519 research outputs found

    Event Detection and Tracking Detection of Dangerous Events on Social Media

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    Online social media platforms have become essential tools for communication and information exchange in our lives. It is used for connecting with people and sharing information. This phenomenon has been intensively studied in the past decade to investigate users’ sentiments for different scenarios and purposes. As the technology advanced and popularity increased, it led to the use of different terms referring to similar topics which often result in confusion. We study such trends and intend to propose a uniform solution that deals with the subject clearly. We gather all these ambiguous terms under the umbrella of the most recent and popular terms to reach a concise verdict. Many events have been addressed in recent works that cover only specific types and domains of events. For the sake of keeping things simple and practical, the events that are extreme, negative, and dangerous are grouped under the name Dangerous Events (DE). These dangerous events are further divided into three main categories of action-based, scenario-based, and sentiments-based dangerous events to specify their characteristics. We then propose deep-learning-based models to detect events that are dangerous in nature. The deep-learning models that include BERT, RoBERTa, and XLNet provide valuable results that can effectively help solve the issue of detecting dangerous events using various dimensions. Even though the models perform well, the main constraint of fewer available event datasets and lower quality of certain events data affects the performance of these models can be tackled by handling the issue accordingly.As plataformas online de redes sociais tornaram-se ferramentas essenciais para a comunicação, conexão com outros, e troca de informação nas nossas vidas. Este fenómeno tem sido intensamente estudado na última década para investigar os sentimentos dos utilizadores em diferentes cenários e para vários propósitos. Contudo, a utilização dos meios de comunicação social tornou-se mais complexa e num fenómeno mais vasto devido ao envolvimento de múltiplos intervenientes, tais como empresas, grupos e outras organizações. À medida que a tecnologia avançou e a popularidade aumentou, a utilização de termos diferentes referentes a tópicos semelhantes gerou confusão. Por outras palavras, os modelos são treinados segundo a informação de termos e âmbitos específicos. Portanto, a padronização é imperativa. O objetivo deste trabalho é unir os diferentes termos utilizados em termos mais abrangentes e padronizados. O perigo pode ser uma ameaça como violência social, desastres naturais, danos intelectuais ou comunitários, contágio, agitação social, perda económica, ou apenas a difusão de ideologias odiosas e violentas. Estudamos estes diferentes eventos e classificamos-los em tópicos para que a ténica de deteção baseada em tópicos possa ser concebida e integrada sob o termo Evento Perigosos (DE). Consequentemente, definimos o termo proposto “Eventos Perigosos” (Dangerous Events) e dividimo-lo em três categorias principais de modo a especificar as suas características. Sendo estes denominados Eventos Perigosos, Eventos Perigosos de nível superior, e Eventos Perigosos de nível inferior. O conjunto de dados MAVEN foi utilizado para a obtenção de conjuntos de dados para realizar a experiência. Estes conjuntos de dados são filtrados manualmente com base no tipo de eventos para separar eventos perigosos de eventos gerais. Os modelos de transformação BERT, RoBERTa, e XLNet foram utilizados para classificar dados de texto consoante a respetiva categoria de Eventos Perigosos. Os resultados demonstraram que o desempenho do BERT é superior a outros modelos e pode ser eficazmente utilizado para a tarefa de deteção de Eventos Perigosos. Salienta-se que a abordagem de divisão dos conjuntos de dados aumentou significativamente o desempenho dos modelos. Existem diversos métodos propostos para a deteção de eventos. A deteção destes eventos (ED) são maioritariamente classificados na categoria de supervisonado e não supervisionados, como demonstrado nos metódos supervisionados, estão incluidos support vector machine (SVM), Conditional random field (CRF), Decision tree (DT), Naive Bayes (NB), entre outros. Enquanto a categoria de não supervisionados inclui Query-based, Statisticalbased, Probabilistic-based, Clustering-based e Graph-based. Estas são as duas abordagens em uso na deteção de eventos e são denonimados de document-pivot and feature-pivot. A diferença entre estas abordagens é na sua maioria a clustering approach, a forma como os documentos são utilizados para caracterizar vetores, e a similaridade métrica utilizada para identificar se dois documentos correspondem ao mesmo evento ou não. Além da deteção de eventos, a previsão de eventos é um problema importante mas complicado que engloba diversas dimensões. Muitos destes eventos são difíceis de prever antes de se tornarem visíveis e ocorrerem. Como um exemplo, é impossível antecipar catástrofes naturais, sendo apenas detetáveis após o seu acontecimento. Existe um número limitado de recursos em ternos de conjuntos de dados de eventos. ACE 2005, MAVEN, EVIN são alguns dos exemplos de conjuntos de dados disponíveis para a deteção de evnetos. Os trabalhos recentes demonstraram que os Transformer-based pre-trained models (PTMs) são capazes de alcançar desempenho de última geração em várias tarefas de NLP. Estes modelos são pré-treinados em grandes quantidades de texto. Aprendem incorporações para as palavras da língua ou representações de vetores de modo a que as palavras que se relacionem se agrupen no espaço vectorial. Um total de três transformadores diferentes, nomeadamente BERT, RoBERTa, e XLNet, será utilizado para conduzir a experiência e tirar a conclusão através da comparação destes modelos. Os modelos baseados em transformação (Transformer-based) estão em total sintonia utilizando uma divisão de 70,30 dos conjuntos de dados para fins de formação e teste/validação. A sintonização do hiperparâmetro inclui 10 epochs, 16 batch size, e o optimizador AdamW com taxa de aprendizagem 2e-5 para BERT e RoBERTa e 3e-5 para XLNet. Para eventos perigosos, o BERT fornece 60%, o RoBERTa 59 enquanto a XLNet fornece apenas 54% de precisão geral. Para as outras experiências de configuração de eventos de alto nível, o BERT e a XLNet dão 71% e 70% de desempenho com RoBERTa em relação aos outros modelos com 74% de precisão. Enquanto para o DE baseado em acções, DE baseado em cenários, e DE baseado em sentimentos, o BERT dá 62%, 85%, e 81% respetivamente; RoBERTa com 61%, 83%, e 71%; a XLNet com 52%, 81%, e 77% de precisão. Existe a necessidade de clarificar a ambiguidade entre os diferentes trabalhos que abordam problemas similares utilizando termos diferentes. A ideia proposta de referir acontecimentos especifícos como eventos perigosos torna mais fácil a abordagem do problema em questão. No entanto, a escassez de conjunto de dados de eventos limita o desempenho dos modelos e o progresso na deteção das tarefas. A disponibilidade de uma maior quantidade de informação relacionada com eventos perigosos pode melhorar o desempenho do modelo existente. É evidente que o uso de modelos de aprendizagem profunda, tais como como BERT, RoBERTa, e XLNet, pode ajudar a detetar e classificar eventos perigosos de forma eficiente. Tem sido evidente que a utilização de modelos de aprendizagem profunda, tais como BERT, RoBERTa, e XLNet, pode ajudar a detetar e classificar eventos perigosos de forma eficiente. Em geral, o BERT tem um desempenho superior ao do RoBERTa e XLNet na detecção de eventos perigosos. É igualmente importante rastrear os eventos após a sua detecção. Por conseguinte, para trabalhos futuros, propõe-se a implementação das técnicas que lidam com o espaço e o tempo, a fim de monitorizar a sua emergência com o tempo

    On Organization of Information: Approach and Early Work

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    In this report we describe an approach for organizing information for presentation and display. "e approach stems from the observation that there is a stepwise progression in the way signals (from the environment and the system under consideration) are extracted and transformed into data, and then analyzed and abstracted to form representations (e.g., indications and icons) on the user interface. In physical environments such as aerospace and process control, many system components and their corresponding data and information are interrelated (e.g., an increase in a chamber s temperature results in an increase in its pressure). "ese interrelationships, when presented clearly, allow users to understand linkages among system components and how they may affect one another. Organization of these interrelationships by means of an orderly structure provides for the so-called "big picture" that pilots, astronauts, and operators strive for

    Building the Museum: Knowledge, Conflict, and the Power of Place

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    Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality: New Approaches

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    For over 2500 years, Buddhism was implicated in processes of cultural interaction that in turn shaped Buddhist doctrines, practices and institutions. The contributions to this volume present detailed case studies on Buddhism's transcultural dynamics, ranging across different time periods, regions and disciplines, and addressing methodological challenges and theoretical problems

    Gender and social structure in prehistory - the uses and abuses of material culture: a case-study of the neolithic site of Çatalhöyük, Çumra (Turkey)

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    During the 1990's gender became accepted as a topic of study in archaeology. However, a methodology for assessing the usefulness of certain types of material for understanding the operation of gender in prehistoric societies is still lacking. Traditionally, archaeologists have tended to infer gender structures from the two 'obvious' data groups - burials, and human representations - but their assessments were generally based on modern Western normative attitudes and were uninformed by anthropological or sociological viewpoints and discoveries. Thus the data were used in unimaginative ways, or adapted to fit expectations, producing little ground-breaking work but rather reproducing in the past the picture of the present. The new wave of gender investigators also works predominantly with these same data groups, because of their clear affinity with 'real people', but there is still a gap in methodology, and a separation of gender from the wider implications of social organisation.This thesis is concerned to investigate the application of anthropological and sociological insights, and theoretical social constructs, to certain types of material culture recovered commonly from archaeological sites and generally regarded as interpretable by any archaeologist. Thus I consider burials and anthropomorphic figurines, frequently used as the basis of gender interpretation, as well as the less usual topic of space. The focus of the thesis is the world-famous Neolithic site of (^atalhoyiik, situated in central Anatolia, which has widely been viewed as an exceptional settlement with unusual gender structuresThe first part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical issues which must lie behind any serious interpretation of the social structures of the people who lived at £atalhoyiik. Thus a substantial chapter discusses gender, and another discusses social forms. An overview of the original work at the site, and of the state of research in each of my data groups, follows. The remainder of the thesis deals in detail with the material from the current excavations, divided into three data groups, and the interpretations of gender and society which they can offer through a contextual analysis. My conclusions are that the gender and social structures discernible from the material culture of Qatalhoytik conform neither to the simple 'matriarchist' nor the modern Western expectations. Rather, a more complex reading of the material, informed by cross-disciplinary scholarship, offers a richer but more open-ended view of the ordinary lives of the people who created this extraordinary site

    Generative communication for cultural heritage. _Towards a new paradigm of resources

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    The metamorphosis of the Lithuanian wayside shrine, 1850–1990

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    This dissertation examines the wooden wayside shrines of Lithuania and the unique role they played in the religious, social and political history of Lithuania from the end of World War II to the 1990s. Two manifestations of performance are discussed: (1) the development of the wayside shrine tradition in the territory of Lithuania itself, and (2) the radicalization of the tradition among émigré artists rebuilding a sense of community in the West. With the annexation of Lithuania into the Soviet Union following World War II, the Communist government aggressively repressed but never completely eradicated the religiously-based wayside shrine tradition. Beginning in the 1970s, the Folk Art Society in Lithuania vigorously generated a renaissance in the folk heritage. Society members turned to the arts and crafts tradition and created over thirty, large-scale ensembles of woodcarvings throughout the countryside. As part of a struggle to assert Lithuanian cultural identity, the ubiquitous wayside shrines composed of roofed poles with chapels containing free-standing religious figures evolved into totemic carvings, which combine religious and secular figures fully engaged on the trunk of the totem pole. In North America, the Lithuanian diaspora recreated the shrines predominantly in miniature form, often using a greater variety of materials and tools. In this radicalized form they became the symbol of the Lithuanian community's identity in all aspects of its visual culture. The dissertation is organized into three sections: (1) an examination of the historical tradition, 1850–1940; (2) an analysis of the metamorphosis of the tradition in Lithuania, 1940–1990; (3) a comparative analysis of production in North America. Extensive fieldwork and interviews in Lithuania and North America, and research in previously unexplored archives inform the dissertation. Prior scholarship on the wayside shrine tradition has remained largely descriptive. This study seeks a broader cultural analysis, including the North American production which has not been documented until now. The contribution of this dissertation is to synthesize the significance of this art form by applying a variety of scholarly disciplines: art history, religion, anthropology, history, material culture, and immigration studies

    Candi, Space and Landscape

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    Central Javanese temples were not built anywhere and anyhow. On the contrary: their positions within the landscape and their architectural designs were determined by socio-cultural, religious and economic factors. This book explores the correlations between temple distribution, natural surroundings and architectural design to understand how Central Javanese people structured the space around them, and how the religious landscape thus created developed. Besides questions related to territory and landscape, this book analyzes the structure of the built space and its possible relations with conceptualized space, showing the influence of imported Indian concepts, as well as their limits. Going off the beaten track, the present study explores the hundreds of small sites that scatter the landscape of Central Java. It is also one of very few studies to apply the methods of spatial archaeology to Central Javanese temples and the first in almost one century to present a descriptive inventory of the remains of this region