56,253 research outputs found

    Special Libraries, May-June 1938

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    Volume 29, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1938/1004/thumbnail.jp

    A Learning Algorithm based on High School Teaching Wisdom

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    A learning algorithm based on primary school teaching and learning is presented. The methodology is to continuously evaluate a student and to give them training on the examples for which they repeatedly fail, until, they can correctly answer all types of questions. This incremental learning procedure produces better learning curves by demanding the student to optimally dedicate their learning time on the failed examples. When used in machine learning, the algorithm is found to train a machine on a data with maximum variance in the feature space so that the generalization ability of the network improves. The algorithm has interesting applications in data mining, model evaluations and rare objects discovery

    Multimodal magnetic resonance neuroimaging measures characteristic of early cART-treated pediatric HIV: A feature selection approach

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    Children with perinatally acquired HIV (CPHIV) have poor cognitive outcomes despite early combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). While CPHIV-related brain alterations can be investigated separately using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Assessment of technical and socioeconomical feeding practices in semiarid and arid Areas in north India (Haryana), and implications for dairy rural development

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    To satisfy Indian consumers¿ rising demand for milk products, Indian breeders will have to boost their production rapidly, especially through improved feeding practices. Many experts point out that currently used crop by-products will not be sufficient to meet increasing feed requirements from cow and buffalo herds and that it will be necessary to turn to grains such as wheat and maize. But other experts think that grain will not be enough and that the increasing animal consumption of grain will affect human consumption, unless India decides on massive grain imports, putting pressure on the world grain market. The present survey carried out in two districts of Haryana showed that grain was not an essential feed for cattle and buffaloes, and that improving cotton and mustard by-products, and green fodder had great potential. A second finding was that wealthier farmers tended to underuse the genetic potential of milk cows and buffaloes. Moreover, biotechnical management of the herd, in particular the feeding system, was closely related to the socioeconomic management of the family farming system; family strategies aimed at ensuring sufficient milk production for the family in larger farms and to provide a regular income in smaller ones. This paper also stressed out the need to design, implement, and monitor development programs that integrate sociocultural and, especially, gender issues, to facilitate technological innovation with respect to forage storage. (Résumé d'auteur

    Application of remote sensing to selected problems within the state of California

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Photomorphic analysis techniques: An interim spatial analysis using satellite remote sensor imagery and historical data

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    The use of machine scanning and/or computer-based techniques to provide greater objectivity in the photomorphic approach was investigated. Photomorphic analysis and its application in regional planning are discussed. Topics included: delineation of photomorphic regions; inadequacies of existing classification systems; tonal and textural characteristics and signature analysis techniques; pattern recognition and Fourier transform analysis; and optical experiments. A bibliography is included

    Multimodal neuroimaging signatures of early cART-treated paediatric HIV - Distinguishing perinatally HIV-infected 7-year-old children from uninfected controls

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    Introduction: HIV-related brain alterations can be identified using neuroimaging modalities such as proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and functional MRI (fMRI). However, few studies have combined multiple MRI measures/features to identify a multivariate neuroimaging signature that typifies HIV infection. Elastic net (EN) regularisation uses penalised regression to perform variable selection, shrinking the weighting of unimportant variables to zero. We chose to use the embedded feature selection of EN logistic regression to identify a set of neuroimaging features characteristic of paediatric HIV infection. We aimed to determine 1) the most useful features across MRI modalities to separate HIV+ children from HIV- controls and 2) whether better classification performance is obtained by combining multimodal MRI features rather than using features from a single modality. Methods: The study sample comprised 72 HIV+ 7-year-old children from the Children with HIV Early Antiretroviral Therapy (CHER) trial in Cape Town, who initiated combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in infancy and had their viral loads suppressed from a young age, and 55 HIV- control children. Neuroimaging features were extracted to generate 7 MRI-derived sets. For sMRI, 42 regional brain volumes (1st set), mean cortical thickness and gyrification in 68 brain regions (2nd and 3rd set) were used. For DTI data: radial (RD), axial (AD), mean (MD) diffusivities, and fractional anisotropy (FA) in each of 20 atlas regions were extracted for a total of 80 DTI features (4th set). For 1H-MRS, concentrations of 14 metabolites and their ratios to creatine in the basal ganglia, peritrigonal white matter, and midfrontal gray matter voxels (5th, 6th and 7th set) were considered. A logistic EN regression model with repeated 10-fold cross validation (CV) was implemented in R, initially on each feature set separately. Sex, age and total intracranial volume (TIV) were included as confounders with no shrinkage penalty. For each model, the classification performance for HIV+ vs HIV- was assessed by computing accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, and mean area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) across 10 CV folds and 100 iterations. To combine feature sets, the best performing set was concatenated with each of the other sets and further EN regressions were run. The combination giving the largest AUC was combined with each of the remaining sets until there was no further increase in AUC. Two concatenation techniques were explored: nested and non-nested modelling. All models were assessed for their goodness of fit using χ 2 likelihood ratio tests for non-nested models and Akaike information criterion (AIC) for nested models. To identify features most useful in distinguishing HIV infection, the EN model was retrained on all the data, to find features with non-zero weights. Finally, multivariate imputation using chained equations (MICE) was explored to investigate the effect of increased sample size on classification and feature selection. Results: The best performing modality in the single modality analysis was sMRI volume