5 research outputs found

    Edge-Fault Tolerance of Hypercube-like Networks

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    This paper considers a kind of generalized measure Ξ»s(h)\lambda_s^{(h)} of fault tolerance in a hypercube-like graph GnG_n which contain several well-known interconnection networks such as hypercubes, varietal hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes and M\"obius cubes, and proves Ξ»s(h)(Gn)=2h(nβˆ’h)\lambda_s^{(h)}(G_n)= 2^h(n-h) for any hh with 0β©½hβ©½nβˆ’10\leqslant h\leqslant n-1 by the induction on nn and a new technique. This result shows that at least 2h(nβˆ’h)2^h(n-h) edges of GnG_n have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no vertices of degree less than hh. Compared with previous results, this result enhances fault-tolerant ability of the above-mentioned networks theoretically

    Fractional strong matching preclusion for two variants of hypercubes

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    Let F be a subset of edges and vertices of a graph G. If G-F has no fractional perfect matching, then F is a fractional strong matching preclusion set of G. The fractional strong matching preclusion number is the cardinality of a minimum fractional strong matching preclusion set. In this paper, we mainly study the fractional strong matching preclusion problem for two variants of hypercubes, the multiply twisted cube and the locally twisted cube, which are two of the most popular interconnection networks. In addition, we classify all the optimal fractional strong matching preclusion set of each

    Fault-tolerant analysis of augmented cubes

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    The augmented cube AQnAQ_n, proposed by Choudum and Sunitha [S. A. Choudum, V. Sunitha, Augmented cubes, Networks 40 (2) (2002) 71-84], is a (2nβˆ’1)(2n-1)-regular (2nβˆ’1)(2n-1)-connected graph (nβ‰₯4)(n\ge 4). This paper determines that the 2-extra connectivity of AQnAQ_n is 6nβˆ’176n-17 for nβ‰₯9n\geq 9 and the 2-extra edge-connectivity is 6nβˆ’96n-9 for nβ‰₯4n\geq 4. That is, for nβ‰₯9n\geq 9 (respectively, nβ‰₯4n\geq 4), at least 6nβˆ’176n-17 vertices (respectively, 6nβˆ’96n-9 edges) of AQnAQ_n have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no isolated vertices and isolated edges. When the augmented cube is used to model the topological structure of a large-scale parallel processing system, these results can provide more accurate measurements for reliability and fault tolerance of the system