1,972 research outputs found

    Cloud Workload Allocation Approaches for Quality of Service Guarantee and Cybersecurity Risk Management

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    It has become a dominant trend in industry to adopt cloud computing --thanks to its unique advantages in flexibility, scalability, elasticity and cost efficiency -- for providing online cloud services over the Internet using large-scale data centers. In the meantime, the relentless increase in demand for affordable and high-quality cloud-based services, for individuals and businesses, has led to tremendously high power consumption and operating expense and thus has posed pressing challenges on cloud service providers in finding efficient resource allocation policies. Allowing several services or Virtual Machines (VMs) to commonly share the cloud\u27s infrastructure enables cloud providers to optimize resource usage, power consumption, and operating expense. However, servers sharing among users and VMs causes performance degradation and results in cybersecurity risks. Consequently, how to develop efficient and effective resource management policies to make the appropriate decisions to optimize the trade-offs among resource usage, service quality, and cybersecurity loss plays a vital role in the sustainable future of cloud computing. In this dissertation, we focus on cloud workload allocation problems for resource optimization subject to Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee and cybersecurity risk constraints. To facilitate our research, we first develop a cloud computing prototype that we utilize to empirically validate the performance of different proposed cloud resource management schemes under a close to practical, but also isolated and well-controlled, environment. We then focus our research on the resource management policies for real-time cloud services with QoS guarantee. Based on queuing model with reneging, we establish and formally prove a series of fundamental principles, between service timing characteristics and their resource demands, and based on which we develop several novel resource management algorithms that statically guarantee the QoS requirements for cloud users. We then study the problem of mitigating cybersecurity risk and loss in cloud data centers via cloud resource management. We employ game theory to model the VM-to-VM interdependent cybersecurity risks in cloud clusters. We then conduct a thorough analysis based on our game-theory-based model and develop several algorithms for cybersecurity risk management. Specifically, we start our cybersecurity research from a simple case with only two types of VMs and next extend it to a more general case with an arbitrary number of VM types. Our intensive numerical and experimental results show that our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the existing methodologies for large-scale cloud data centers in terms of resource usage, cybersecurity loss, and computational effectiveness

    Nash Equilibria in the multi-agent project scheduling problem with milestones

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    Plánovanie projektov zvyčajne zahŕňa viacerých dodávateľov, ktorí majú na starosti rôzne práce v projektovom pláne. Každý dodávateľ má možnosť skrátiť trvanie svojej aktivity z maximálneho až na minimálny časový limit. Projektový manažér je zodpovedný za včasné dodanie projektu. V projektovom pláne stanovuje míľniky s príslušnými termínmi a pokutami za ich nesplnenie. Cieľom práce je nájsť stabilné riešenie s minimálnym časovým trvaním projektu. V stabilnom riešení nemá žiadny dodávateľ záujem zmeniť trvanie svojich aktivít, aby znížil svoje náklady. To pláti za predpokladu, že všetci ostatní dodávatelia nezmenia svoje stratégie. V práci navrhujeme využitie celočíselného lineárneho programovania s podmienkami generovanými v priebehu programu pre výpočet stabilného riešenia s minimálnym časovým trvaním projektu. Analýza výpočtov potvrdzuje efektívnosť nášho riešenia. Taktiež v práci skúmame ukazovatele v anglickej literatúre označované ako price of anarchy a price of stability, aby sme získali lepšiu predstavu o probléme z pohľadu projektového manažéra.Project scheduling often involves multiple contractors, who are in charge of activities in the project plan. They have the power to decrease the duration of their activities from normal duration to the incompressible limit. The project manager is responsible to deliver the project on time. He specifies the milestones with appropriate due dates and penalties in the project plan. The thesis aims to find a stable solution with minimal project duration. In a stable solution, no contractor has the interest to change the duration of his activities to reduce his expenses, since all other contractors do not change their strategies. We propose a mixed integer linear program formulation with lazy constraint generation for its calculation. Computation analysis confirms the effectiveness of our approach. We investigate the values of the price of anarchy and the price of stability to get useful insight for the project manager

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Swarming-based Live Streaming to Leverage Client Heterogeneity

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    Due to missing IP multicast support on an Internet scale, over-the-top media streams are delivered with the help of overlays as used by content delivery networks and their peer-to-peer (P2P) extensions. In this context, mesh/pull-based swarming plays an important role either as pure streaming approach or in combination with tree/push mechanisms. However, the impact of realistic client populations with heterogeneous resources is not yet fully understood. In this technical report, we contribute to closing this gap by mathematically analysing the most basic scheduling mechanisms latest deadline first (LDF) and earliest deadline first (EDF) in a continuous time Markov chain framework and combining them into a simple, yet powerful, mixed strategy to leverage inherent differences in client resources. The main contributions are twofold: (1) a mathematical framework for swarming on random graphs is proposed with a focus on LDF and EDF strategies in heterogeneous scenarios; (2) a mixed strategy, named SchedMix, is proposed that leverages peer heterogeneity. The proposed strategy, SchedMix is shown to outperform the other two strategies using different abstractions: a mean-field theoretic analysis of buffer probabilities, simulations of a stochastic model on random graphs, and a full-stack implementation of a P2P streaming system.Comment: Technical report and supplementary material to http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7497234

    Mathematical optimization techniques for demand management in smart grids

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    The electricity supply industry has been facing significant challenges in terms of meeting the projected demand for energy, environmental issues, security, reliability and integration of renewable energy. Currently, most of the power grids are based on many decades old vertical hierarchical infrastructures where the electric power flows in one direction from the power generators to the consumer side and the grid monitoring information is handled only at the operation side. It is generally believed that a fundamental evolution in electric power generation and supply system is required to make the grids more reliable, secure and efficient. This is generally recognised as the development of smart grids. Demand management is the key to the operational efficiency and reliability of smart grids. Facilitated by the two-way information flow and various optimization mechanisms, operators benefit from real time dynamic load monitoring and control while consumers benefit from optimised use of energy. In this thesis, various mathematical optimization techniques and game theoretic frameworks have been proposed for demand management in order to achieve efficient home energy consumption scheduling and optimal electric vehicle (EV) charging. A consumption scheduling technique is proposed to minimise the peak consumption load. The proposed technique is able to schedule the optimal operation time for appliances according to the power consumption patterns of the individual appliances. A game theoretic consumption optimization framework is proposed to manage the scheduling of appliances of multiple residential consumers in a decentralised manner, with the aim of achieving minimum cost of energy for consumers. The optimization incorporates integration of locally generated and stored renewable energy in order to minimise dependency on conventional energy. In addition to the appliance scheduling, a mean field game theoretic optimization framework is proposed for electric vehicles to manage their charging. In particular, the optimization considers a charging station where a large number of EVs are charged simultaneously during a flexible period of time. The proposed technique provides the EVs an optimal charging strategy in order to minimise the cost of charging. The performances of all these new proposed techniques have been demonstrated using Matlab based simulation studies