20 research outputs found

    Algebraic matroids and Frobenius flocks

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    We show that each algebraic representation of a matroid MM in positive characteristic determines a matroid valuation of MM, which we have named the {\em Lindstr\"om valuation}. If this valuation is trivial, then a linear representation of MM in characteristic pp can be derived from the algebraic representation. Thus, so-called rigid matroids, which only admit trivial valuations, are algebraic in positive characteristic pp if and only if they are linear in characteristic pp. To construct the Lindstr\"om valuation, we introduce new matroid representations called flocks, and show that each algebraic representation of a matroid induces flock representations.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Intersection theoretic inequalities via Lorentzian polynomials

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    We explore the applications of Lorentzian polynomials to the fields of algebraic geometry, analytic geometry and convex geometry. In particular, we establish a series of intersection theoretic inequalities, which we call rKT property, with respect to mm-positive classes and Schur classes. We also study its convexity variants -- the geometric inequalities for mm-convex functions on the sphere and convex bodies. Along the exploration, we prove that any finite subset on the closure of the cone generated by mm-positive classes can be endowed with a polymatroid structure by a canonical numerical-dimension type function, extending our previous result for nef classes; and we prove Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities for valuations of Schur type. We also establish various analogs of sumset estimates (Pl\"{u}nnecke-Ruzsa inequalities) from additive combinatorics in our contexts.Comment: 27 pages; comments welcome

    On the Construction of Substitutes

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    Gross substitutability is a central concept in Economics and is connected to important notions in Discrete Convex Analysis, Number Theory and the analysis of Greedy algorithms in Computer Science. Many different characterizations are known for this class, but providing a constructive description remains a major open problem. The construction problem asks how to construct all gross substitutes from a class of simpler functions using a set of operations. Since gross substitutes are a natural generalization of matroids to real-valued functions, matroid rank functions form a desirable such class of simpler functions. Shioura proved that a rich class of gross substitutes can be expressed as sums of matroid rank functions, but it is open whether all gross substitutes can be constructed this way. Our main result is a negative answer showing that some gross substitutes cannot be expressed as positive linear combinations of matroid rank functions. En route, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the sum to preserve substitutability, uncover a new operation preserving substitutability and fully describe all substitutes with at most 4 items

    Frobenius flocks and algebraicity of matroids

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    Frobenius flocks and algebraicity of matroids

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