8,152 research outputs found

    Using The Software Adapter To Connect Legacy Simulation Models To The Rti

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    The establishment of a network of persistent shared simulations depends on the presence of a robust standard for communicating state information between those simulations. The High Level Architecture (HLA) can serve as the basis for such a standard. While the HLA is architecture, not software, use of Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) software is required to support operations of a federation execution. The integration of RTI with existing simulation models is complex and requires a lot of expertise. This thesis implements a less complex and effective interaction between a legacy simulation model and RTI using a middleware tool known as Distributed Manufacturing Simulation (DMS) adapter. Shuttle Model, an Arena based discrete-event simulation model for shuttle operations, is connected to the RTI using the DMS adapter. The adapter provides a set of functions that are to be incorporated within the Shuttle Model, in a procedural manner, in order to connect to RTI. This thesis presents the procedure when the Shuttle Model connects to the RTI, to communicate with the Scrub Model for approval of its shuttle\u27s launch

    Analyzing The Community Structure Of Web-like Networks: Models And Algorithms

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    This dissertation investigates the community structure of web-like networks (i.e., large, random, real-life networks such as the World Wide Web and the Internet). Recently, it has been shown that many such networks have a locally dense and globally sparse structure with certain small, dense subgraphs occurring much more frequently than they do in the classical Erdös-Rényi random graphs. This peculiarity--which is commonly referred to as community structure--has been observed in seemingly unrelated networks such as the Web, email networks, citation networks, biological networks, etc. The pervasiveness of this phenomenon has led many researchers to believe that such cohesive groups of nodes might represent meaningful entities. For example, in the Web such tightly-knit groups of nodes might represent pages with a common topic, geographical location, etc., while in the neural networks they might represent evolved computational units. The notion of community has emerged in an effort to formalize the empirical observation of the locally dense globally sparse structure of web-like networks. In the broadest sense, a community in a web-like network is defined as a group of nodes that induces a dense subgraph which is sparsely linked with the rest of the network. Due to a wide array of envisioned applications, ranging from crawlers and search engines to network security and network compression, there has recently been a widespread interest in finding efficient community-mining algorithms. In this dissertation, the community structure of web-like networks is investigated by a combination of analytical and computational techniques: First, we consider the problem of modeling the web-like networks. In the recent years, many new random graph models have been proposed to account for some recently discovered properties of web-like networks that distinguish them from the classical random graphs. The vast majority of these random graph models take into account only the addition of new nodes and edges. Yet, several empirical observations indicate that deletion of nodes and edges occurs frequently in web-like networks. Inspired by such observations, we propose and analyze two dynamic random graph models that combine node and edge addition with a uniform and a preferential deletion of nodes, respectively. In both cases, we find that the random graphs generated by such models follow power-law degree distributions (in agreement with the degree distribution of many web-like networks). Second, we analyze the expected density of certain small subgraphs--such as defensive alliances on three and four nodes--in various random graphs models. Our findings show that while in the binomial random graph the expected density of such subgraphs is very close to zero, in some dynamic random graph models it is much larger. These findings converge with our results obtained by computing the number of communities in some Web crawls. Next, we investigate the computational complexity of the community-mining problem under various definitions of community. Assuming the definition of community as a global defensive alliance, or a global offensive alliance we prove--using transformations from the dominating set problem--that finding optimal communities is an NP-complete problem. These and other similar complexity results coupled with the fact that many web-like networks are huge, indicate that it is unlikely that fast, exact sequential algorithms for mining communities may be found. To handle this difficulty we adopt an algorithmic definition of community and a simpler version of the community-mining problem, namely: find the largest community to which a given set of seed nodes belong. We propose several greedy algorithms for this problem: The first proposed algorithm starts out with a set of seed nodes--the initial community--and then repeatedly selects some nodes from community\u27s neighborhood and pulls them in the community. In each step, the algorithm uses clustering coefficient--a parameter that measures the fraction of the neighbors of a node that are neighbors themselves--to decide which nodes from the neighborhood should be pulled in the community. This algorithm has time complexity of order , where denotes the number of nodes visited by the algorithm and is the maximum degree encountered. Thus, assuming a power-law degree distribution this algorithm is expected to run in near-linear time. The proposed algorithm achieved good accuracy when tested on some real and computer-generated networks: The fraction of community nodes classified correctly is generally above 80% and often above 90% . A second algorithm based on a generalized clustering coefficient, where not only the first neighborhood is taken into account but also the second, the third, etc., is also proposed. This algorithm achieves a better accuracy than the first one but also runs slower. Finally, a randomized version of the second algorithm which improves the time complexity without affecting the accuracy significantly, is proposed. The main target application of the proposed algorithms is focused crawling--the selective search for web pages that are relevant to a pre-defined topic

    CisOrtho: A program pipeline for genome-wide identification of transcription factor target genes using phylogenetic footprinting

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    BACKGROUND: All known genomes code for a large number of transcription factors. It is important to develop methods that will reveal how these transcription factors act on a genome wide level, that is, through what target genes they exert their function. RESULTS: We describe here a program pipeline aimed at identifying transcription factor target genes in whole genomes. Starting from a consensus binding site, represented as a weight matrix, potential sites in a pre-filtered genome are identified and then further filtered by assessing conservation of the putative site in the genome of a related species, a process called phylogenetic footprinting. CisOrtho has been successfully used to identify targets for two homeodomain transcription factors in the genomes of the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae. CONCLUSIONS: CisOrtho will identify targets of other nematode transcription factors whose DNA binding specificity is known and can be easily adapted to search other genomes for transcription factor targets

    Extraction and classification of dense communities in the Web

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    The World Wide Web (WWW) is rapidly becoming important for society as a medium for sharing data, information and services, and there is a growing interest in tools for understanding collective behaviors and emerging phenomena in the WWW. In this paper we focus on the problem of searching and classifying communities in the web. Loosely speaking a community is a group of pages related to a common interest. More formally communities have been associated in the computer science literature with the existence of a locally dense sub-graph of the web-graph (where web pages are nodes and hyper-links are arcs of the web-graph) The core of our contribution is a new scalable algorithm for finding relatively dense subgraphs in massive graphs. We apply our algorithm on web-graphs built on three publicly available large crawls of the web (with raw sizes up to 120M nodes and 1G arcs). The effectiveness of our algorithm in finding dense subgraphs is demonstrated experimentally by embedding artificial communities in the web-graph and counting how many of these are blindly found. Effectiveness increases with the size and density of the communities: it is close to 100% for dense communities of a hundred nodes or more. Moreover it is still about 80% even for small communities of twenty nodes and density at 50% of the arcs present. We complete our Community Watch system by clustering the communities found in the web-graph into homogeneous groups by topic and labelling each group by representative keywords

    How to measure influence in social networks?

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    Today, social networks are a valued resource of social data that can be used to understand the interactions among people and communities. People can influence or be influenced by interactions, shared opinions and emotions. How-ever, in the social network analysis, one of the main problems is to find the most influential people. This work aims to report on the results of literature review whose goal was to identify and analyse the metrics, algorithms and models used to measure the user influence on social networks. The search was carried out in three databases: Scopus, IEEEXplore, and ScienceDirect. We restricted pub-lished articles between the years 2014 until 2020, in English, and we used the following keywords: social networks analysis, influence, metrics, measurements, and algorithms. Backward process was applied to complement the search consid-ering inclusion and exclusion criteria. As a result of this process, we obtained 25 articles: 12 in the initial search and 13 in the backward process. The literature review resulted in the collection of 21 influence metrics, 4 influence algorithms, and 8 models of influence analysis. We start by defining influence and presenting its properties and applications. We then proceed by describing, analysing and categorizing all that were found metrics, algorithms, and models to measure in-fluence in social networks. Finally, we present a discussion on these metrics, al-gorithms, and models. This work helps researchers to quickly gain a broad per-spective on metrics, algorithms, and models for influence in social networks and their relative potentialities and limitations.This work has been supported by IViSSEM: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-28284, COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020
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