3 research outputs found

    Syntactic-Semantic Form of Mizar Articles

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    Mizar Mathematical Library is most appreciated for the wealth of mathematical knowledge it contains. However, accessing this publicly available huge corpus of formalized data is not straightforward due to the complexity of the underlying Mizar language, which has been designed to resemble informal mathematical papers. For this reason, most systems exploring the library are based on an internal XML representation format used by semantic modules of Mizar. This representation is easily accessible, but it lacks certain syntactic information available only in the original human-readable Mizar source files. In this paper we propose a new XML-based format which combines both syntactic and semantic data. It is intended to facilitate various applications of the Mizar library requiring fullest possible information to be retrieved from the formalization files

    On Multivariate Algorithms of Digital Signatures on Secure El Gamal Type Mode.

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    The intersection of Non-commutative and Multivariate cryptography contains studies of cryptographic applications of subsemigroups and subgroups of affine Cremona semigroups defined over finite commutative ring K with the unit. We consider special subsemigroups (platforms) in a semigroup of all endomorphisms of K[x_1, x_2, …, x_n]. Efficiently computed homomorphisms between such platforms can be used in Post Quantum key exchange protocols when correspondents elaborate common transformation of (K*)^n. The security of these schemes is based on a complexity of decomposition problem for an element of a semigroup into a product of given generators. We suggest three such protocols (with a group and with two semigroups as platforms) for their usage with multivariate digital signatures systems. The usage of protocols allows to convert public maps of these systems into private mode, i.e. one correspondent uses the collision map for safe transfer of selected multivariate rule to his/her partner. The β€˜β€™ privatisation’’ of former publicly given map allows the usage of digital signature system for which some of cryptanalytic instruments were found ( estimation of different attacks on rainbow oil and vinegar system, cryptanalytic studies LUOV) with the essentially smaller size of hashed messages. Transition of basic multivariate map to safe El Gamal type mode does not allow the usage of cryptanalytic algorithms for already broken Imai - Matsumoto cryptosystem or Original Oil and Vinegar signature schemes proposed by J.Patarin. So even broken digital signatures schemes can be used in the combination with protocol execution during some restricted β€˜β€™trust interval’’ of polynomial size. Minimal trust interval can be chosen as a dimension n of the space of hashed messages, i. e. transported safely multivariate map has to be used at most n times. Before the end of this interval correspondents have to start the session of multivariate protocol with modified multivariate map. The security of such algorithms rests not on properties of quadratic multivariate maps but on the security of the protocol for the map delivery and corresponding NP hard problem