2,982 research outputs found

    Collaborative Filtering via Group-Structured Dictionary Learning

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    Structured sparse coding and the related structured dictionary learning problems are novel research areas in machine learning. In this paper we present a new application of structured dictionary learning for collaborative filtering based recommender systems. Our extensive numerical experiments demonstrate that the presented technique outperforms its state-of-the-art competitors and has several advantages over approaches that do not put structured constraints on the dictionary elements.Comment: A compressed version of the paper has been accepted for publication at the 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Source Separation (LVA/ICA 2012

    Cross-domain recommendation with consistent knowledge transfer by subspace alignment

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. Recommender systems have drawn great attention from both academic area and practical websites. One challenging and common problem in many recommendation methods is data sparsity, due to the limited number of observed user interaction with the products/services. Cross-domain recommender systems are developed to tackle this problem through transferring knowledge from a source domain with relatively abundant data to the target domain with scarce data. Existing cross-domain recommendation methods assume that similar user groups have similar tastes on similar item groups but ignore the divergence between the source and target domains, resulting in decrease in accuracy. In this paper, we propose a cross-domain recommendation method transferring consistent group-level knowledge through aligning the source subspace with the target one. Through subspace alignment, the discrepancy caused by the domain-shift is reduced and the knowledge shared local top-n recommendation via refined item-user bi-clustering two domains is ensured to be consistent. Experiments are conducted on five real-world datasets in three categories: movies, books and music. The results for nine cross-domain recommendation tasks show that our proposed method has improved the accuracy compared with five benchmarks

    Matrix Completion on Graphs

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    The problem of finding the missing values of a matrix given a few of its entries, called matrix completion, has gathered a lot of attention in the recent years. Although the problem under the standard low rank assumption is NP-hard, Cand\`es and Recht showed that it can be exactly relaxed if the number of observed entries is sufficiently large. In this work, we introduce a novel matrix completion model that makes use of proximity information about rows and columns by assuming they form communities. This assumption makes sense in several real-world problems like in recommender systems, where there are communities of people sharing preferences, while products form clusters that receive similar ratings. Our main goal is thus to find a low-rank solution that is structured by the proximities of rows and columns encoded by graphs. We borrow ideas from manifold learning to constrain our solution to be smooth on these graphs, in order to implicitly force row and column proximities. Our matrix recovery model is formulated as a convex non-smooth optimization problem, for which a well-posed iterative scheme is provided. We study and evaluate the proposed matrix completion on synthetic and real data, showing that the proposed structured low-rank recovery model outperforms the standard matrix completion model in many situations.Comment: Version of NIPS 2014 workshop "Out of the Box: Robustness in High Dimension

    A Comparative Study of Pairwise Learning Methods based on Kernel Ridge Regression

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    Many machine learning problems can be formulated as predicting labels for a pair of objects. Problems of that kind are often referred to as pairwise learning, dyadic prediction or network inference problems. During the last decade kernel methods have played a dominant role in pairwise learning. They still obtain a state-of-the-art predictive performance, but a theoretical analysis of their behavior has been underexplored in the machine learning literature. In this work we review and unify existing kernel-based algorithms that are commonly used in different pairwise learning settings, ranging from matrix filtering to zero-shot learning. To this end, we focus on closed-form efficient instantiations of Kronecker kernel ridge regression. We show that independent task kernel ridge regression, two-step kernel ridge regression and a linear matrix filter arise naturally as a special case of Kronecker kernel ridge regression, implying that all these methods implicitly minimize a squared loss. In addition, we analyze universality, consistency and spectral filtering properties. Our theoretical results provide valuable insights in assessing the advantages and limitations of existing pairwise learning methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.0427
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