75 research outputs found

    Variational approach for learning Markov processes from time series data

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    Inference, prediction and control of complex dynamical systems from time series is important in many areas, including financial markets, power grid management, climate and weather modeling, or molecular dynamics. The analysis of such highly nonlinear dynamical systems is facilitated by the fact that we can often find a (generally nonlinear) transformation of the system coordinates to features in which the dynamics can be excellently approximated by a linear Markovian model. Moreover, the large number of system variables often change collectively on large time- and length-scales, facilitating a low-dimensional analysis in feature space. In this paper, we introduce a variational approach for Markov processes (VAMP) that allows us to find optimal feature mappings and optimal Markovian models of the dynamics from given time series data. The key insight is that the best linear model can be obtained from the top singular components of the Koopman operator. This leads to the definition of a family of score functions called VAMP-r which can be calculated from data, and can be employed to optimize a Markovian model. In addition, based on the relationship between the variational scores and approximation errors of Koopman operators, we propose a new VAMP-E score, which can be applied to cross-validation for hyper-parameter optimization and model selection in VAMP. VAMP is valid for both reversible and nonreversible processes and for stationary and non-stationary processes or realizations

    Ergodicity of the zigzag process

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    The zigzag process is a Piecewise Deterministic Markov Process which can be used in a MCMC framework to sample from a given target distribution. We prove the convergence of this process to its target under very weak assumptions, and establish a central limit theorem for empirical averages under stronger assumptions on the decay of the target measure. We use the classical "Meyn-Tweedie" approach. The main difficulty turns out to be the proof that the process can indeed reach all the points in the space, even if we consider the minimal switching rates

    Markov State Models: To Optimize or Not to Optimize

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    Markov state models (MSM) are a popular statistical method for analyzing the conformational dynamics of proteins including protein folding. With all statistical and machine learning (ML) models, choices must be made about the modeling pipeline that cannot be directly learned from the data. These choices, or hyperparameters, are often evaluated by expert judgment or, in the case of MSMs, by maximizing variational scores such as the VAMP-2 score. Modern ML and statistical pipelines often use automatic hyperparameter selection techniques ranging from the simple, choosing the best score from a random selection of hyperparameters, to the complex, optimization via, e.g., Bayesian optimization. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to automatically select MSM models this way by estimating and analyzing over 16,000,000 observations from over 280,000 estimated MSMs. We find that differences in hyperparameters can change the physical interpretation of the optimization objective, making automatic selection difficult. In addition, we find that enforcing conditions of equilibrium in the VAMP scores can result in inconsistent model selection. However, other parameters that specify the VAMP-2 score (lag time and number of relaxation processes scored) have only a negligible influence on model selection. We suggest that model observables and variational scores should be only a guide to model selection and that a full investigation of the MSM properties should be undertaken when selecting hyperparameters.</p

    Variational Selection of Features for Molecular Kinetics

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    The modeling of atomistic biomolecular simulations using kinetic models such as Markov state models (MSMs) has had many notable algorithmic advances in recent years. The variational principle has opened the door for a nearly fully automated toolkit for selecting models that predict the long-time kinetics from molecular dynamics simulations. However, one yet-unoptimized step of the pipeline involves choosing the features, or collective variables, from which the model should be constructed. In order to build intuitive models, these collective variables are often sought to be interpretable and familiar features, such as torsional angles or contact distances in a protein structure. However, previous approaches for evaluating the chosen features rely on constructing a full MSM, which in turn requires additional hyperparameters to be chosen, and hence leads to a computationally expensive framework. Here, we present a method to optimize the feature choice directly, without requiring the construction of the final kinetic model. We demonstrate our rigorous preprocessing algorithm on a canonical set of twelve fast-folding protein simulations, and show that our procedure leads to more efficient model selection

    Maximum Margin Clustering for State Decomposition of Metastable Systems

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    When studying a metastable dynamical system, a prime concern is how to decompose the phase space into a set of metastable states. Unfortunately, the metastable state decomposition based on simulation or experimental data is still a challenge. The most popular and simplest approach is geometric clustering which is developed based on the classical clustering technique. However, the prerequisites of this approach are: (1) data are obtained from simulations or experiments which are in global equilibrium and (2) the coordinate system is appropriately selected. Recently, the kinetic clustering approach based on phase space discretization and transition probability estimation has drawn much attention due to its applicability to more general cases, but the choice of discretization policy is a difficult task. In this paper, a new decomposition method designated as maximum margin metastable clustering is proposed, which converts the problem of metastable state decomposition to a semi-supervised learning problem so that the large margin technique can be utilized to search for the optimal decomposition without phase space discretization. Moreover, several simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Generation and validation

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    Markov state models of molecular kinetics (MSMs), in which the long-time statistical dynamics of a molecule is approximated by a Markov chain on a discrete partition of configuration space, have seen widespread use in recent years. This approach has many appealing characteristics compared to straightforward molecular dynamics simulation and analysis, including the potential to mitigate the sampling problem by extracting long-time kinetic information from short trajectories and the ability to straightforwardly calculate expectation values and statistical uncertainties of various stationary and dynamical molecular observables. In this paper, we summarize the current state of the art in generation and validation of MSMs and give some important new results. We describe an upper bound for the approximation error made by modelingmolecular dynamics with a MSM and we show that this error can be made arbitrarily small with surprisingly little effort. In contrast to previous practice, it becomes clear that the best MSM is not obtained by the most metastable discretization, but the MSM can be much improved if non-metastable states are introduced near the transition states. Moreover, we show that it is not necessary to resolve all slow processes by the state space partitioning, but individual dynamical processes of interest can be resolved separately. We also present an efficient estimator for reversible transition matrices and a robust test to validate that a MSM reproduces the kinetics of the molecular dynamics data