17 research outputs found

    Novel methods for real-time 3D facial recognition

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    In this paper we discuss our approach to real-time 3D face recognition. We argue the need for real time operation in a realistic scenario and highlight the required pre- and post-processing operations for effective 3D facial recognition. We focus attention to some operations including face and eye detection, and fast post-processing operations such as hole filling, mesh smoothing and noise removal. We consider strategies for hole filling such as bilinear and polynomial interpolation and Laplace and conclude that bilinear interpolation is preferred. Gaussian and moving average smoothing strategies are compared and it is shown that moving average can have the edge over Gaussian smoothing. The regions around the eyes normally carry a considerable amount of noise and strategies for replacing the eyeball with a spherical surface and the use of an elliptical mask in conjunction with hole filling are compared. Results show that the elliptical mask with hole filling works well on face models and it is simpler to implement. Finally performance issues are considered and the system has demonstrated to be able to perform real-time 3D face recognition in just over 1s 200ms per face model for a small database

    Real-time 3D Face Recognition using Line Projection and Mesh Sampling

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    The main contribution of this paper is to present a novel method for automatic 3D face recognition based on sampling a 3D mesh structure in the presence of noise. A structured light method using line projection is employed where a 3D face is reconstructed from a single 2D shot. The process from image acquisition to recognition is described with focus on its real-time operation. Recognition results are presented and it is demonstrated that it can perform recognition in just over one second per subject in continuous operation mode and thus, suitable for real time operation

    Dictionary Learning-based Inpainting on Triangular Meshes

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    The problem of inpainting consists of filling missing or damaged regions in images and videos in such a way that the filling pattern does not produce artifacts that deviate from the original data. In addition to restoring the missing data, the inpainting technique can also be used to remove undesired objects. In this work, we address the problem of inpainting on surfaces through a new method based on dictionary learning and sparse coding. Our method learns the dictionary through the subdivision of the mesh into patches and rebuilds the mesh via a method of reconstruction inspired by the Non-local Means method on the computed sparse codes. One of the advantages of our method is that it is capable of filling the missing regions and simultaneously removes noise and enhances important features of the mesh. Moreover, the inpainting result is globally coherent as the representation based on the dictionaries captures all the geometric information in the transformed domain. We present two variations of the method: a direct one, in which the model is reconstructed and restored directly from the representation in the transformed domain and a second one, adaptive, in which the missing regions are recreated iteratively through the successive propagation of the sparse code computed in the hole boundaries, which guides the local reconstructions. The second method produces better results for large regions because the sparse codes of the patches are adapted according to the sparse codes of the boundary patches. Finally, we present and analyze experimental results that demonstrate the performance of our method compared to the literature

    Delaunay-restricted Optimal Triangulation of 3D Polygons

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    Triangulation of 3D polygons is a well studied topic of research. Existing methods for finding triangulations that minimize given metrics (e.g., sum of triangle areas or dihedral angles) run in a costly O(n4) time [BS95,BDE96], while the triangulations are not guaranteed to be free of intersections. To address these limitations, we restrict our search to the space of triangles in the Delaunay tetrahedralization of the polygon. The restriction allows us to reduce the running time down to O(n2) in practice (O(n3) worst case) while guaranteeing that the solutions are intersection free. We demonstrate experimentally that the reduced search space is not overly restricted. In particular, triangulations restricted to this space usually exist for practical inputs, and the optimal triangulation in this space approximates well the optimal triangulation of the polygon. This makes our algorithms a practical solution when working with real world data


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