18 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of a Gaussian Mixture based Feature Selection Algorithm

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    Feature selection for clustering is difficult because, unlike in supervised learning, there are no class labels for the data and, thus, no obvious criteria to guide the search. The work reported in this paper includes the implementation of unsupervised feature saliency algorithm (UFSA) for ranking different features. This algorithm used the concept of feature saliency and expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate it, in the context of mixture-based clustering. In addition to feature ranking, the algorithm returns an effective model for the given dataset. The results (ranks) obtained from UFSA have been compared with the ranks obtained by Relief-F and Representation Entropy, using four clustering techniques EM, Simple K-Means, Farthest-First and Cobweb.For the experimental study, benchmark datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository have been used

    Simultaneous feature selection and clustering using mixture models

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    A model-based conceptual clustering of moving objects in video surveillance

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    Copyright 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.Data mining techniques have been applied in video databases to identify various patterns or groups. Clustering analysis is used to find the patterns and groups of moving objects in video surveillance systems. Most existing methods for the clustering focus on finding the optimum of overall partitioning. However, these approaches cannot provide meaningful descriptions of the clusters. Also, they are not very suitable for moving object databases since video data have spatial and temporal characteristics, and high-dimensional attributes. In this paper, we propose a model-based conceptual clustering (MCC) of moving objects in video surveillance based on a formal concept analysis. Our proposed MCC consists of three steps: 'model formation' , 'model-based concept analysis' , and 'concept graph generation' . The generated concept graph provides conceptual descriptions of moving objects. In order to assess the proposed approach, we conduct comprehensive experiments with artificial and real video surveillance data sets. The experimental results indicate that our MCC dominates two other methods, i.e., generality-based and error-based conceptual clustering algorithms, in terms of quality of concepts.http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.70822

    Modeling Heterogeneous Statistical Patterns in High-dimensional Data by Adversarial Distributions: An Unsupervised Generative Framework

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    Since the label collecting is prohibitive and time-consuming, unsupervised methods are preferred in applications such as fraud detection. Meanwhile, such applications usually require modeling the intrinsic clusters in high-dimensional data, which usually displays heterogeneous statistical patterns as the patterns of different clusters may appear in different dimensions. Existing methods propose to model the data clusters on selected dimensions, yet globally omitting any dimension may damage the pattern of certain clusters. To address the above issues, we propose a novel unsupervised generative framework called FIRD, which utilizes adversarial distributions to fit and disentangle the heterogeneous statistical patterns. When applying to discrete spaces, FIRD effectively distinguishes the synchronized fraudsters from normal users. Besides, FIRD also provides superior performance on anomaly detection datasets compared with SOTA anomaly detection methods (over 5% average AUC improvement). The significant experiment results on various datasets verify that the proposed method can better model the heterogeneous statistical patterns in high-dimensional data and benefit downstream applications

    Noise-augmented directional clustering of genetic association data identifies distinct mechanisms underlying obesity.

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    Funder: NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research CentreClustering genetic variants based on their associations with different traits can provide insight into their underlying biological mechanisms. Existing clustering approaches typically group variants based on the similarity of their association estimates for various traits. We present a new procedure for clustering variants based on their proportional associations with different traits, which is more reflective of the underlying mechanisms to which they relate. The method is based on a mixture model approach for directional clustering and includes a noise cluster that provides robustness to outliers. The procedure performs well across a range of simulation scenarios. In an applied setting, clustering genetic variants associated with body mass index generates groups reflective of distinct biological pathways. Mendelian randomization analyses support that the clusters vary in their effect on coronary heart disease, including one cluster that represents elevated body mass index with a favourable metabolic profile and reduced coronary heart disease risk. Analysis of the biological pathways underlying this cluster identifies inflammation as potentially explaining differences in the effects of increased body mass index on coronary heart disease

    Efficient Sparse Clustering of High-Dimensional Non-spherical Gaussian Mixtures

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    Abstract We consider the problem of clustering data points in high dimensions, i.e., when the number of data points may be much smaller than the number of dimensions. Specifically, we consider a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with two non-spherical Gaussian components, where the clusters are distinguished by only a few relevant dimensions. The method we propose is a combination of a recent approach for learning parameters of a Gaussian mixture model and sparse linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In addition to cluster assignments, the method returns an estimate of the set of features relevant for clustering. Our results indicate that the sample complexity of clustering depends on the sparsity of the relevant feature set, while only scaling logarithmically with the ambient dimension. Further, we require much milder assumptions than existing work on clustering in high dimensions. In particular, we do not require spherical clusters nor necessitate mean separation along relevant dimensions

    Unsupervised feature selection by means of external validity indices

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    Feature selection for unsupervised data is a difficult task because a reference partition is not available to evaluate the relevance of the features. Recently, different proposals of methods for consensus clustering have used external validity indices to assess the agreement among partitions obtained by clustering algorithms with different parameter values. Theses indices are independent of the characteristics of the attributes describing the data, the way the partitions are represented or the shape of the clusters. This independence allows to use these measures to assess the similarity of partitions with different subsets of attributes. As for supervised feature selection, the goal of unsupervised feature selection is to maintain the same patterns of the original data with less information. The hypothesis of this paper is that the clustering of the dataset with all the attributes, even when its quality is not perfect, can be used as the basis of the heuristic exploration the space of subsets of features. The proposal is to use external validation indices as the specific measure used to assess well this information is preserved by a subset of the original attributes. Different external validation indices have been proposed in the literature. This paper will present experiments using the adjusted Rand, Jaccard and Folkes&Mallow indices. Artificially generated datasets will be used to test the methodology with different experimental conditions such as the number of clusters, cluster spatial separanton and the ratio of irrelevant features. The methodology will also be applied to real datasets chosen from the UCI machine learning datasets repository.Preprin