12 research outputs found

    Finding lower bounds on the complexity of secret sharing schemes by linear programming

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    Optimizing the maximum, or average, length of the shares in relation to the length of the secret for every given access structure is a difficult and long-standing open problem in cryptology. Most of the known lower bounds on these parameters have been obtained by implicitly or explicitly using that every secret sharing scheme defines a polymatroid related to the access structure. The best bounds that can be obtained by this combinatorial method can be determined by using linear programming, and this can be effectively done for access structures on a small number of participants. By applying this linear programming approach, we improve some of the known lower bounds for the access structures on five participants and the graph access structures on six participants for which these parameters were still undetermined. Nevertheless, the lower bounds that are obtained by this combinatorial method are not tight in general. For some access structures, they can be improved by adding to the linear program non-Shannon information inequalities as new constraints. We obtain in this way new separation results for some graph access structures on eight participants and for some ports of non-representable matroids. Finally, we prove that, for two access structures on five participants, the combinatorial lower bound cannot be attained by any linear secret sharing schemePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Finding Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Secret Sharing Schemes by Linear Programming

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    Optimizing the maximum, or average, length of the shares in relation to the length of the secret for every given access structure is a difficult and long-standing open problem in cryptology. Most of the known lower bounds on these parameters have been obtained by implicitly or explicitly using that every secret sharing scheme defines a polymatroid related to the access structure. The best bounds that can be obtained by this combinatorial method can be determined by using linear programming, and this can be effectively done for access structures on a small number of participants. By applying this linear programming approach, we improve some of the known lower bounds for the access structures on five participants and the graph access structures on six participants for which these parameters were still undetermined. Nevertheless, the lower bounds that are obtained by this combinatorial method are not tight in general. For some access structures, they can be improved by adding to the linear program non-Shannon information inequalities as new constraints. We obtain in this way new separation results for some graph access structures on eight participants and for some ports of non-representable matroids. Finally, we prove that, for two access structures on five participants, the combinatorial lower bound cannot be attained by any linear secret sharing scheme

    Optimal non-perfect uniform secret sharing schemes

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    A secret sharing scheme is non-perfect if some subsets of participants that cannot recover the secret value have partial information about it. The information ratio of a secret sharing scheme is the ratio between the maximum length of the shares and the length of the secret. This work is dedicated to the search of bounds on the information ratio of non-perfect secret sharing schemes. To this end, we extend the known connections between polymatroids and perfect secret sharing schemes to the non-perfect case. In order to study non-perfect secret sharing schemes in all generality, we describe their structure through their access function, a real function that measures the amount of information that every subset of participants obtains about the secret value. We prove that there exists a secret sharing scheme for every access function. Uniform access functions, that is, the ones whose values depend only on the number of participants, generalize the threshold access structures. Our main result is to determine the optimal information ratio of the uniform access functions. Moreover, we present a construction of linear secret sharing schemes with optimal information ratio for the rational uniform access functions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the optimization of bipartite secret sharing schemes

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    Optimizing the ratio between the maximum length of the shares and the length of the secret value in secret sharing schemes for general access structures is an extremely difficult and long-standing open problem. In this paper, we study it for bipartite access structures, in which the set of participants is divided in two parts, and all participants in each part play an equivalent role. We focus on the search of lower bounds by using a special class of polymatroids that is introduced here, the tripartite ones. We present a method based on linear programming to compute, for every given bipartite access structure, the best lower bound that can be obtained by this combinatorial method. In addition, we obtain some general lower bounds that improve the previously known ones, and we construct optimal secret sharing schemes for a family of bipartite access structures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Secret sharing schemes: Optimizing the information ratio

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    Secret sharing refers to methods used to distribute a secret value among a set of participants. This work deals with the optimization of two parameters regarding the efficiency of a secret sharing scheme: the information ratio and average information ratio. Only access structures (a special family of sets) on 5 and 6 participants will be considered. First, access structures with 5 participants will be studied, followed by the ones on 6 participants that are based on graphs. The main goal of the paper is to check existing lower bounds (and improve some of them) by using linear programs with the sage solver. Shannon information inequalities have been used to translate the polymatroid axioms into linear constraints

    On the information ratio of non-perfect secret sharing schemes

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00453-016-0217-9A secret sharing scheme is non-perfect if some subsets of players that cannot recover the secret value have partial information about it. The information ratio of a secret sharing scheme is the ratio between the maximum length of the shares and the length of the secret. This work is dedicated to the search of bounds on the information ratio of non-perfect secret sharing schemes and the construction of efficient linear non-perfect secret sharing schemes. To this end, we extend the known connections between matroids, polymatroids and perfect secret sharing schemes to the non-perfect case. In order to study non-perfect secret sharing schemes in all generality, we describe their structure through their access function, a real function that measures the amount of information on the secret value that is obtained by each subset of players. We prove that there exists a secret sharing scheme for every access function. Uniform access functions, that is, access functions whose values depend only on the number of players, generalize the threshold access structures. The optimal information ratio of the uniform access functions with rational values has been determined by Yoshida, Fujiwara and Fossorier. By using the tools that are described in our work, we provide a much simpler proof of that result and we extend it to access functions with real values.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Secret sharing, rank inequalities, and information inequalities

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Beimel and Orlov proved that all information inequalities on four or five variables, together with all information inequalities on more than five variables that are known to date, provide lower bounds on the size of the shares in secret sharing schemes that are at most linear on the number of participants. We present here another two negative results about the power of information inequalities in the search for lower bounds in secret sharing. First, we prove that all information inequalities on a bounded number of variables can only provide lower bounds that are polynomial on the number of participants. Second, we prove that the rank inequalities that are derived from the existence of two common informations can provide only lower bounds that are at most cubic in the number of participants.Postprint (author's final draft