608 research outputs found

    Quantum information and physics: Some future directions

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    I consider some promising future directions for quantum information theory that could influence the development of 21st century physics. Advances in the theory of the distinguishability of superoperators may lead to new strategies for improving the precision of quantum-limited measurements. A better grasp of the properties of multi-partite quantum entanglement may lead to deeper understanding of strongly-coupled dynamics in quantum many-body systems, quantum field theory, and quantum gravity

    The evaluation of failure detection and isolation algorithms for restructurable control

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    Three failure detection and identification techniques were compared to determine their usefulness in detecting and isolating failures in an aircraft flight control system; excluding sensor and flight control computer failures. The algorithms considered were the detection filter, the Generalized Likelihood Ratio test and the Orthogonal Series Generalized Likelihood Ratio test. A modification to the basic detection filter is also considered which uses secondary filtering of the residuals to produce unidirectional failure signals. The algorithms were evaluated by testing their ability to detect and isolate control surface failures in a nonlinear simulation of a C-130 aircraft. It was found that failures of some aircraft controls are difficult to distinguish because they have a similar effect on the dynamics of the vehicle. Quantitative measures for evaluating the distinguishability of failures are considered. A system monitoring strategy for implementing the failure detection and identification techniques was considered. This strategy identified the mix of direct measurement of failures versus the computation of failure necessary for implementation of the technology in an aircraft system

    An Event-Based Approach to Distributed Diagnosis of Continuous Systems

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    Distributed fault diagnosis solutions are becoming necessary due to the complexity of modern engineering systems, and the advent of smart sensors and computing elements. This paper presents a novel event-based approach for distributed diagnosis of abrupt parametric faults in continuous systems, based on a qualitative abstraction of measurement deviations from the nominal behavior. We systematically derive dynamic fault signatures expressed as event-based fault models. We develop a distributed diagnoser design algorithm that uses these models for designing local event-based diagnosers based on global diagnosability analysis. The local diagnosers each generate globally correct diagnosis results locally, without a centralized coordinator, and by communicating a minimal number of measurements between themselves. The proposed approach is applied to a multi-tank system, and results demonstrate a marked improvement in scalability compared to a centralized approach

    Quantum computing and the entanglement frontier - Rapporteur talk at the 25th Solvay Conference

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    Quantum information science explores the frontier of highly complex quantum states, the "entanglement frontier". This study is motivated by the observation (widely believed but unproven) that classical systems cannot simulate highly entangled quantum systems efficiently, and we hope to hasten the day when well controlled quantum systems can perform tasks surpassing what can be done in the classical world. One way to achieve such "quantum supremacy" would be to run an algorithm on a quantum computer which solves a problem with a super-polynomial speedup relative to classical computers, but there may be other ways that can be achieved sooner, such as simulating exotic quantum states of strongly correlated matter. To operate a large scale quantum computer reliably we will need to overcome the debilitating effects of decoherence, which might be done using "standard" quantum hardware protected by quantum error-correcting codes, or by exploiting the nonabelian quantum statistics of anyons realized in solid state systems, or by combining both methods. Only by challenging the entanglement frontier will we learn whether Nature provides extravagant resources far beyond what the classical world would allow

    Detection of abrupt changes in dynamic systems

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    Some of the basic ideas associated with the detection of abrupt changes in dynamic systems are presented. Multiple filter-based techniques and residual-based method and the multiple model and generalized likelihood ratio methods are considered. Issues such as the effect of unknown onset time on algorithm complexity and structure and robustness to model uncertainty are discussed

    Improving Distributed Diagnosis Through Structural Model Decomposition

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    Complex engineering systems require efficient fault diagnosis methodologies, but centralized approaches do not scale well, and this motivates the development of distributed solutions. This work presents an event-based approach for distributed diagnosis of abrupt parametric faults in continuous systems, by using the structural model decomposition capabilities provided by Possible Conflicts. We develop a distributed diagnosis algorithm that uses residuals computed by extending Possible Conflicts to build local event-based diagnosers based on global diagnosability analysis. The proposed approach is applied to a multitank system, and results demonstrate an improvement in the design of local diagnosers. Since local diagnosers use only a subset of the residuals, and use subsystem models to compute residuals (instead of the global system model), the local diagnosers are more efficient than previously developed distributed approaches

    Generalized multi-photon quantum interference

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    Non-classical interference of photons lies at the heart of optical quantum information processing. This effect is exploited in universal quantum gates as well as in purpose-built quantum computers that solve the BosonSampling problem. Although non-classical interference is often associated with perfectly indistinguishable photons this only represents the degenerate case, hard to achieve under realistic experimental conditions. Here we exploit tunable distinguishability to reveal the full spectrum of multi-photon non-classical interference. This we investigate in theory and experiment by controlling the delay times of three photons injected into an integrated interferometric network. We derive the entire coincidence landscape and identify transition matrix immanants as ideally suited functions to describe the generalized case of input photons with arbitrary distinguishability. We introduce a compact description by utilizing a natural basis which decouples the input state from the interferometric network, thereby providing a useful tool for even larger photon numbers

    Boosting Linear-Optical Bell Measurement Success Probability with Pre-Detection Squeezing and Imperfect Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors

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    Linear optical realizations of Bell state measurement (BSM) on two single-photon qubits succeed with probability psp_s no higher than 0.50.5. However pre-detection quadrature squeezing, i.e., quantum noise limited phase sensitive amplification, in the usual linear-optical BSM circuit, can yield ps≈0.643{p_s \approx 0.643}. The ability to achieve ps>0.5p_s > 0.5 has been found to be critical in resource-efficient realizations of linear optical quantum computing and all-photonic quantum repeaters. Yet, the aforesaid value of ps>0.5p_s > 0.5 is not known to be the maximum achievable using squeezing, thereby leaving it open whether close-to-100%100\% efficient BSM might be achievable using squeezing as a resource. In this paper, we report new insights on why squeezing-enhanced BSM achieves ps>0.5p_s > 0.5. Using this, we show that the previously-reported ps≈0.643{p_s \approx 0.643} at single-mode squeezing strength r=0.6585r=0.6585---for unambiguous state discrimination (USD) of all four Bell states---is an experimentally unachievable point result, which drops to ps≈0.59p_s \approx 0.59 with the slightest change in rr. We however show that squeezing-induced boosting of psp_s with USD operation is still possible over a continuous range of rr, with an experimentally achievable maximum occurring at r=0.5774r=0.5774, achieving ps≈0.596{p_s \approx 0.596}. Finally, deviating from USD operation, we explore a trade-space between psp_s, the probability with which the BSM circuit declares a "success", versus the probability of error pep_e, the probability of an input Bell state being erroneously identified given the circuit declares a success. Since quantum error correction could correct for some pe>0p_e > 0, this tradeoff may enable better quantum repeater designs by potentially increasing the entanglement generation rates with psp_s exceeding what is possible with traditionally-studied USD operation of BSMs.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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