2,012 research outputs found

    Software Fault Tolerance in Real-Time Systems: Identifying the Future Research Questions

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    Tolerating hardware faults in modern architectures is becoming a prominent problem due to the miniaturization of the hardware components, their increasing complexity, and the necessity to reduce the costs. Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance approaches have been developed to improve the system dependability to hardware faults without resorting to custom hardware solutions. However, these come at the expense of making the satisfaction of the timing constraints of the applications/activities harder from a scheduling standpoint. This paper surveys the current state of the art of fault tolerance approaches when used in the context real-time systems, identifying the main challenges and the cross-links between these two topics. We propose a joint scheduling-failure analysis model that highlights the formal interactions among software fault tolerance mechanisms and timing properties. This model allows us to present and discuss many open research questions with the final aim to spur the future research activities

    Real-Time Application Mapping for Many-Cores Using a Limited Migrative Model

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    Many-core platforms are an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. These devices offer various options for power savings, cost reductions and contribute to the overall system flexibility, however, issues such as unpredictability, scalability and analysis pessimism are serious challenges to their integration into the aforementioned area. The focus of this work is on many-core platforms using a limited migrative model (LMM). LMM is an approach based on the fundamental concepts of the multi-kernel paradigm, which is a promising step towards scalable and predictable many-cores. In this work, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping on a many-core platform using LMM, and propose a three-stage method to solve it. An extended version of the existing analysis is used to assure that derived mappings (i) guarantee the fulfilment of timing constraints posed on worst-case communication delays of individual applications, and (ii) provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. energy/thermal management, fault tolerance and/or performance reasons

    Proactive Fault Tolerance Through Cloud Failure Prediction Using Machine Learning

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    One of the crucial aspects of cloud infrastructure is fault tolerance, and its primary responsibility is to address the situations that arise when different architectural parts fail. A sizeable cloud data center must deliver high service dependability and availability while minimizing failure incidence. However, modern large cloud data centers continue to have significant failure rates owing to a variety of factors, including hardware and software faults, which often lead to task and job failures. To reduce unexpected loss, it is critical to forecast task or job failures with high accuracy before they occur. This research examines the performance of four machine learning (ML) algorithms for forecasting failure in a real-time cloud environment to increase system availability using real-time data gathered from the Google Cluster Workload Traces 2019. We applied four distinct supervised machine learning algorithms are logistic regression, KNN, SVM, decision tree, and logistic regression classifiers. Confusion matrices as well as ROC curves were used to assess the reliability and robustness of each algorithm. This study will assist cloud service providers developing a robust fault tolerance design by optimizing device selection, consequently boosting system availability and eliminating unexpected system downtime

    Providing Integrity in Real-Time Networks-on-Chip

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    Mixed-critical real-time systems must meet strict integrity, resilience and timing constraints, as specified by safety standards. Due to the increasing threat of random hardware faults, efficiently achieving high reliability and dependability calls for cross-layer fault-tolerance solutions. This work introduces the Advanced Integrity Q-service (AIQ), a mechanism to ensure the integrity and predictability of on-Chip communication under random hardware faults. Devised for cross-layer and hierarchical fault-tolerance solutions, AIQ realizes low-overhead error detection in hardware and delegates error handling to arbitrary strategies in software. Experimental evaluation featuring benchmark applications and an industrial avionics use case shows that AIQ operates with high reliability and availability and low hardware and performance overheads. In a many-core mixed-critical platform under expected real-time scenarios, AIQ performs with execution time overhead between 1.4% and 7.1%

    Energy-aware Fault-tolerant Scheduling for Hard Real-time Systems

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    Over the past several decades, we have experienced tremendous growth of real-time systems in both scale and complexity. This progress is made possible largely due to advancements in semiconductor technology that have enabled the continuous scaling and massive integration of transistors on a single chip. In the meantime, however, the relentless transistor scaling and integration have dramatically increased the power consumption and degraded the system reliability substantially. Traditional real-time scheduling techniques with the sole emphasis on guaranteeing timing constraints have become insufficient. In this research, we studied the problem of how to develop advanced scheduling methods on hard real-time systems that are subject to multiple design constraints, in particular, timing, energy consumption, and reliability constraints. To this end, we first investigated the energy minimization problem with fault-tolerance requirements for dynamic-priority based hard real-time tasks on a single-core processor. Three scheduling algorithms have been developed to judiciously make tradeoffs between fault tolerance and energy reduction since both design objectives usually conflict with each other. We then shifted our research focus from single-core platforms to multi-core platforms as the latter are becoming mainstream. Specifically, we launched our research in fault-tolerant multi-core scheduling for fixed-priority tasks as fixed-priority scheduling is one of the most commonly used schemes in the industry today. For such systems, we developed several checkpointing-based partitioning strategies with the joint consideration of fault tolerance and energy minimization. At last, we exploited the implicit relations between real-time tasks in order to judiciously make partitioning decisions with the aim of improving system schedulability. According to the simulation results, our design strategies have been shown to be very promising for emerging systems and applications where timeliness, fault-tolerance, and energy reduction need to be simultaneously addressed

    A Survey of Fault-Tolerance and Fault-Recovery Techniques in Parallel Systems

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    Supercomputing systems today often come in the form of large numbers of commodity systems linked together into a computing cluster. These systems, like any distributed system, can have large numbers of independent hardware components cooperating or collaborating on a computation. Unfortunately, any of this vast number of components can fail at any time, resulting in potentially erroneous output. In order to improve the robustness of supercomputing applications in the presence of failures, many techniques have been developed to provide resilience to these kinds of system faults. This survey provides an overview of these various fault-tolerance techniques.Comment: 11 page
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