101,570 research outputs found

    Interoperable subject retrieval in a distributed multi-scheme environment : new developments in the HILT project

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    The HILT (HIgh-Level Thesaurus) project (http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/), based primarily at the Centre for Digital Library Research (CDLR) (http://cdlr.strath.ac.uk/) at Strathclyde University in Glasgow is entering its fourth stage following the completion of Phases I (http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/index1.html) and II (http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/index2.html) and the Machine to Machine (M2M) Feasibility Study (http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/hiltm2mfs/). HILT is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the United Kingdom (UK) to examine an issue of global significance - facilitating interoperability of subject descriptions in a distributed, cross-service retrieval environment where different services use different subject and classification schemes to describe content, making cross-searching by subject difficult. HILT Phase I determined that there was a community consensus in the UK in favour of using inter-scheme mapping to achieve interoperability between services using different schemes, an approach followed by several recent projects (Heery et al, 2001; Koch et al, 2001; MACS, 2005; Saeed and Chaudhury 2002). HILT Phase II chose a spine-based approach to mapping and chose the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) as the central scheme to which all other schemes would be mapped. It also built an illustrative pilot mapping service, based on an adaptation of the Wordmap (http://www.wordmap.com/) terminology-handling software and made a range of recommendations on issues requiring further research and ongoing development requirements

    HILT : a terminology mapping service with a DDC spine

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    The role of DDC in the ongoing HILT (High-level Thesaurus) project is discussed. A phased initiative, funded by JISC in the UK, HILT addresses an issue of likely interest to anyone serving users wishing to cross-search or cross-browse groups of networked information services, whether at regional, national or international level - the problem of subject-based retrieval from multiple sources using different subject schemes for resource description. Although all three phases of HILT to date are covered, the primary concern is with the subject interoperability solution piloted in phase II, and with the use of DDC as a spine in that approach

    Libraries and the management of research data

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    A discussion of the role of university libraries in the management of digital research data outputs. Reviews some of the recent history of progress in this area from a UK perspective, with reference to international developments

    Philly Health Info: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia's Regional Community Health Information Project

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    The College of Physicians of Philadelphia has created Philly Health Info (PHI), a regional community health information model. PHI objectives are, first, to provide as many citizens of greater Philadelphia as possible with accurate, current, and understandable health information they can use to their benefit; and second, to test the feasibility of reaching a substantial proportion of people who are underserved through community sites such as library branches, community health centers, physician offices, and other convenient locations. The centerpiece of PHI is its Internet portal. This consumer-oriented portal focuses on regional health issues and offers a virtual directory of regional health resources and services. A pilot project was launched in the spring of 2004 to test the feasibility of bridging the digital divide by placing trained volunteers at Internet access sites in community locations. The first PHI site is located at the Northeast Branch of the Free Library.published or submitted for publicatio

    Investigating the feasibility of a distributed, mapping-based, approach to solving subject interoperability problems in a multi-scheme, cross-service, retrieval environment

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    The HILT project is researching the problems of facilitating interoperability of subject descriptions in a distributed multi-scheme environment. HILT Phase I found a UK community consensus in favour of utilising an inter-scheme mapping service to improve interoperability. HILT Phase II investigated the approach by building a pilot server, and identified a range of issues that would have to be tackled if an operational service was to be successful. HILT Phase III will implement a centralised version of an M2M pilot, but will aim to design it so that the possibility of a move to a distributed service remains open. This aim will impact on likely future research concerns in Phase III and beyond. Wide adoption of a distributed approach to the problem could lead to the creation of a framework within which regional, national, and international efforts in the area can be harmonised and co-ordinated

    Deployment of quality assurance procedures for digital library programmes

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    Many digital library programmes have a development philosophy based on use of open standards. In practice, however, projects may not have procedures in place to ensure that project deliverables make use of appropriate open standards. In addition there will be occasions when open standards are not sufficiently mature for deployment in a service environment or use of open standards will require expertise or resources which are not readily available

    UCL DAF (Data Audit Framework) Pilot: final report

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    The UCL DAF (Data Audit Framework) pilot implementation project was funded by JISC for a period of seven months (August 2008-March 2009) to trial the implementation of the DAF methodology at UCL

    Scholarly Communication Initiatives Department Jan 2018 - June 2019 Report

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    This report highlights the major accomplishments of the Scholarly Communication Initiatives Department (SCI) with a special emphasis on statistics from Digital Scholarship@UNLV, our institutional repository. The report reflects activities from January 2018 through June 2019. The significant highlights during this time include the 5 millionth download of a digital item from Digital Scholarship@UNLV, adding over 3,000 full-text theses and dissertations written at UNLV from 1977-2008, establishing pilot projects to support open access and research data management efforts, releasing the 2013 and 2017 Solar Decathlon collections, and hosting an ambitious and engaging Open Access Week slate of activities

    The Development and Usage of the Greenstone Digital Library Software

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    The Greenstone software has helped spread the practical impact of digital library technology throughout the world-particularly in developing countries. This article reviews the project’s origins, usage, and the development of support mechanisms for Greenstone users. We begin with a brief summary of salient aspects of this open source software package and its user population. Next we describe how its international, humanitarian focus arose. We then review the special requirements imposed by the conditions that prevail in developing courtiers. Finally we discuss efforts to establish regional support organizations for Greenstone in India and Africa

    Sharing Qualitative and Qualitative Longitudinal Data in the UK: Archiving Strategies and Development

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    Over the past two decades significant developments have occurred in the archiving of qualitative data in the UK. The first national archive for qualitative resources, Qualidata, was established in 1994. Since that time further scientific reviews have supported the expansion of data resources for qualitative and qualitative longitudinal (QL) research in the UK and fuelled the development of a new ethos of data sharing and re-use among qualitative researchers. These have included the Timescapes Study and Archive, an initiative funded from 2007 to scale up QL research and create a specialist resource of QL data for sharing and re-use. These trends are part of a wider movement to enhance the status of research data in all their diverse forms, inculcate an ethos of data sharing, and develop infrastructure to facilitate data discovery and re-use. In this paper we trace the history of these developments and provide an overview of data policy initiatives that have set out to advance data sharing in the UK. The paper reveals a mixed infrastructure for qualitative and QL data resources in the UK, and explores the value of this, along with the implications for managing and co-ordinating resources across a complex network. The paper concludes with some suggestions for developing this mixed infrastructure to further support data sharing and re-use in the UK and beyond