498 research outputs found

    Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. I. The first matching theorem

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    We develop a method for the stabilization of mechanical systems with symmetry based on the technique of controlled Lagrangians. The procedure involves making structured modifications to the Lagrangian for the uncontrolled system, thereby constructing the controlled Lagrangian. The Euler-Lagrange equations derived from the controlled Lagrangian describe the closed-loop system, where new terms in these equations are identified with control forces. Since the controlled system is Lagrangian by construction, energy methods can be used to find control gains that yield closed-loop stability. We use kinetic shaping to preserve symmetry and only stabilize systems module the symmetry group. The procedure is demonstrated for several underactuated balance problems, including the stabilization of an inverted planar pendulum on a cart moving on a line and an inverted spherical pendulum on a cart moving in the plane

    Control Of Nonh=holonomic Systems

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    Many real-world electrical and mechanical systems have velocity-dependent constraints in their dynamic models. For example, car-like robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles and hopping robots, etc. Most of these systems can be transformed into a chained form, which is considered as a canonical form of these nonholonomic systems. Hence, study of chained systems ensure their wide applicability. This thesis studied the problem of continuous feed-back control of the chained systems while pursuing inverse optimality and exponential convergence rates, as well as the feed-back stabilization problem under input saturation constraints. These studies are based on global singularity-free state transformations and controls are synthesized from resulting linear systems. Then, the application of optimal motion planning and dynamic tracking control of nonholonomic autonomous underwater vehicles is considered. The obtained trajectories satisfy the boundary conditions and the vehicles\u27 kinematic model, hence it is smooth and feasible. A collision avoidance criteria is set up to handle the dynamic environments. The resulting controls are in closed forms and suitable for real-time implementations. Further, dynamic tracking controls are developed through the Lyapunov second method and back-stepping technique based on a NPS AUV II model. In what follows, the application of cooperative surveillance and formation control of a group of nonholonomic robots is investigated. A designing scheme is proposed to achieves a rigid formation along a circular trajectory or any arbitrary trajectories. The controllers are decentralized and are able to avoid internal and external collisions. Computer simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of these designs

    Stabilization of mechanical systems using controlled Lagrangians

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    We propose an algorithmic approach to stabilization of Lagrangian systems. The first step involves making admissible modifications to the Lagrangian for the uncontrolled system, thereby constructing what we call the controlled Lagrangian. The Euler-Lagrange equations derived from the controlled Lagrangian describe the closed-loop system where new terms are identified with control forces. Since the controlled system is Lagrangian by construction, energy methods can be used to find control gains that yield closed-loop stability. The procedure is demonstrated for the problem of stabilization of an inverted pendulum on a cart and for the problem of stabilization of rotation of a rigid spacecraft about its unstable intermediate axis using a single internal rotor. Similar results hold for the dynamics of an underwater vehicle

    Dynamics and control of a class of underactuated mechanical systems

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    This paper presents a theoretical framework for the dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, defined as systems with fewer inputs than degrees of freedom. Control system formulation of underactuated mechanical systems is addressed and a class of underactuated systems characterized by nonintegrable dynamics relations is identified. Controllability and stabilizability results are derived for this class of underactuated systems. Examples are included to illustrate the results; these examples are of underactuated mechanical systems that are not linearly controllable or smoothly stabilizable

    Underwater locomotion from oscillatory shape deformations

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    This paper considers underwater propulsion that is generated by variations in body shape. We summarize and extend some of the emerging approaches for the uniform modeling and control of such underactuated systems. Two examples illustrate these ideas

    Coordinated Control of a Mobile Manipulator

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    In this technical report, we investigate modeling, control, and coordination of mobile manipulators. A mobile manipulator in this study consists of a robotic manipulator and a mobile platform, with the manipulator being mounted atop the mobile platform. A mobile manipulator combines the dextrous manipulation capability offered by fixed-base manipulators and the mobility offered by mobile platforms. While mobile manipulators offer a tremendous potential for flexible material handling and other tasks, at the same time they bring about a number of challenging issues rather than simply increasing the structural complexity. First, combining a manipulator and a platform creates redundancy. Second, a wheeled mobile platform is subject to nonholonomic constraints. Third, there exists dynamic interaction between the manipulator and the mobile platform. Fourth, manipulators and mobile platforms have different bandwidths. Mobile platforms typically have slower dynamic response than manipulators. The objective of the thesis is to develop control algorithms that effectively coordinate manipulation and mobility of mobile manipulators. We begin with deriving the motion equations of mobile manipulators. The derivation presented here makes use of the existing motion equations of manipulators and mobile platforms, and simply introduces the velocity and acceleration dependent terms that account for the dynamic interaction between manipulators and mobile platforms. Since nonholonomic constraints play a critical role in control of mobile manipulators, we then study the control properties of nonholonomic dynamic systems, including feedback linearization and internal dynamics. Based on the newly proposed concept of preferred operating region, we develop a set of coordination algorithms for mobile manipulators. While the manipulator performs manipulation tasks, the mobile platform is controlled to always bring the configuration of the manipulator into a preferred operating region. The control algorithms for two types of tasks - dragging motion and following motion - are discussed in detail. The effects of dynamic interaction are also investigated. To verify the efficacy of the coordination algorithms, we conduct numerical simulations with representative task trajectories. Additionally, the control algorithms for the dragging motion and following motion have been implemented on an experimental mobile manipulator. The results from the simulation and experiment are presented to support the proposed control algorithms

    Analysis of multi-agent systems under varying degrees of trust, cooperation, and competition

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    Multi-agent systems rely heavily on coordination and cooperation to achieve a variety of tasks. It is often assumed that these agents will be fully cooperative, or have reliable and equal performance among group members. Instead, we consider cooperation as a spectrum of possible interactions, ranging from performance variations within the group to adversarial agents. This thesis examines several scenarios where cooperation and performance are not guaranteed. Potential applications include sensor coverage, emergency response, wildlife management, tracking, and surveillance. We use geometric methods, such as Voronoi tessellations, for design insight and Lyapunov-based stability theory to analyze our proposed controllers. Performance is verified through simulations and experiments on a variety of ground and aerial robotic platforms. First, we consider the problem of Voronoi-based coverage control, where a group of robots must spread out over an environment to provide coverage. Our approach adapts online to sensing and actuation performance variations with the group. The robots have no prior knowledge of their relative performance, and in a distributed fashion, compensate by assigning weaker robots a smaller portion of the environment. Next, we consider the problem of multi-agent herding, akin to shepherding. Here, a group of dog-like robots must drive a herd of non-cooperative sheep-like agents around the environment. Our key insight in designing the control laws for the herders is to enforce geometrical relationships that allow for the combined system dynamics to reduce to a single nonholonomic vehicle. We also investigate the cooperative pursuit of an evader by a group of quadrotors in an environment with no-fly zones. While the pursuers cannot enter the no-fly zones, the evader moves freely through the zones to avoid capture. Using tools for Voronoi-based coverage control, we provide an algorithm to distribute the pursuers around the zone's boundary and minimize capture time once the evader emerges. Finally, we present an algorithm for the guaranteed capture of multiple evaders by one or more pursuers in a bounded, convex environment. The pursuers utilize properties of the evader's Voronoi cell to choose a control strategy that minimizes the safe-reachable area of the evader, which in turn leads to the evader's capture

    Controllability and motion algorithms for underactuated Lagrangian systems on Lie groups

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