14 research outputs found

    The inverse of the star-discrepancy problem and the generation of pseudo-random numbers

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    The inverse of the star-discrepancy problem asks for point sets PN,sP_{N,s} of size NN in the ss-dimensional unit cube [0,1]s[0,1]^s whose star-discrepancy D∗(PN,s)D^\ast(P_{N,s}) satisfies D∗(PN,s)≤Cs/N,D^\ast(P_{N,s}) \le C \sqrt{s/N}, where C>0C> 0 is a constant independent of NN and ss. The first existence results in this direction were shown by Heinrich, Novak, Wasilkowski, and Wo\'{z}niakowski in 2001, and a number of improvements have been shown since then. Until now only proofs that such point sets exist are known. Since such point sets would be useful in applications, the big open problem is to find explicit constructions of suitable point sets PN,sP_{N,s}. We review the current state of the art on this problem and point out some connections to pseudo-random number generators

    Finding optimal volume subintervals with k points and calculating the star discrepancy are NP-hard problems

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    AbstractThe well-known star discrepancy is a common measure for the uniformity of point distributions. It is used, e.g., in multivariate integration, pseudo random number generation, experimental design, statistics, or computer graphics.We study here the complexity of calculating the star discrepancy of point sets in the d-dimensional unit cube and show that this is an NP-hard problem.To establish this complexity result, we first prove NP-hardness of the following related problems in computational geometry: Given n points in the d-dimensional unit cube, find a subinterval of minimum or maximum volume that contains k of the n points.Our results for the complexity of the subinterval problems settle a conjecture of E. Thiémard [E. Thiémard, Optimal volume subintervals with k points and star discrepancy via integer programming, Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 54 (2001) 21–45]

    Constructing Low Star Discrepancy Point Sets with Genetic Algorithms

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    Geometric discrepancies are standard measures to quantify the irregularity of distributions. They are an important notion in numerical integration. One of the most important discrepancy notions is the so-called \emph{star discrepancy}. Roughly speaking, a point set of low star discrepancy value allows for a small approximation error in quasi-Monte Carlo integration. It is thus the most studied discrepancy notion. In this work we present a new algorithm to compute point sets of low star discrepancy. The two components of the algorithm (for the optimization and the evaluation, respectively) are based on evolutionary principles. Our algorithm clearly outperforms existing approaches. To the best of our knowledge, it is also the first algorithm which can be adapted easily to optimize inverse star discrepancies.Comment: Extended abstract appeared at GECCO 2013. v2: corrected 3 numbers in table

    An enumerative formula for the spherical cap discrepancy

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    The spherical cap discrepancy is a widely used measure for how uniformly a sample of points on the sphere is distributed. Being hard to compute, this discrepancy measure is typically replaced by some lower or upper estimates when designing optimal sampling schemes for the uniform distribution on the sphere. In this paper, we provide a fully explicit, easy to implement enumerative formula for the spherical cap discrepancy. Not surprisingly, this formula is of combinatorial nature and, thus, its application is limited to spheres of small dimension and moderate sample sizes. Nonetheless, it may serve as a useful calibrating tool for testing the efficiency of sampling schemes and its explicit character might be useful also to establish necessary optimality conditions when minimizing the discrepancy with respect to a sample of given size