3,604 research outputs found

    A real time classification algorithm for EEG-based BCI driven by self-induced emotions

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    Background and objective: The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient, parametric, general, and completely automatic real time classification method of electroencephalography (EEG) signals obtained from self-induced emotions. The particular characteristics of the considered low-amplitude signals (a self-induced emotion produces a signal whose amplitude is about 15% of a really experienced emotion) require exploring and adapting strategies like the Wavelet Transform, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for signal processing, analysis and classification. Moreover, the method is thought to be used in a multi-emotions based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and, for this reason, an ad hoc shrewdness is assumed. Method: The peculiarity of the brain activation requires ad-hoc signal processing by wavelet decomposition, and the definition of a set of features for signal characterization in order to discriminate different self-induced emotions. The proposed method is a two stages algorithm, completely parameterized, aiming at a multi-class classification and may be considered in the framework of machine learning. The first stage, the calibration, is off-line and is devoted at the signal processing, the determination of the features and at the training of a classifier. The second stage, the real-time one, is the test on new data. The PCA theory is applied to avoid redundancy in the set of features whereas the classification of the selected features, and therefore of the signals, is obtained by the SVM. Results: Some experimental tests have been conducted on EEG signals proposing a binary BCI, based on the self-induced disgust produced by remembering an unpleasant odor. Since in literature it has been shown that this emotion mainly involves the right hemisphere and in particular the T8 channel, the classification procedure is tested by using just T8, though the average accuracy is calculated and reported also for the whole set of the measured channels. Conclusions: The obtained classification results are encouraging with percentage of success that is, in the average for the whole set of the examined subjects, above 90%. An ongoing work is the application of the proposed procedure to map a large set of emotions with EEG and to establish the EEG headset with the minimal number of channels to allow the recognition of a significant range of emotions both in the field of affective computing and in the development of auxiliary communication tools for subjects affected by severe disabilities

    Wavelet Features for Recognition of First Episode of Schizophrenia from MRI Brain Images

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    Machine learning methods are increasingly used in various fields of medicine, contributing to early diagnosis and better quality of care. These outputs are particularly desirable in case of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, due to the inherent potential for creating a new gold standard in the diagnosis and differentiation of particular disorders. This paper presents a scheme for automated classification from magnetic resonance images based on multiresolution representation in the wavelet domain. Implementation of the proposed algorithm, utilizing support vector machines classifier, is introduced and tested on a dataset containing 104 patients with first episode schizophrenia and healthy volunteers. Optimal parameters of different phases of the algorithm are sought and the quality of classification is estimated by robust cross validation techniques. Values of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity over 71% are achieved

    Use of Machine Learning for Partial Discharge Discrimination

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    Partial discharge (PD) measurements are an important tool for assessing the condition of power equipment. Different sources of PD have different effects on the insulation performance of power apparatus. Therefore, discrimination between PD sources is of great interest to both system utilities and equipment manufacturers. This paper investigates the use of a wide bandwidth PD on-line measurement system to facilitate automatic PD source identification. Three artificial PD models were used to simulate typical PD sources which may exist within power systems. Wavelet analysis was applied to pre-process the obtained measurement data. This data was then processed using correlation analysis to cluster the discharges into different groups. A machine learning technique, namely the support vector machine (SVM) was then used to identify between the different PD sources. The SVM is trained to differentiate between the inherent features of each discharge source signal. Laboratory experiments indicate that this approach is applicable for use with field measurement data

    Classification of sporting activities using smartphone accelerometers

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    In this paper we present a framework that allows for the automatic identification of sporting activities using commonly available smartphones. We extract discriminative informational features from smartphone accelerometers using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Despite the poor quality of their accelerometers, smartphones were used as capture devices due to their prevalence in today’s society. Successful classification on this basis potentially makes the technology accessible to both elite and non-elite athletes. Extracted features are used to train different categories of classifiers. No one classifier family has a reportable direct advantage in activity classification problems to date; thus we examine classifiers from each of the most widely used classifier families. We investigate three classification approaches; a commonly used SVM-based approach, an optimized classification model and a fusion of classifiers. We also investigate the effect of changing several of the DWT input parameters, including mother wavelets, window lengths and DWT decomposition levels. During the course of this work we created a challenging sports activity analysis dataset, comprised of soccer and field-hockey activities. The average maximum F-measure accuracy of 87% was achieved using a fusion of classifiers, which was 6% better than a single classifier model and 23% better than a standard SVM approach

    A new method for automatic Multiple Partial Discharge Classification

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    A new wavelet based feature parameter have been developed to represent the characteristics of PD activities, i.e. the wavelet decomposition energy of PD pulses measured from non-conventional ultra wide bandwidth PD sensors such as capacitive couplers (CC) or high frequency current transformers (HFCT). The generated feature vectors can contain different dimensions depending on the length of recorded pulses. These high dimensional feature vectors can then be processed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to map the data into a three dimensional space whilst the first three most significant components representing the feature vector are preserved. In the three dimensional mapped space, an automatic Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm is then applied to classify the data cluster(s) produced by the PCA. As the procedure is undertaken in a three dimensional space, the obtained clustering results can be easily assessed. The classified PD sub-data sets are then reconstructed in the time domain as phase-resolved patterns to facilitate PD source type identification. The proposed approach has been successfully applied to PD data measured from electrical machines and power cables where measurements were undertaken in different laboratories

    Self-adaptive fault diagnosis of roller bearings using infrared thermal images

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    Fault diagnosis of roller bearings in rotating machinery is of great signicance to identify latent abnormalities and failures in industrial plants. This paper presents a new self-adaptive fault diagnosis system for different conditions of roller bearings using InfraRed Thermography (IRT). In the rst stage of the proposed system, 2-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform (2D-DWT) and Shannon entropy are applied respectively to decompose images and seek for the desired decomposition level of the approximation coefcients. After that, the histograms of selected coefcients are used as an input of the feature space selection method by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Nearest Neighbor (NN), for the purpose of selecting two salient features that can achieve the highest classication accuracy. The results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme can be employed effectively as an intelligent system for bearing fault diagnosis in rotating machinery

    Classification of Multiwavelength Transients with Machine Learning

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    With the advent of powerful telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Array and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, we are entering an era of multiwavelength transient astronomy that will lead to a dramatic increase in data volume. Machine learning techniques are well suited to address this data challenge and rapidly classify newly detected transients. We present a multiwavelength classification algorithm consisting of three steps: (1) interpolation and augmentation of the data using Gaussian processes; (2) feature extraction using wavelets; and (3) classification with random forests. Augmentation provides improved performance at test time by balancing the classes and adding diversity into the training set. In the first application of machine learning to the classification of real radio transient data, we apply our technique to the Green Bank Interferometer and other radio light curves. We find we are able to accurately classify most of the 11 classes of radio variables and transients after just eight hours of observations, achieving an overall test accuracy of 78 percent. We fully investigate the impact of the small sample size of 82 publicly available light curves and use data augmentation techniques to mitigate the effect. We also show that on a significantly larger simulated representative training set that the algorithm achieves an overall accuracy of 97 percent, illustrating that the method is likely to provide excellent performance on future surveys. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of simultaneous multiwavelength observations by showing how incorporating just one optical data point into the analysis improves the accuracy of the worst performing class by 19 percent.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure
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