282 research outputs found

    Persistent Homology analysis of Phase Transitions

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    Persistent homology analysis, a recently developed computational method in algebraic topology, is applied to the study of the phase transitions undergone by the so-called XY-mean field model and by the phi^4 lattice model, respectively. For both models the relationship between phase transitions and the topological properties of certain submanifolds of configuration space are exactly known. It turns out that these a-priori known facts are clearly retrieved by persistent homology analysis of dynamically sampled submanifolds of configuration space.Comment: 10 pages; 10 figure

    On the apparent failure of the topological theory of phase transitions

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    The topological theory of phase transitions has its strong point in two theorems proving that, for a wide class of physical systems, phase transitions necessarily stem from topological changes of some submanifolds of configuration space. It has been recently argued that the 2D2D lattice ϕ4\phi^4-model provides a counterexample that falsifies this theory. It is here shown that this is not the case: the phase transition of this model stems from an asymptotic (N→∞N\to\infty) change of topology of the energy level sets, in spite of the absence of critical points of the potential in correspondence of the transition energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Towards Persistence-Based Reconstruction in Euclidean Spaces

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    Manifold reconstruction has been extensively studied for the last decade or so, especially in two and three dimensions. Recently, significant improvements were made in higher dimensions, leading to new methods to reconstruct large classes of compact subsets of Euclidean space Rd\R^d. However, the complexities of these methods scale up exponentially with d, which makes them impractical in medium or high dimensions, even for handling low-dimensional submanifolds. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that stands in-between classical reconstruction and topological estimation, and whose complexity scales up with the intrinsic dimension of the data. Specifically, when the data points are sufficiently densely sampled from a smooth mm-submanifold of Rd\R^d, our method retrieves the homology of the submanifold in time at most c(m)n5c(m)n^5, where nn is the size of the input and c(m)c(m) is a constant depending solely on mm. It can also provably well handle a wide range of compact subsets of Rd\R^d, though with worse complexities. Along the way to proving the correctness of our algorithm, we obtain new results on \v{C}ech, Rips, and witness complex filtrations in Euclidean spaces

    Estimating Multidimensional Persistent Homology through a Finite Sampling

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    An exact computation of the persistent Betti numbers of a submanifold XX of a Euclidean space is possible only in a theoretical setting. In practical situations, only a finite sample of XX is available. We show that, under suitable density conditions, it is possible to estimate the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of XX from the ones of a union of balls centered on the sample points; this even yields the exact value in restricted areas of the domain. Using these inequalities we improve a previous lower bound for the natural pseudodistance to assess dissimilarity between the shapes of two objects from a sampling of them. Similar inequalities are proved for the multidimensional persistent Betti numbers of the ball union and the one of a combinatorial description of it

    Dimension Detection with Local Homology

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    Detecting the dimension of a hidden manifold from a point sample has become an important problem in the current data-driven era. Indeed, estimating the shape dimension is often the first step in studying the processes or phenomena associated to the data. Among the many dimension detection algorithms proposed in various fields, a few can provide theoretical guarantee on the correctness of the estimated dimension. However, the correctness usually requires certain regularity of the input: the input points are either uniformly randomly sampled in a statistical setting, or they form the so-called (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-sample which can be neither too dense nor too sparse. Here, we propose a purely topological technique to detect dimensions. Our algorithm is provably correct and works under a more relaxed sampling condition: we do not require uniformity, and we also allow Hausdorff noise. Our approach detects dimension by determining local homology. The computation of this topological structure is much less sensitive to the local distribution of points, which leads to the relaxation of the sampling conditions. Furthermore, by leveraging various developments in computational topology, we show that this local homology at a point zz can be computed \emph{exactly} for manifolds using Vietoris-Rips complexes whose vertices are confined within a local neighborhood of zz. We implement our algorithm and demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our method using both synthetic and real data sets

    On the Reconstruction of Geodesic Subspaces of RN\mathbb{R}^N

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    We consider the topological and geometric reconstruction of a geodesic subspace of RN\mathbb{R}^N both from the \v{C}ech and Vietoris-Rips filtrations on a finite, Hausdorff-close, Euclidean sample. Our reconstruction technique leverages the intrinsic length metric induced by the geodesics on the subspace. We consider the distortion and convexity radius as our sampling parameters for a successful reconstruction. For a geodesic subspace with finite distortion and positive convexity radius, we guarantee a correct computation of its homotopy and homology groups from the sample. For geodesic subspaces of R2\mathbb{R}^2, we also devise an algorithm to output a homotopy equivalent geometric complex that has a very small Hausdorff distance to the unknown shape of interest
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