7 research outputs found

    A Time-Distance Trade-Off for GDD with Preprocessing - Instantiating the DLW Heuristic

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    For 0≀α≀1/20 \leq \alpha \leq 1/2, we show an algorithm that does the following. Given appropriate preprocessing P(L)P(\mathcal{L}) consisting of Nα:=2O(n1−2α+log⁥n)N_\alpha := 2^{O(n^{1-2\alpha} + \log n)} vectors in some lattice L⊂Rn\mathcal{L} \subset \mathbb{R}^n and a target vector t∈Rn\boldsymbol{t}\in \mathbb{R}^n, the algorithm finds y∈L\boldsymbol{y} \in \mathcal{L} such that ∄y−t∄≀n1/2+αη(L)\|\boldsymbol{y}- \boldsymbol{t}\| \leq n^{1/2 + \alpha} \eta(\mathcal{L}) in time poly(n)⋅Nα\mathrm{poly}(n) \cdot N_\alpha, where η(L)\eta(\mathcal{L}) is the smoothing parameter of the lattice. The algorithm itself is very simple and was originally studied by Doulgerakis, Laarhoven, and de Weger (to appear in PQCrypto, 2019), who proved its correctness under certain reasonable heuristic assumptions on the preprocessing P(L)P(\mathcal{L}) and target t\boldsymbol{t}. Our primary contribution is a choice of preprocessing that allows us to prove correctness without any heuristic assumptions. Our main motivation for studying this is the recent breakthrough algorithm for IdealSVP due to Hanrot, Pellet--Mary, and Stehl\'e (to appear in Eurocrypt, 2019), which uses the DLW algorithm as a key subprocedure. In particular, our result implies that the HPS IdealSVP algorithm can be made to work with fewer heuristic assumptions. Our only technical tool is the discrete Gaussian distribution over L\mathcal{L}, and in particular, a lemma showing that the one-dimensional projections of this distribution behave very similarly to the continuous Gaussian. This lemma might be of independent interest

    On the Shortness of Vectors to be found by the Ideal-SVP Quantum Algorithm

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    The hardness of finding short vectors in ideals of cyclotomic number fields (hereafter, Ideal-SVP) can serve as a worst-case assumption for numerous efficient cryptosystems, via the average-case problems Ring-SIS and Ring-LWE. For a while, it could be assumed the Ideal-SVP problem was as hard as the ana

    On the shortness of vectors to be found by the Ideal-SVP quantum algorithm

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    The hardness of finding short vectors in ideals of cyclotomic number fields (hereafter, Ideal-SVP) can serve as a worst-case assumption for numerous efficient cryptosystems, via the average-case problems Ring-SIS and Ring-LWE. For a while, it could be assumed the Ideal-SVP problem was as hard a

    Graph-based time-space trade-offs for approximate near neighbors

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    We take a first step towards a rigorous asymptotic analysis of graph-based approaches for finding (approximate) nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces, by analyzing the complexity of (randomized) greedy walks on the approximate near neighbor graph. For random data sets of size n=2o(d)n = 2^{o(d)} on the dd-dimensional Euclidean unit sphere, using near neighbor graphs we can provably solve the approximate nearest neighbor problem with approximation factor c > 1 in query time nρq+o(1)n^{\rho_q + o(1)} and space n1+ρs+o(1)n^{1 + \rho_s + o(1)}, for arbitrary ρq,ρs≄0\rho_q, \rho_s \geq 0 satisfying \begin{align} (2c^2 - 1) \rho_q + 2 c^2 (c^2 - 1) \sqrt{\rho_s (1 - \rho_s)} \geq c^4. \end{align} Graph-based near neighbor searching is especially competitive with hash-based methods for small cc and near-linear memory, and in this regime the asymptotic scaling of a greedy graph-based search matches the recent optimal hash-based trade-offs of Andoni-Laarhoven-Razenshteyn-Waingarten [SODA'17]. We further study how the trade-offs scale when the data set is of size n=2Θ(d)n = 2^{\Theta(d)}, and analyze asymptotic complexities when applying these results to lattice sieving

    Finding closest lattice vectors using approximate voronoi cells

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    The two traditional hard problems underlying the security of lattice-based cryptography are the shortest vector problem (SVP) and the closest vector problem (CVP). For a long time, lattice enumeration was considered the fastest method for solving these problems in high dimensions, but recent work on memory-intensive methods has resulted in lattice sieving overtaking enumeration both in theory and in practice. Some of the recent improvements [Ducas, Eurocrypt 2018; Laarhoven–Mariano, PQCrypto 2018; Albrecht–Ducas–Herold–Kirshanova–Postlethwaite–Stevens, 2018] are based on the fact that these methods find more than just one short lattice vector, and this additional data can be reused effectively later on to solve other, closely related problems faster. Similarly, results for the preprocessing version of CVP (CVPP) have demonstrated that once this initial data has been generated, instances of CVP can be solved faster than when solving them directly, albeit with worse memory complexities [Laarhoven, SAC 2016]. In this work we study CVPP in terms of approximate Voronoi cells, and obtain better time and space complexities using randomized slicing, which is similar in spirit to using randomized bases in lattice enumeration [Gama–Nguyen–Regev, Eurocrypt 2010]. With this approach, we improve upon the state-of-the-art complexities for CVPP, both theoretically and experimentally, with a practical speedup of several orders of magnitude compared to non-preprocessed SVP or CVP. Such a fast CVPP solver may give rise to faster enumeration methods, where the CVPP solver is used to replace the bottom part of the enumeration tree, consisting of a batch of CVP instances in the same lattice. Asymptotically, we further show that we can solve an exponential number of instances of CVP in a lattice in essentially the same amount of time and space as the fastest method for solving just one CVP instance. This is in line with various recent results, showing that perhaps the biggest strength of memory-intensive methods lies in being able to reuse the generated data several times. Similar to [Ducas, Eurocrypt 2018], this further means that we can achieve a “few dimensions for free” for sieving for SVP or CVP, by doing Θ(d/ log d) levels of enumeration on top of a CVPP solver based on approximate Voronoi cells

    Finding closest lattice vectors using approximate voronoi cells

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    \u3cp\u3eThe two traditional hard problems underlying the security of lattice-based cryptography are the shortest vector problem (SVP) and the closest vector problem (CVP). For a long time, lattice enumeration was considered the fastest method for solving these problems in high dimensions, but recent work on memory-intensive methods has resulted in lattice sieving overtaking enumeration both in theory and in practice. Some of the recent improvements [Ducas, Eurocrypt 2018; Laarhoven–Mariano, PQCrypto 2018; Albrecht–Ducas–Herold–Kirshanova–Postlethwaite–Stevens, 2018] are based on the fact that these methods find more than just one short lattice vector, and this additional data can be reused effectively later on to solve other, closely related problems faster. Similarly, results for the preprocessing version of CVP (CVPP) have demonstrated that once this initial data has been generated, instances of CVP can be solved faster than when solving them directly, albeit with worse memory complexities [Laarhoven, SAC 2016]. In this work we study CVPP in terms of approximate Voronoi cells, and obtain better time and space complexities using randomized slicing, which is similar in spirit to using randomized bases in lattice enumeration [Gama–Nguyen–Regev, Eurocrypt 2010]. With this approach, we improve upon the state-of-the-art complexities for CVPP, both theoretically and experimentally, with a practical speedup of several orders of magnitude compared to non-preprocessed SVP or CVP. Such a fast CVPP solver may give rise to faster enumeration methods, where the CVPP solver is used to replace the bottom part of the enumeration tree, consisting of a batch of CVP instances in the same lattice. Asymptotically, we further show that we can solve an exponential number of instances of CVP in a lattice in essentially the same amount of time and space as the fastest method for solving just one CVP instance. This is in line with various recent results, showing that perhaps the biggest strength of memory-intensive methods lies in being able to reuse the generated data several times. Similar to [Ducas, Eurocrypt 2018], this further means that we can achieve a “few dimensions for free” for sieving for SVP or CVP, by doing Θ(d/ log d) levels of enumeration on top of a CVPP solver based on approximate Voronoi cells.\u3c/p\u3

    Quantum Security Analysis of CSIDH

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    International audienceCSIDH is a recent proposal for post-quantum non-interactive key-exchange, presented at ASIACRYPT 2018. Based on supersingular elliptic curve isogenies, it is similar in design to a previous scheme by Couveignes, Rostovtsev and Stolbunov, but aims at an improved balance between efficiency and security. In the proposal, the authors suggest concrete parameters in order to meet some desired levels of quantum security. These parameters are based on the hardness of recovering a hidden isogeny between two elliptic curves, using a quantum subexponential algorithm of Childs, Jao and Soukharev. This algorithm combines two building blocks: first, a quantum algorithm for recovering a hidden shift in a commutative group. Second, a computation in superposition of all isogenies originating from a given curve, which the algorithm calls as a black box.In this paper, we give a comprehensive security analysis of CSIDH. Our first step is to revisit three quantum algorithms for the abelian hidden shift problem from the perspective of non-asymptotic cost. There are many possible tradeoffs between the quantum and classical complexities of these algorithms and all of them should be taken into account by security levels. Second, we complete the non-asymptotic study of the black box in the hidden shift algorithm.This allows us to show that the parameters proposed by the authors of CSIDH do not meet their expected quantum security