34 research outputs found

    Naive bayes multi-label classification approach for high-voltage condition monitoring

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    This paper addresses for the first time the multilabel classification of High-Voltage (HV) discharges captured using the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) method for HV machines. The approach involves feature extraction from EMI time signals, emitted during the discharge events, by means of 1D-Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and 1D-Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) techniques. Their combination provides a feature vector that is implemented in a naive Bayes classifier designed to identify the labels of two or more discharge sources contained within a single signal. The performance of this novel approach is measured using various metrics including average precision, accuracy, specificity, hamming loss etc. Results demonstrate a successful performance that is in line with similar application to other fields such as biology and image processing. This first attempt of multi-label classification of EMI discharge sources opens a new research topic in HV condition monitoring

    A new genetic algorithm for multi-label correlation-based feature selection.

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    This paper proposes a new Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Label Correlation-Based Feature Selection (GA-ML-CFS). This GA performs a global search in the space of candidate feature subset, in order to select a high-quality feature subset is used by a multi-label classification algorithm - in this work, the Multi-Label k-NN algorithm. We compare the results of GA-ML-CFS with the results of the previously proposed Hill-Climbing for Multi-Label Correlation-Based Feature Selection (HC-ML-CFS), across 10 multi-label datasets

    A lexicographic multi-objective genetic algorithm for multi-label correlation-based feature selection

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    This paper proposes a new Lexicographic multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Label Correlation-based Feature Selection (LexGA-ML-CFS), which is an extension of the previous single-objective Genetic Algorithm for Multi-label Correlation-based Feature Selection (GA-ML-CFS). This extension uses a LexGA as a global search method for generating candidate feature subsets. In our experiments, we compare the results obtained by LexGA-ML-CFS with the results obtained by the original hill climbing-based ML-CFS, the single-objective GA-ML-CFS and a baseline Binary Relevance method, using ML-kNN as the multi-label classifier. The results from our experiments show that LexGA-ML-CFS improved predictive accuracy, by comparison with other methods, in some cases, but in general there was no statistically significant different between the results of LexGA-ML-CFS and other methods


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    Sentiment mining has been commonly associated with the analysis of a text string to determine whether a corpus is of a negative or positive opinion. Recently, sentiment mining has been extended to address problems such as distinguishing objective from subjective propositions, and determining the sources and topics of different opinions expressed in textual data sets such as web blogs, tweets, message board reviews, and news. Companies can leverage opinion polarity and sentiment topic recognition to gain a deeper understanding of the drivers and the overall scope of sentiments. These insights can advance competitive intelligence, improve customer service, attain better brand image, and enhance competitiveness. This research paper proposes a sentiment mining approach which detects sentiment polarity and sentiment topic from text. The approach includes a sentiment topic recognition model that is based on Correlated Topics Models (CTM) with Variational Expectation-Maximization (VEM) algorithm. We validate the effectiveness and efficiency of this model using airline data from Twitter. We also examine the reputation of three major airlines by computing their Airline Quality Rating (AQR) based on the output from our approach

    An Efficient feature selection algorithm for the spam email classification

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    The existing spam email classification systems are suffering from the problems of low accuracy due to the high dimensionality of the associated feature selection (FS) process. But being a global optimization process in machine learning, FS is mainly aimed at reducing the redundancy of dataset to create a set of acceptable and accurate results. This study presents the combination of Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm with Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) for the reduction of features dimensionality in a bid to improve spam emails classification accuracy. The features for each particle in this work were represented in a binary form, meaning that they were transformed into binary using a sigmoid function. The features selection was based on a fitness function that depended on the obtained accuracy using SVM. The proposed system was evaluated for performance by considering the performance of the classifier and the selected features vectors dimension which served as the input to the classifier; this evaluation was done using the Spam Base dataset and from the results, the PSO-ABC classifier performed well in terms of FS even with a small set of selected features

    Optimized Computation Combining Classification and Detection Networks with Distillation

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    Examining Swarm Intelligence-based Feature Selection for Multi-Label Classification

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    Multi-label classification addresses the issues that more than one class label assigns to each instance. Many real-world multi-label classification tasks are high-dimensional due to digital technologies, leading to reduced performance of traditional multi-label classifiers. Feature selection is a common and successful approach to tackling this problem by retaining relevant features and eliminating redundant ones to reduce dimensionality. There is several feature selection that is successfully applied in multi-label learning. Most of those features are wrapper methods that employ a multi-label classifier in their processes. They run a classifier in each step, which requires a high computational cost, and thus they suffer from scalability issues. To deal with this issue, filter methods are introduced to evaluate the feature subsets using information-theoretic mechanisms instead of running classifiers. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of different methods of feature selection presented for the tasks of multi-label classification. To this end, in this review, we have investigated most of the well-known and state-of-the-art methods. We then provided the main characteristics of the existing multi-label feature selection techniques and compared them analytically

    Hierarchical multi-label news article classification with distributed semantic model based features

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    Automatic news categorization is essential to automatically handle the classification of multi-label news articles in online portal. This research employs some potential methods to improve performance of hierarchical multi-label classifier for Indonesian news article. First potential method is using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to build the top level classifier. The second method could improve the classification performance by calculating the average of the word vectors obtained from distributed semantic model. The third method combines lexical and semantic method to extract documents features, which multiplied word term frequency (lexical) with word vector average (semantic). Model build using Calibrated Label Ranking as multi-label classification method, and trained using Naïve Bayes algorithm has the best F1-measure of 0.7531. Multiplication of word term frequency and the average of word vectors were also used to build this classifiers. This configuration improved multi-label classification performance by 4.25%, compared to the baseline. The distributed semantic model that gave best performance in this experiment obtained from 300-dimension word2vec of Wikipedia’s articles. The multi-label classification model performance is also influenced by news’ released date. The difference period between training and testing data would also decrease models’ performance