472 research outputs found

    Let There Be Dragons! Towards Designing an Engaging Quest that Enhances Curiosity and Learning About Genetics

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    This study implemented a convergent parallel mixed methods approach to investigate game-based learning within an educational game compared to a modified entertainment game. Participants (N=31) were recruited from public middle and high schools as well as home school groups. Comparative data of participants’ perceptions, preferences and learning outcomes were investigated to inform better educational game design. This study also considers player personality to determine how dispositional curiosity influences an individual’s approach, acceptance, and interaction with novel learning environments, specifically games. Findings show a statistically significant gain in genetics academic knowledge after the game-based learning intervention. The difference in knowledge gained for the two games was not statistically significant. All dimensions of engagement, motivation and curiosity were statistically significantly higher for the modified entertainment game. Increases in scientific curiosity was statistically significantly higher for the modified entertainment game while scientific curiosity statistically significantly decreased after playing the educational game. Qualitative analysis revealed five themes and provided deeper understanding of game design features that enhance learning, curiosity and engagement from the player’s perception. Integration of quantitative and qualitative results suggest overall convergence and enhanced understanding of theoretical and practical implications of this research and identifies key relationships between game design, player perceptions and learning outcomes to inform better educational game design and implementation

    Turning Shortcomings into Challenges: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Games.

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    Expressive Avatars: Vitality in Virtual Worlds

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    Expressive avatars: vitality in virtual worlds

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    Critics have argued that human-controlled avatar interactions fail to facilitate the kinds of expressivity and social understanding afforded by our physical bodies. We identify three claims meant to justify the supposed expressive limits of avatar interactions compared to our physical interactions. First, “The Limited Expressivity Claim”: avatars have a more limited expressive range than our physical bodies. Second, “The Inputted Expressivity Claim”: any expressive avatarial behaviour must be deliberately inputted by the user. Third, “The Decoding Claim”: users must infer or figure out the expressive meaning of human-controlled avatars’ behaviour through cognitively onerous processes. With the aim of critically assessing all three claims, we analyze data collected through observations of and interviews with expert players of the avatar-based video game League of Legends. Focusing on Daniel Stern’s (2010) notion of vitality, we analyze the participants’ descriptions of seeing and interacting with other avatars during performance. Our analysis shows that the informants experience human-based avatarial interactions as qualitatively different than interactions with bots, that the informants see the movements of other players’ avatars as having different expressive styles, and that the informants actively use and manipulate this avatarial expressivity during performance. The results of our analysis, we argue, provide reasons for loosening or resisting the three claims concerning the limits of avatarial expressivity

    Time and Space in Video Games: A Cognitive-Formalist Approach

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    Video games are temporal artifacts: They change with time as players interact with them in accordance with rules. In this study, the author investigates the formal aspects of video games that determine how these changes are produced and sequenced. Theories of time perception drawn from the cognitive sciences lay the groundwork for an in-depth analysis of these features, making for a comprehensive account of time in this novel medium. This book-length study dedicated to time perception and video games is an indispensable resource for game scholars and game developers alike. Its reader-friendly style makes it readily accessible to the interested layperson

    In Gameplay : the invariant structures and varieties of the video game gameplay experience

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    This dissertation is a multidisciplinary study on video game gameplay as an autonomous form of vernacular experience. Plays and games are traditional research subjects in folkloristics, but commercial video games have not been studied yet. For this reason, methods and concepts of the folkloristic research tradition have remained unknown in contemporary games studies. This thesis combines folkloristics, game studies and phenomenological enactive cognitive science in its investigations into player–game interaction and the video game gameplay experience at large. In this dissertation, three representative survey samples (N=2,594, N=845, N=1,053) on “Rewarding gameplay experience” are analyzed using statistical analysis methods. The samples were collected in 2014–2017 from Finnish and Danish adult populations. This dissertation also analyzes data from 32 interviews, through which the survey respondents’ gameplay preferences, gaming memories, and motivations to play were further investigated. By combining statistical and qualitative data analyses, this work puts forward a mixed-methods research strategy and discusses how the findings relate to prior game research from several disciplines and schools of thought. Based on theoretical discussions, this dissertation argues that the video game gameplay experience as a cultural phenomenon consists of eight invariants in relation to which each individual gameplay experience can be interpreted: The player must demonstrate a lusory attitude (i), and a motivation to play (ii). The gameplay experience consists of explorative and coordinative practices (iii), which engender a change in the player’s self-experience (iv). This change renders the gameplay experience inherently emotional (v) and performative (vi) in relation to the gameworld (vii). The gameplay experience has the dramatic structure of a prototypical narrative (viii) although a game as an object cannot be regarded a narrative in itself. As a key result of factor analytical studies and qualitative interview analyses, a novel approach to understanding player–game interaction is put forward. An original gameplay preference research tool and a player typology are introduced. This work argues, that, although video games as commercial products would not be intuitive research subjects for folkloristics, video game gameplay, player–game interaction, and the traditions in experiencing and narrating gameplay do not differ drastically from those of traditional social games. In contrast to this, all forms of gameplay are argued to be manifestations of the same vernacular phenomenon. Indeed, folkloristic research could pay more attention to how culture is experienced, modified, varied and expressed, regardless of whether the research subject is a commercial product or not.Käsillä oleva väitöskirja on monitieteellinen tutkimus videopelien pelaamisesta itsenäisenä kansanomaisen kokemuksen muotona. Pelien ja leikkien tutkimus on perinteikäs tutkimusaihe folkloristiikassa, mutta kaupallisten videopelien tutkimusta ei ole juuri tehty. Tästä syystä folkloristiikan tutkimusmenetelmät ja -käsitteet ovat jääneet tuntemattomaksi nykyaikaisessa pelitutkimuksessa. Tutkimus yhdistää folkloristiikan ja pelitutkimuksen näkökulmien lisäksi enaktiivisen kognition fenomenologista teoriaa pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutuksen tutkimukseen sekä pelikokemuksen analyysiin. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan tilastotieteellisin menetelmin kolmea aikuisväestöä edustavaa ”Palkitseva pelikokemus” -kyselytutkimusaineistoa (N=2,594, N=845, N=1,053), jotka kerättiin Suomesta ja Tanskasta vuosina 2014–2017. Kyselytutkimusaineiston rinnalla analysoidaan 32 teemahaastattelun aineistoa. Haastatteluilla tuotettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyyn vastanneiden henkilöiden pelimieltymyksistä, pelimuistoista ja pelimotivaatioista. Tilastoaineiston ja haastatteluaineiston analyysi tuodaan yhteen monimenetelmällisellä ja dialogisella tutkimusotteella, joka yhdistää havainnot usealla eri tutkimusalalla tehtyyn pelitutkimukseen. Teoreettisen analyysin tuloksena argumentoidaan, että videopelien pelikokemusta ilmiönä määrittää kahdeksan muuttumatonta ominaisuutta, joiden suhteen kunkin yksittäisen pelikokemuksen ainutlaatuisuutta voidaan tarkastella: Pelaajalla tulee olla leikkisä asenne (i) ja motivaatio pelaamiseen (ii). Pelaamisen kokemus rakentuu tutkivista ja suorittavista käyntänteistä (iii), jotka tuovat väliaikaisen muutoksen pelaavan henkilön minäkokemukseen (iv). Tämän muutoksen myötä pelaajuudesta muodostuu emotionaalinen (v) ja performatiivinen (vi) positio suhteessa pelimaailmaan (vii). Näin syntyvän omakohtaisen pelikokemuksen rakenne vastaa kertomuksen dramaattista perusrakennetta (viii), vaikka peliä itsessään ei voida pitää kertomuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä tuloksena esitellään faktorianalyyttisiin tapaustutkimuksiin ja laadullisten aineistojen analyysiin perustuva uudenlainen näkökulma ja menetelmä pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutuksen ja pelimieltymyksen tutkimukseen, sekä edelliseen perustuva pelaajatyyppiluokittelu. Samalla väitetään, että vaikka videopelit kaupallisina esineinä eivät olisi folkloristiikan tutkimuskohteita, videopelien pelaaminen, pelaaja–peli-vuorovaikutus ja pelien kokemisen tavat eivät eroa ratkaisevasti pihaleikeistä vaan ovat saman kansanomaisen ilmiön esiintymiä. Folkloristisen tutkimuksen soisikin kiinnittävän nykyistä painokkaampaa huomiota kulttuurin kokemisen, muokkaamisen ja ilmaisun tapoihin riippumatta siitä, onko tarkastelun kohteena kaupallinen tuote vai ei


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    The goals of this thesis were to assess the prevalence of problematic video gaming within the United States Marine Corps (USMC), identify the motivational factors that lead Marines to engage in video gaming, assess the effects of video gaming on Marines’ lives, and investigate whether Marines use video gaming as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Survey data (n = 1,098 Marines) were collected from three USMC commands. In total, 847 Marines (91%) reported playing video games. Recreation and coping with stress were the most frequently reported motivational factors for playing video games. Most gamers (91%) reported playing video games while at home/off duty. In contrast, 20% of gamers reported playing video games while on duty/in port and 36% reported playing video games while underway/deployed. In our sample, five Marines (2%) were classified as disordered gamers. Disordered gamers reported using dysfunctional coping styles more frequently than the rest of gamers. Disordered gamers reported more severe symptoms of depression and anxiety, higher levels of loneliness, elevated daytime sleepiness, and more symptoms suggestive of heavy drinking. These findings led to three recommendations: a) educate Marines on the risks of problematic video gaming and the factors associated with gaming addiction, b) educate Marines on sleep hygiene practices, and c) implement strategies to mitigate the effects of problematic video gaming.Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93940Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Why do I lose time playing? Game features reported by players as being more satisfying

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    This dissertation had the objetive to relate elements from cognitive psychology with game design. For this purpose, it was discussed some features that constitutes a game, game design in order to create a good playing experience for players, presented persuasion strategies and thus how rewards given to players may keep them interested in the game and influence their behavior. To conclude, a list has been created with elements that were discussed and identified as being relevant in creating a good game experience. Besides, data collected from an online form done with players, with a total of 182 answers, was analysed for the sake of testing some hypotheses and concluding that challenge difficulty, player choices and playing with friends are important features.Este trabalho teve como objetivo tentar encontrar elementos da psicologia cognitiva e os associar com design de jogos. Para isso foi demonstrado o que são jogos, seu game design para criação de uma boa experiência de jogo aos jogadores, demonstração de elementos de persuasão e então como as recompensas fornecidas aos jogadores podem mantê-los interessados no jogo e influenciar seu comportamento. Por fim, foi criada uma tabela com elementos que foram discutidos e identificados como importantes para possibilitar uma boa experiência de jogo. Além disso, dados coletados de um questionário online, realizado com jogadores e obtidas 182 respostas, foram analisados afim de testar algumas hipóteses e concluímos que dificuldade do desafio, escolhas e jogar com amigos são fatores importantes

    More playful user interfaces:interfaces that invite social and physical interaction

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