6,684 research outputs found

    Multidimensional analogs of geometric s<-->t duality

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    The usual propetry of st duality for scattering amplitudes, e.g. for Veneziano amplitude, is deeply connected with the 2-dimensional geometry. In particular, a simple geometric construction of such amplitudes was proposed in a joint work by this author and S.Saito (solv-int/9812016). Here we propose analogs of one of those amplitudes associated with multidimensional euclidean spaces, paying most attention to the 3-dimensional case. Our results can be regarded as a variant of "Regge calculus" intimately connected with ideas of the theory of integrable models.Comment: LaTeX2e, pictures using emlines. In this re-submission, an English version of the paper is added (9 pages, file english.tex) to the originally submitted file in Russian (10 pages, russian.tex

    Fractional Quantum Hall States in Ultracold Rapidly Rotating Dipolar Fermi Gases

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    We demonstrate the experimental feasibility of incompressible fractional quantum Hall-like states in ultra-cold two dimensional rapidly rotating dipolar Fermi gases. In particular, we argue that the state of the system at filling fraction Μ=1/3\nu =1/3 is well-described by the Laughlin wave function and find a substantial energy gap in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. Dipolar gases, therefore, appear as natural candidates of systems that allow to realize these very interesting highly correlated states in future experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A Quantum Game of Life

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    This research describes a three dimensional quantum cellular automaton (QCA) which can simulate all other 3D QCA. This intrinsically universal QCA belongs to the simplest subclass of QCA: Partitioned QCA (PQCA). PQCA are QCA of a particular form, where incoming information is scattered by a fixed unitary U before being redistributed and rescattered. Our construction is minimal amongst PQCA, having block size 2 x 2 x 2 and cell dimension 2. Signals, wires and gates emerge in an elegant fashion.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Final version, accepted by Journ\'ees Automates Cellulaires (JAC 2010)

    Onsite analysis of data from the Dynamics Explorer (DE) spacecraft

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    The tasks performed by ARC Professional Services Group, Inc. fell into five parts: (1) dynamics explorer (DE) data analysis and modeling; (2) DE project support; (3) chemical release observations support; (4) VLF emissions and plasma instability studies; and (5) modeling of planetary radio emissions. Some recommendations for future considerations are also addressed

    A numerical approach for 3D manufacturing tolerances synthesis

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    Making a product conform to the functional requirements indicated by the customer suppose to be able to manage the manufacturing process chosen to realise the parts. A simulation step is generally performed to verify that the expected generated deviations fit with these requirements. It is then necessary to assess the actual deviations of the process in progress. This is usually done by the verification of the conformity of the workpiece to manufacturing tolerances at the end of each set-up. It is thus necessary to determine these manufacturing tolerances. This step is called "manufacturing tolerance synthesis". In this paper, a numerical method is proposed to perform 3D manufacturing tolerances synthesis. This method uses the result of the numerical analysis of tolerances to determine influent mall displacement of surfaces. These displacements are described by small displacements torsors. An algorithm is then proposed to determine suitable ISO manufacturing tolerances

    The proton radius puzzle

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    High-precision measurements of the proton radius from laser spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen demonstrated up to six standard deviations smaller values than obtained from electron-proton scattering and hydrogen spectroscopy. The status of this discrepancy, which is known as the proton radius puzzle will be discussed in this paper, complemented with the new insights obtained from spectroscopy of muonic deuterium.Comment: Moriond 2017 conference, 8 pages, 4 figure

    An Advanced Tabu Search Approach to Solving the Mixed Payload Airlift Load Planning Problem

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    This paper presents a new tabu search based two-dimensional bin packing algorithm which produces high quality solutions to the Mixed Payload Airlift Load Planning (MPALP) problem using C-5 and C-17 aircraft. This algorithm, called Mixed Payload Airlift Load Planning Tabu Search (MPALPTS), surpasses previous research conducted in this area because, in addition to pure pallet cargo loads, MPALPTS can accommodate rolling stock cargo (i.e. tanks, trucks, HMMMVs, etc.) while still maintaining aircraft feasibility with respect to aircraft center of balance, mandatory cargo separations, aircraft floor structural limitations, etc. Furthermore, while this research is currently restricted to C-5 and C-17 aircraft, MPALPTS is capable of modeling nearly any type of cargo aircraft and requires a limited number of assumptions thereby making it applicable to operational missions. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the load plans generated by MPALPTS are directly compared to those generated by the Automated Air Load Planning Software (AALPS) for a given cargo set; AALPS is the load planning software currently mandated for use in all Department of Defense load planning. While more time consuming than AALPS, MPALPTS required the same or fewer aircraft than AALPS in all test scenario

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2005

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, and Engineering Physics
