7,180 research outputs found

    Tolerating multiple faults in multistage interconnection networks with minimal extra stages

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    Adams and Siegel (1982) proposed an extra stage cube interconnection network that tolerates one switch failure with one extra stage. We extend their results and discover a class of extra stage interconnection networks that tolerate multiple switch failures with a minimal number of extra stages. Adopting the same fault model as Adams and Siegel, the faulty switches can be bypassed by a pair of demultiplexer/multiplexer combinations. It is easy to show that, to maintain point to point and broadcast connectivities, there must be at least S extra stages to tolerate I switch failures. We present the first known construction of an extra stage interconnection network that meets this lower-bound. This 12-dimensional multistage interconnection network has n+f stages and tolerates I switch failures. An n-bit label called mask is used for each stage that indicates the bit differences between the two inputs coming into a common switch. We designed the fault-tolerant construction such that it repeatedly uses the singleton basis of the n-dimensional vector space as the stage mask vectors. This construction is further generalized and we prove that an n-dimensional multistage interconnection network is optimally fault-tolerant if and only if the mask vectors of every n consecutive stages span the n-dimensional vector space

    Analysis and performance evaluation of a fault-tolerant multistage interconnection network

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    A single error occurs in the non fault-tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs) render a catastrophe to the MINs. The new scheme is to design a fault-tolerant MIN. Multiple paths between an input port and output port in the proposed network are established by chaining switching elements which have the same partition in the same stage. To enhance the performance and reliability of the proposed switch, sub-switches are straddled across the stages in the proposed network. This thesis examines the performance and design issues of fault-tolerant MINs. It first presents a survey of the current state of the art in MINs. Then, it investigates one of the most important design issues: cost-effectiveness. Following this comprehensive study, the thesis proposed a fault-tolerant MIN model. Analytical models for evaluation of the proposed network survivability and performance are presented. Finally the thesis presents fault-diagnosis methods to locate possible single fault occurs in the proposed network. Because maximum alternatives paths in the network are exploited, the proposed fault-tolerant switch has long lifetime and high bandwidth. Compared to other switches, it performs better in term of cost-effectiveness and throughput. In conclusion, we have successfully developed a fault-tolerant MIN which is: high survivability, simple control algorithm, full connecting capability and high bandwidth

    Wildcard dimensions, coding theory and fault-tolerant meshes and hypercubes

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    Hypercubes, meshes and tori are well known interconnection networks for parallel computers. The sets of edges in those graphs can be partitioned to dimensions. It is well known that the hypercube can be extended by adding a wildcard dimension resulting in a folded hypercube that has better fault-tolerant and communication capabilities. First we prove that the folded hypercube is optimal in the sense that only a single wildcard dimension can be added to the hypercube. We then investigate the idea of adding wildcard dimensions to d-dimensional meshes and tori. Using techniques from error correcting codes we construct d-dimensional meshes and tori with wildcard dimensions. Finally, we show how these constructions can be used to tolerate edge and node faults in mesh and torus networks

    Fault tolerant architectures for integrated aircraft electronics systems, task 2

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    The architectural basis for an advanced fault tolerant on-board computer to succeed the current generation of fault tolerant computers is examined. The network error tolerant system architecture is studied with particular attention to intercluster configurations and communication protocols, and to refined reliability estimates. The diagnosis of faults, so that appropriate choices for reconfiguration can be made is discussed. The analysis relates particularly to the recognition of transient faults in a system with tasks at many levels of priority. The demand driven data-flow architecture, which appears to have possible application in fault tolerant systems is described and work investigating the feasibility of automatic generation of aircraft flight control programs from abstract specifications is reported

    Fault-tolerant onboard digital information switching and routing for communications satellites

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center is developing an information-switching processor for future meshed very-small-aperture terminal (VSAT) communications satellites. The information-switching processor will switch and route baseband user data onboard the VSAT satellite to connect thousands of Earth terminals. Fault tolerance is a critical issue in developing information-switching processor circuitry that will provide and maintain reliable communications services. In parallel with the conceptual development of the meshed VSAT satellite network architecture, NASA designed and built a simple test bed for developing and demonstrating baseband switch architectures and fault-tolerance techniques. The meshed VSAT architecture and the switching demonstration test bed are described, and the initial switching architecture and the fault-tolerance techniques that were developed and tested are discussed

    Modeling and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks

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    Performance and reliability are two of the most crucial issues in today\u27s high-performance instrumentation and measurement systems. High speed and compact density multistage interconnection networks (MINs) are widely-used subsystems in different applications. New performance models are proposed to evaluate a novel fault tolerant MIN arrangement, thereby assuring performance and reliability with high confidence level. A concurrent fault detection and recovery scheme for MINs is considered by rerouting over redundant interconnection links under stringent real-time constraints for digital instrumentation as sensor networks. A switch architecture for concurrent testing and diagnosis is proposed. New performance models are developed and used to evaluate the compound effect of fault tolerant operation (inclusive of testing, diagnosis, and recovery) on the overall throughput and delay. Results are shown for single transient and permanent stuck-at faults on links and storage units in the switching elements. It is shown that performance degradation due to fault tolerance is graceful while performance degradation without fault recovery is unacceptable

    Fault tolerant clos network

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    Multistage interconnection networks, or MINs, provide paths between functional modules in multiprocessor systems. The MINs are usually segmented into several stages. Each stage connects inputs to appropriate links of the next stage so that the cumulative effect of all the stages satisfies input-output connection requirements. This thesis deals with a fault tolerant Clos network. The fault tolerance technique involves addition of extra switches per stage to compensate for any switch failure The reliability analysis of both ordinary and fault tolerant Clos networks is presented. The optimal number of extra switches required to get the best reliability results has been analyzed
