22 research outputs found

    Regionalized Random Germs by a Classification for Probabilistic Watershed Application: Angiogenesis Imaging Segmentation

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    International audienceNew methods are presented to generate random germs regionalized by a previous classification in order to use probabilistic watershed on hyperspectral images. These germs are much more efficient than the standard uniform random germs

    Classification-Driven Stochastic Watershed: Application to Multispectral Segmentation

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    ISBN 978-0-89208-262-6This product consists of a hardcopy booklet of abstracts and a CD-ROM which contains the full texts of the presentations from the 2008 CGIV conference.issn 2158-6330eissn 2169-2947International audienceThe aim of this paper is to present a general methodology based on multispectral mathematical morphology in order to segment multispectral images. The methods consists in computing a probability density function pdf of contours conditioned by a spectral classification. The pdf is conditioned through regionalized random balls markers thanks to a new algorithm. Therefore the pdf contains spatial and spectral information. Finally, the pdf is segmented by a watershed with seeds (i.e., markers) coming from the classification. Consequently, a complete method, based on a classification-driven stochastic watershed is introduced. This approach requires a unique and robust parameter: the number of classes which is the same for similar images. Moreover, an efficient way to select factor axes, of Factor Correspondence Analysis (FCA), based on signal-to-noise ratio on factor pixels is presented

    A New Spatio-Spectral Morphological Segmentation For Multi-Spectral Remote-Sensing Images

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    International audienceA general framework of spatio-spectral segmentation for multi-spectral images is introduced in this paper. The method is based on classification-driven stochastic watershed (WS) by Monte Carlo simulations, and it gives more regular and reliable contours than standard WS. The present approach is decomposed into several sequential steps. First, a dimensionality-reduction stage is performed using the factor-correspondence analysis method. In this context, a new way to select the factor axes (eigenvectors) according to their spatial information is introduced. Then, a spectral classification produces a spectral pre-segmentation of the image. Subsequently, a probability density function (pdf) of contours containing spatial and spectral information is estimated by simulation using a stochastic WS approach driven by the spectral classification. The pdf of the contours is finally segmented by a WS controlled by markers from a regularization of the initial classification

    Molecular Imaging

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    The present book gives an exceptional overview of molecular imaging. Practical approach represents the red thread through the whole book, covering at the same time detailed background information that goes very deep into molecular as well as cellular level. Ideas how molecular imaging will develop in the near future present a special delicacy. This should be of special interest as the contributors are members of leading research groups from all over the world

    Application of multivariate image analysis to prostate cancer for improving the comprehension of the related physiological phenomena and the development and validation of new imaging biomarkers

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    [ES] El aumento de la esperanza de vida en la poblaci贸n con edad por encima de 50 a帽os est谩 generando un mayor n煤mero de casos detectados de c谩ncer de pr贸stata (CaP). Por este motivo, los recursos se destinan al diagn贸stico en etapas tempranas y al tratamiento efectivo. A pesar de la multitud de estudios basados en biomarcadores y discriminaci贸n histol贸gica, es dif铆cil diferenciar con efectividad los casos de CaP con baja agresividad de aquellos que progresar谩n y acabar谩n produciendo mortalidad o una disminuci贸n en la esperanza de vida del paciente. Con el objetivo de mejorar el diagnostico, localizaci贸n y gradaci贸n de los tumores malignos, las t茅cnicas de imagen por Resonancia Magn茅tica (MRI) son las m谩s adecuadas para el estudio del c谩ncer, proporcionando m茅todos de diagn贸stico no-invasivos, sensibles y espec铆ficos, basados en secuencias morfol贸gicas (T2w) y funcionales (perfusi贸n de la sangre y difusi贸n del agua). Las diferentes caracter铆sticas y par谩metros extra铆dos de estas secuencias, conocidos como biomarcadores de imagen, pueden evaluar las diferencias asociadas al desarrollo de los procesos tumorales, como los modelos farmacocin茅ticos para estudiar angiog茅nesis (perfusi贸n) y los modelos mono- y bi-exponenciales para estudiar la ca铆da de la se帽al en difusi贸n con el objetivo de estudiar la celularizaci贸n. Normalmente, estos biomarcadores de imagen se analizan de forma "univariante", sin aprovechar la informaci贸n de las estructuras de correlaci贸n interna que existen entre ellos. Una manera de mejorar este an谩lisis es mediante la aplicaci贸n de las t茅cnicas estad铆sticas que ofrece el An谩lisis Multivariante de Im谩genes (MIA), obteniendo estructuras (latentes) simplificadas que ayudan a entender la relaci贸n entre los par谩metros (variables) y sus propios procesos fisiol贸gicos, adem谩s de reducir la incertidumbre en la estimaci贸n de los biomarcadores. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos biomarcadores de imagen para perfusi贸n y difusi贸n con la aplicaci贸n de alguna de las herramientas de MIA como la Resoluci贸n Multivariante de Curvas con M铆nimos Cuadrados Alternos (MCR-ALS), obteniendo par谩metros que tienen interpretaci贸n cl铆nica directa. A continuaci贸n, los m茅todos basados en m铆nimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) se aplicaron para estudiar la capacidad de clasificaci贸n de estos biomarcadores. En primer lugar, los biomarcadores de perfusi贸n se utilizaron para la detecci贸n de tumores (control vs lesi贸n). Posteriormente, la combinaci贸n de perfusi贸n + difusi贸n + T2 se emple贸 para estudiar agresividad tumoral con la aplicaci贸n de m茅todos PLS multibloque, en concreto (secuencial) SMB-PLS. Los resultados mostrados indican que los biomarcadores de perfusi贸n obtenidos mediante MCR son mejores que los par谩metros farmacocin茅ticos en la diferenciaci贸n de la lesi贸n. Con lo que respecta al estudio de la agresividad tumoral, la combinaci贸n de los biomarcadores de difusi贸n (empleando ambos m茅todos: modelos param茅tricos y MCR) y los valores de T2w normalizados proporcionaron los mejores resultados. En conclusi贸n, MIA se puede aplicar a las secuencias morfol贸gicas y funcionales de resonancia magn茅tica para mejorar el diagn贸stico y el estudio de la agresividad de los tumores en pr贸stata. Obteniendo nuevos par谩metros cuantitativos y combin谩ndolos con los biomarcadores m谩s ampliamente utilizados en el ambiente cl铆nico.[CA] El increment de la esperan莽a de vida en la poblaci贸 per damunt dels 50 anys est脿 generant un major nombre de casos detectats de c脿ncer de pr貌stata (CaP). Per aquest motiu, els recursos es destinen al diagn貌stic en etapes primerenques i al tractament efectiu. Tot i la multitud de estudis basats en biomarcadors y discriminaci贸 histol貌gica, es dif铆cil diferenciar amb efectivitat els casos de CaP que tenen baixa agressivitat dels que progressaran y acabaran produint mortalitat o una disminuci贸 en la esperan莽a de vida del pacient. Amb el objectiu de millorar el diagn貌stic, localitzaci贸 y gradaci贸 dels tumors malignes, les t猫cniques de imatge per Resson脿ncia Magn猫tica (MRI) son els m猫todes m茅s adequats per al estudi del c脿ncer, proporcionant metodologies de diagn貌stic no-invasius, sensibles y espec铆fiques basades en seq眉猫ncies morfol貌giques (T2w) y funcionals (perfusi贸 de la sang y difusi贸 del aigua). Les diferents caracter铆stiques i par脿metres extrets de aquestes seq眉猫ncies, coneguts com biomarcadors d'imatge, poden avaluar les difer猫ncies associades al desenvolupament dels processos tumorals. Primer, amb els models farmacocin茅tics per a estudiar angiog猫nesis (perfusi贸) y segon, amb els models mono- i bi-exponencials per a estudiar la caiguda de la senyal en difusi贸 amb el objectiu de estudiar la cel路lularitzaci贸. Normalment, aquests biomarcadors d'imatge s'analitzen de forma "univariant", sense aprofitar la informaci贸 de las estructures de correlaci贸 interna que existeixen entre ells. Una forma de millorar aquest an脿lisis es mitjan莽ant la aplicaci贸 de las t猫cniques estad铆stiques aportades pel An脿lisis Multivariant de Imatges (MIA), obtenint estructures (latents) simplificades qu猫 ajuden a entendre la relaci贸 entre els par脿metres (variables) i els seus processos fisiol貌gics, a m茅s de reduir la incertesa en la estimaci贸 dels biomarcadors. En aquesta tesis, s'han desenvolupat nous biomarcadors d'imatge per a perfusi贸 i difusi贸 amb la aplicaci贸 de alguna de las ferramentes de MIA com la Resoluci贸 Multivariant de Corbes i M铆nims Quadrats Alterns (MCR-ALS), obtenint par脿metres qu猫 tenen interpretaci贸 cl铆nica directa. A continuaci贸, els m猫todes basats en m铆nims quadrats parcials (PLS) s'han aplicat per a estudiar la capacitat de classificaci贸 d'aquests biomarcadors. En primer lloc, els biomarcadors de perfusi贸 s'han utilitzat per a la detecci贸 de tumors (control contra lesi贸). Posteriorment, la combinaci贸 de perfusi贸 + difusi贸 + T2 s'ha utilitzat per a estudiar agressivitat tumoral amb la aplicaci贸 de m猫todes PLS multi-bloc, en concret (seq眉encial) SMB-PLS. Els resultats mostren qu猫 els biomarcadors de perfusi贸 obtinguts mitjan莽ant MCR s贸n millors qu猫 els par脿metres farmacocin猫tics en la diferenciaci贸 de la lesi贸. En lo qu猫 es refereix al estudi de la agressivitat tumoral, la combinaci贸 dels biomarcadors de difusi贸 (utilitzant els dos m猫todes: models param猫trics i MCR) i els valors de T2w normalitzats proporcionaren els millors resultats. En conclusi贸, MIA es pot aplicar a les seq眉猫ncies morfol貌giques i funcionals de resson脿ncia magn猫tica per a millorar el diagn貌stic i el estudi de l'agressivitat dels tumors en pr貌stata. Obtenint nous par脿metres quantitatius y combinant-los amb els biomarcadors m茅s utilitzats en el ambient cl铆nic.[EN] The increase in life expectancy and population with age higher than 50 years is producing a major number of detected cases of prostate cancer (PCa). For this reason, the resources are focused in the early diagnosis and effective treatment. In spite of multiple studies with histologic discriminant biomarkers, it is hard to clearly differentiate the low aggressiveness PCa cases from those that will progress and produce mortality or rather a decrease in the life expectancy. With the objective of improving the diagnosis, location and gradation of the malignant tumors, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has come up as the most appropriate image acquisition technique for cancer studies, which provides a non-invasive, sensitive and specific diagnosis, based on morphological and functional (blood perfusion and water diffusion) sequences. The different characteristics and parameters extracted from these sequences, known as imaging biomarkers, can evaluate the different processes associated to tumor development, like pharmacokinetic modeling for angiogenesis assessment (perfusion) or mono- and bi-exponential signal decay modeling for cellularization (diffusion). Normally, these imaging biomarkers are analyzed in a "univariate" way, without taking advantage of the internal correlation structures among them. One way to improve this analysis is by applying Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) statistical techniques, obtaining simplified (latent) structures that help to understand the relation between parameters (variables) and the inner physiological processes, moreover reducing the uncertainty in the estimation of the biomarkers. In this thesis, new imaging biomarkers are developed for perfusion and diffusion by applying MIA tools like Multivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS), obtaining parameters with direct clinical interpretation. Partial Least Squares (PLS) based methods are then used for studying the classification capability of these biomarkers. First, perfusion imaging biomarkers have been tested for tumor detection (control vs lesion). Then, diffusion + perfusion have been combined to study tumor aggressiveness by applying PLS-multiblock methods (SMB-PLS). The results showed that MCR-based perfusion biomarkers performed better than state-of-the-art pharmacokinetic parameters for lesion differentiation. Regarding the assessment of tumor aggressiveness, the combination of diffusion-based imaging biomarkers (using both the parametric models and MCR) and normalized T2-weighted measurements provided the best discriminating outcome, while perfusion was not needed as it did not supply additional information. In conclusion, MIA can be applied to morphologic and functional MRI to improve the diagnosis and aggressiveness assessment of prostate tumors by obtaining new quantitative parameters and combining them with state-of-the-art imaging biomarkers.Aguado Sarri贸, E. (2019). Application of multivariate image analysis to prostate cancer for improving the comprehension of the related physiological phenomena and the development and validation of new imaging biomarkers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134023TESI