4 research outputs found

    Persistent Cohomology and Circular Coordinates

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    Nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) algorithms such as Isomap, LLE and Laplacian Eigenmaps address the problem of representing high-dimensional nonlinear data in terms of low-dimensional coordinates which represent the intrinsic structure of the data. This paradigm incorporates the assumption that real-valued coordinates provide a rich enough class of functions to represent the data faithfully and efficiently. On the other hand, there are simple structures which challenge this assumption: the circle, for example, is one-dimensional but its faithful representation requires two real coordinates. In this work, we present a strategy for constructing circle-valued functions on a statistical data set. We develop a machinery of persistent cohomology to identify candidates for significant circle-structures in the data, and we use harmonic smoothing and integration to obtain the circle-valued coordinate functions themselves. We suggest that this enriched class of coordinate functions permits a precise NLDR analysis of a broader range of realistic data sets.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 200

    Finding Minimal Parameterizations of Cylindrical Image Manifolds

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    Manifold learning has become an important tool to characterize high-dimensional data that vary nonlinearly due to a few parameters. Applications to the analysis of medical imagery and human motion patterns have been successful despite the lack of effective tools to parameterize cyclic data sets. This paper offers an initial approach to this problem, and provides for a minimal parameterization of points that are drawn from cylindrical manifolds—data whose (unknown) generative model includes a cyclic and a non-cyclic parameter. Solving for this special case is important for a number of current, practical applications and provides a start toward a general approach to cyclic manifolds. We offer results on synthetic and real data sets and illustrate an application to de-noising cardiac ultrasound images. 1