Angriffe ist. Als Gegenmaßnahme könnten mehrere Finger oder sogar mehrere biometrische Merkmale eines Menschen gleichzeitig verwendet werden. Allerdings besitzen traditionelle Fuzzy Vault Konstruktionen eine wesentliche Schwäche: den Korrelationsangriff. Es ist bekannt, dass das Runden von Minutien auf ein starres System, diese Schwäche beheben. Ausgehend davon schlagen wir eine Implementation vor. Würden nun Parameter traditioneller Konstruktionen übernommen, so würden wir einen signifikanten Verlust an Verifikations-Leistung hinnehmen müssen. In einem Training wird daher eine gute Parameterkonfiguration neu bestimmt. Um den Authentifizierungsaufwand praktikabel zu machen, verwenden wir einen randomisierten Dekodierer und zeigen, dass die erreichbaren Raten vergleichbar mit den Raten einer traditionellen Konstruktion sind. Wir folgern, dass das Fuzzy Vault ein denkbarer Ansatz bleibt, um die schwierige Aufgabe ein kryptographisch sicheres biometrisches Kryptosystem in Zukunft zu implementieren.The fuzzy fingerprint vault is a popular approach to protect a fingerprint's minutiae as a building block of a security application. In this thesis simulations of several attack scenarios are conducted against implementations of the fuzzy fingerprint vault from the literature. Our investigations clearly confirm that the weakest link in the fuzzy fingerprint vault is its high vulnerability to false-accept attacks. Therefore, multi-finger or even multi-biometric cryptosystems should be conceived. But there remains a risk that cannot be resolved by using more biometric information of an individual if features are protected using a traditional fuzzy vault construction: The correlation attack remains a weakness of such constructions. It is known that quantizing minutiae to a rigid system while filling the whole space with chaff makes correlation obsolete. Based on this approach, we propose an implementation. If parameters were adopted from a traditional fuzzy fingerprint vault implementation, we would experience a significant loss in authentication performance. Therefore, we perform a training to determine reasonable parameters for our implementation. Furthermore, to make authentication practical, the decoding procedure is proposed to be randomized. By running a performance evaluation on a dataset generally used, we find that achieving resistance against the correlation attack does not have to be at the cost of authentication performance. Finally, we conclude that fuzzy vault remains a possible construction for helping in solving the challenging task of implementing a cryptographically secure multi-biometric cryptosystem in future

    Multi-biometric templates using fingerprint and voice

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    As biometrics gains popularity, there is an increasing concern about privacy and misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. Furthermore, biometric verification systems face challenges arising from noise and intra-class variations. To tackle both problems, a multimodal biometric verification system combining fingerprint and voice modalities is proposed. The system combines the two modalities at the template level, using multibiometric templates. The fusion of fingerprint and voice data successfully diminishes privacy concerns by hiding the minutiae points from the fingerprint, among the artificial points generated by the features obtained from the spoken utterance of the speaker. Equal error rates are observed to be under 2% for the system where 600 utterances from 30 people have been processed and fused with a database of 400 fingerprints from 200 individuals. Accuracy is increased compared to the previous results for voice verification over the same speaker database

    Watermarking Algorithm for Encrypting Fingerprint Image -A MatLab Implementation

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    In today’s world of electronic communication we use to send and receive data through internet. Apart from sending data to the correct recipient, the aspect of secure transmission also comes to picture i.e. data should remain unhampered. There are many techniques and algorithm coming in existence to provide secure transmission of data. Biometrics being one of the fast growing industries for identifying a person also needs to be secure. In this paper we are suggesting an algorithm to encrypt a fingerprint sample so that it can securely be transmitted over internet. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15033

    Women in Britain’s First Muslim Mosques:Hidden from History, but Not Without Influence

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    Two of the earliest Muslim communities in Britain evolved around the first mosques in Liverpool and Woking (both—1889). The history of these early British Muslims is being recovered but little is known about the women (usually converts) in these communities. This article will draw upon original findings from archival research, to examine ‘leadership’ that women in these communities undertook and their influence in shaping their nascent British Muslim communities. The practical, theological and philosophical negotiations around gender roles, female leadership, and veiling and the social contexts within which they took place are examined. By uncovering historical responses to issues that remain topical in British Muslim communities, this article provides historical grounding for contemporary debates about female Muslim leadership in British Muslim communities